Peace Plus Public Consultation – Monaghan PPN members to attend.

Monaghan Public Participation Network are asking our PPN Members to attend a Peace Plus Public Consultation on 9th March 2023 at 6.30pm via Zoom.

Monaghan County Council has been allocated €4.5 million under Investment Area 1.1 ‘Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities’ of the new PEACEPLUS programme. It is important that representation is achieved from all community backgrounds and this will ensure that the Action plan has a focus on the needs and priorities of our communities and aim to overcome local challenges and barriers.

The consultation event has been scheduled for Thursday 9th March at 6.30pm and will be an online event hosted by Lorraine McCourt Consultancy and Monaghan PPN. The link to attend is below and you must Register in advance for this meeting by clicking on the link:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Cuirfear tús le séasúr an uan go luath.

Gach bliain i Muineachán, is iomaí ionsaí a dhéanann madraí ar chaoirigh, go háirithe thart ar séasúr uan.

Cruthaíonn na hionsaithe seo cruálacht mhór do chaoirigh agus uan.

Bíonn caillteanais thromchúiseacha don fheirmeoir mar thoradh ar na hionsaithe seo.

D’fhéadfadh madra ar bith, mór nó beag, a bheith páirteach in ionsaí a dhéanamh ar chaoirigh –



Má tá madra nó madraí agat, tá sé de dhulgais ort:


Coinnigh do mhadra faoi smacht i gcónaí.  Ciallaíonn sé seo gan do mhadra a ligean as do mhaoin gan tionlacan.


Bíodh teastas clárúcháin micrishlis agat a chruthaíonn go bhfuil micrishliseadh ar do mhadra agus cláraithe duit. (Ag teastáil ó 2016)


Cinntigh go gcaitheann gach madra atá faoi do smacht coiléar ar a bhfuil ainm agus seoladh an úinéara i gcónaí agus go bhfuil an t-ainm agus an seoladh soiléar.


Bíodh ceadúnas reatha agat le haghaidh gach madra i do sheilbh nó ceadúnas madra ginearálta chun gach madra i do sheilbh a chlúdach. IS FÉIDIR LEAT DO CHEADÚNAS MADRAÍ A CHEANNACH AR LÍNE ANOIS AG


Brendan Smyth

Oifigeach Tréidliachta Contae


Give the ‘Gift of a Lift’ this Christmas

With the build up to Christmas now well underway, many of us are preparing for work parties or meeting up with friends to celebrate the festive season.  But we all know that it can be difficult at times to get transport home at the end of a night out.  To raise awareness of the importance of planning your journey home, Monaghan  Fire and Civil Protection together with An Garda Siochana and the National Ambulance Service have launched their ‘Gift A Lift’ road safety Christmas campaign.

Adrian O’Sullivan, Road Safety Officer with Monaghan County Council explained a bit more about what’s behind it. The “Gift of a Lift’ Christmas card is a novel way of getting across a serious message at a time of year when road users need to be extra careful, as roads are at their busiest and conditions can be dangerous.  The idea is that you ‘gift’ a family member or friend a lift home or organise a taxi for them over the festive season, ensuring they arrive home safely.

Present at the launch of the campaign was Sergeant Niall Leech from Monaghan Roads Policing Unit who welcomed the initiative and had the following advice: “An Garda Síochána are reminding drivers to plan ahead when going out to celebrate over the holiday period.  Leave the car keys at home and either get a taxi or designate a driver.  Don’t forget you may still be over the legal alcohol limit the following morning, so don’t take any chances.  Gardaí will continue to focus on locations and times where fatal and serious injury collisions have previously occurred.  One of our primary goals is to reduce the number of people driving while under the influence of alcohol and illegal drugs. Our preliminary testing equipment can detect the presence of Cannabis, Cocaine, Benzodiazepines, Opiates, Amphetamine and Methamphetamine.  This enhanced drug testing system is timely as drug use in Irish society continues to increase which in turn translates into more dangerous intoxicated driving.  Roads Policing continues throughout the year in County Monaghan and Christmas time will be no different. Our advice is simple: Arrive home safe this Christmas and don’t ever drink or drive while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs” added Sergeant Leech.

Also present at the launch to support the ‘Gift of a lift’ initiative were members of the National Ambulance Service and Monaghan Fire and Civil Protection.   The effects of attending the scene of road traffic collisions can be profound on members of the emergency services as well as families, friends and local communities.

