Election Posters
Election 2024 Posters FAQ
Local Election, European Election, 7th June 2024
1. How many days before an election can candidates erect posters?
In accordance with Section 19 of the Litter Pollution Act, posters may only be erected for 30 days before the polling day or from the date the polling day order for the election has been made, whichever provides the shorter period of time. The forthcoming election is due to take place on Friday, 7th June 2024, therefore posters can be erected from Wednesday, 8th May 2024.
2. How many days after the election must posters be removed?
In accordance with Section 19 of the Litter Pollution Act election posters and cable ties must be removed within 7 days of polling day. For the forthcoming 2024 election posters must be removed by midnight Friday, 14th June 2024.
3. Where can posters be erected?
Election posters must not cause disruption to pedestrians or other road users. The Road Traffic Acts contain requirements in relation to maintaining clear lines of sight for road users which may impact on where posters can be placed, e.g. not on road signs, at traffic junctions or on roundabouts where they may cause road safety risks. It is an offence to erect any sign or notice that makes a traffic sign less visible to road users (Road Traffic Act 1961, Section 95, Subsection 14). Those erecting posters should exercise extreme caution when on or near roadways and should be aware of their own and other road users physical safety, e.g. crossing busy roads, obstructing footpaths, parking of vehicles etc.
- Posters must not be placed on roundabouts, motorways, near junctions or anywhere that would obscure statutory road signage, traffic or pedestrians signals
- All signs must be put up at a maximum height of 4.5 metres above footpaths or cycle paths and must not cause disruption to pedestrians or other road users.
- No adhesives or metal fixings are permitted.
- Signs must be securely fixed at their location.
- Cable ties should not protrude at a level that could cause injury to pedestrians or cyclists.
4. Can Monaghan County Council remove election posters?
Yes. Section 20 of the Litter Pollution Act gives local authorities the power to serve notices and to remove posters, if it appears that is in the interest of the amenity of the or of the environment of an area to do so.
Where an election poster is not removed within seven days after the date of the election, it will be removed by Monaghan County Council and an €150 on the spot fine will be issued in accordance the Litter Pollution Act.
Where the Council incurs costs in the removal of posters, costs may be recovered from the candidate.
Complaints on election posters should be made to the Council’s Customer Services 047-30500 or info@monaghancoco.ie with details of the nature of the complaint and the exact location of the poster to enable an inspection by the Litter Enforcement Team.
5. Are there restrictions on the erection of posters around polling stations?
Yes. Under the Electoral Acts posters may not be displayed within 50 metres of a polling station. This restriction takes effect 30 minutes before the official commencement of polling and lasts until 30 minutes after the polls have closed. Contravention of this requirement can result in a prison sentence of up to two years.
6. Can posters be placed on vehicles and parked?
This not an offence under the Litter Pollution Acts. However, Section 9 of the Act does make it an offence to place adverts on mechanically propelled vehicles unless they are secured by mechanical means e.g. prohibits placement of flyers on windscreen wipers (this does not include paint, emboss, inscribe or the application by any method of transfer letters, figures or images on or to the body of the vehicle).
7. Can Posters be put up on billboards?
This is commercial advertising rather than election postering. As such any person may purchase this advertising at any time of the year to advertise their product / service. There are planning regulations relevant to this type of advertising space which should be checked with Monaghan County Council’s planning department.
8. What information must be contained in the Election Poster?
Under electoral legislation a poster must have printed on its face the name and address of the printer and of the publisher on the poster. The omission of the name and address of the printer and publisher is an offence.
Relevant Legislation:
• Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended
• Protection of the Environment Act 2003
• Planning and Development Regulations
• European Parliament Elections Act 1997
• Local Elections Regulations 1995
• Electoral Act 1992
• Road Traffic Act