Dermot Brannigan Chief Fire Officer with Monaghan Fire Civil Protection has the following message: “We are urging all road users to act responsibly and to not drink or drug drive when using the roads throughout Christmas, New Year or any time. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can have catastrophic consequences with members of the Fire Service together with the Gardaí, Ambulance services and Local Authority staff all having to deal with the horrific aftermaths of such collisions. We would appeal to all road users not to take risks and to make safer choices. Wear your seatbelt, watch out for vulnerable road users and never walk on the road when intoxicated.   Don’t let your actions spoil a good night out and bring tragedy to your family this Christmas.”

Des Brennan Paramedic Supervisor with the National Ambulance Service reflected on how road safety is everyone’s responsibility. “We must all work together to keep everyone safe on our roads.  As of 29th November 2023, there have been 171 fatalities countrywide, an increase of 31 compared to the same period in 2022, eight of which have occurred in County Monaghan.  That’s eight empty seats at the table this Christmas, which is far too high.  In addition to dealing with these fatal accidents, members of the emergency services have attended many serious collisions throughout the year, most of which didn’t even make the news headlines, but which have left people with life changing injuries”.

We all know someone for whom it can be difficult to choose a Christmas present, so why not give them the ‘Gift of a Lift’ and ensure they get home safely over the party season.  The card is available for printing by searching for ‘Gift of a Lift’ on website or from any County Monaghan library branch (subject to availability).



Irish Water launches public consultation on its plans to provide more secure and sustainable water supply to homes and businesses across the North West region over the next 25 years

Public Consultation runs from 22 November 2022 to 21 February 2023

We want to hear from you! 

Meet our team at a public webinar and have your say on our plans to supply water in your area

Irish Water today begins a three-month public consultation on the draft Regional Water Resource Plan – North West (RWRP-NW). The plan sets out options for providing a more secure, reliable and sustainable water supply for 732,700 customers in the North West region over the next 25 years. The plan includes counties Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Monaghan, Sligo and parts of Clare, Longford, Louth, Meath and Roscommon. Eight islands off the coast of Ireland are also included in the region.

Irish Water’s National Water Resources Plan will be the first resources plan for the entire public water supply in Ireland. The National Plan will identify the needs across our existing supplies and the challenges and opportunities that we face over the coming years including legislation, climate change, the environment, growth and economic development. The National Plan will allow us to understand the actions and activities required to transform our water supplies and provide a safe, secure, reliable, and sustainable water supply for our current and future customers. The National Plan will also provide a transparent roadmap on how Irish Water will plan for its water assets to align with national policy.

Given the scale of the area to be covered, the National Plan is being rolled out in two phases. The National Plan was first adopted in the summer of 2021 and Irish Water has since moved into Phase 2 and is preparing four Regional Water Resources Plans.

The four regions are:

  • Regional Water Resources Plan: North West
  • Regional Water Resources Plan: South West
  • Regional Water Resources Plan: South East
  • Regional Water Resources Plan: Eastern and Midlands

Each Regional Plan is subject to its own consultation and, once adopted, all of the Regional Plans and the Framework Plan will be treated as a unified National Plan.

Public consultation on the draft Regional Water Resources Plan North West launches today and will continue until 21 February 2023.

The draft RWRP-NW describes the North West Region and the current challenges faced now and into the future in terms of delivering a safe, secure and resilient water supply. It identifies progress made to date, for instance through leakage reductions, capital investment works, and works in progress. It applies the methodology as adopted in the Framework Plan to (i) identify the Need across the 119 Water Resource Zones, in terms of quality, quantity, reliability and sustainability of supply, and (ii) identify Plan level solutions to meet this Need across the region.

There are 142 Water Treatment Plants (WTPs) in the North West Region, which collectively serve 732,700 people or 18% of the population of Ireland, via approximately 17,732 kilometres of distribution network and 119 Water Resource Zones. These treatment plants also serve 74,000 businesses. The region itself covers approximately 26,912 square kilometres, encompassing counties Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Monaghan, Sligo and parts of Clare, Longford, Louth, Meath and Roscommon. Eight islands off the coast of Ireland are also included in the region.

Speaking at the launch of the public consultation, Mairéad Conlon, Regional Water Resources Strategy Lead for Irish Water said, “The development of a draft plan on how Irish Water will supply water across the North West region is an important step. It will allow Irish Water to review water supply needs across the region and consider local options to resolve these needs.

“The draft Regional Plan will offer key benefits in terms of transformation of our supplies, including the ability to cater for growth and economic development in a sustainable way, through improved interconnectivity between our supplies to ensure balanced regional development and new sustainable water sources that are adaptable to climate change.

“The draft plan sets out how we envisage water will be supplied to homes and businesses across counties Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Monaghan, Sligo and parts of Clare, Longford, Louth, Meath and Roscommon over the next 25 years. Eight islands off the coast of Ireland are also included in the region. Our team hopes to meet as many people as possible and hear from them about their local areas, to ensure that our plan is the best fit for the North West region,” explained Mairéad.

Irish Water is now seeking feedback on the public consultation for the draft RWRP-NW and associated SEA Environmental Report and Natura Impact Statement (NIS). The documents are available to view on our website at

A 12-week statutory public consultation will run from 22 November 2022 to 21 February 2023.

Submissions can be made by post or email by 21 February 2023 to:

Post:  National Water Resources Plan, Irish Water, PO Box 13216, Glenageary, Co. Dublin

This public consultation is everyone’s opportunity to feed into the process of how Irish Water identifies the water supply issues in the region and determines what the options are to provide a more resilient water supply to customers within the region.

Public webinars will be facilitated in January and February 2023. These webinars will provide information on the draft Regional Water Resources Plan – North West and allow opportunities to pose questions to our team. If you would like to be part of an online public webinar on the draft Regional Water Resources Plan – North West and associated environmental reports, you can register your interest on our website at

Irish Water is also seeking feedback on how it will develop options to address any problems identified.

All submissions will be taken into consideration and responses to the issues raised will be summarised in a Consultation Report, which will be published on


Look For Local this Christmas

If we all #LookForLocal this Winter, we’ll be supporting small businesses, jobs and communities. It works for everyone!

How can you support Look for Local?

When you are out and about this Winter, look for local products, services and experiences that you can avail of.

When you Look for Local the money you spend will benefit several different businesses in that area and every Euro that you give to a local business is an investment in that community.

Find local businesses & their websites in your area on the Local Enterprise Office directory here:



Monaghan County Council Notices 12th August 2021

Temporary Closing of Roads

Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:

Date & Time of Closure:                From 6pm Saturday 4th September to 6am Monday 6th September

To Facilitate:                                      Poc Fada Blues Festival

Road Closed:                                     LS5515 Lower Mill Street between North Road and Church Square

Alternative Routes:

Traffic coming from Upper Mill street LS5515 wishing to access Church Square may do so via North road N54, Plantation Road LP1413 and Glaslough Street N54.

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned roads with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 17th August 2021.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection to Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal of Monaghan, The Glen Offices, Monaghan at (047) 73777 or email

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
12th August 2021


Temporary Closing Of Roads


Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Monaghan in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:               30th August 2021 to 30th September 2021 (9.30am to 4.00pm)

To Facilitate:                     Road Improvement and Junction Upgrade Works

Road Closed:                     L1155 – N2 Tirnaneill Junction

Diversion Routes:

N2 northbound traffic wishing to travel on the L-1150 from the townland of Tirnaneill in the direction of the townland of Drumhillagh/Legacurry will be diverted along the N2, then turning left on to the L-1170, then turning left onto the L-1155.

N2 southbound traffic wishing to travel on the L-1150 from the townland of Tirnaneill in the direction of the townland of Drumhillagh/Legacurry will be diverted along the N2, then turning right on to the L-16302, then turning right onto the L-5181 and continuing on to the L1155.

All Detours will be signposted to direct the Traffic.

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
12th August 2021


Temporary Closing of Roads – Emergency Closure

Monaghan County Council hereby gives notice of Emergency Closure in accordance with Section 75 of the Roads Act 1993 & Article 12 of the Roads Regulations 1994 that it will close the following road in the Municipal District of Clones/Ballybay in County Monaghan:

Date & Time:     Friday 06/08/2021 to Monday 04/10/21

To Facilitate:      Emergency Bridge Repair Works

Road Closed:     L-6511 Urcher/Drumgreeny

Diversion Routes –

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access Only, No through Road at Bridgeworks).

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact Roads Section, Mtek 2 Building Knockaconny, Monaghan at (047) 30579 email or The Municipal District of Ballybay-Clones at (047) 51018 email

Kevin West
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
12th August 2021


Online Public Consultation Event to review Visioning Report for Lough Muckno Estate, Castleblayney

Monaghan County Council in conjunction with Fáilte Ireland has recently engaged with Terry Stevens and Associates, International Tourism Consultants, to prepare a Visioning Report for Lough Muckno Estate, Castleblayney and the surrounding area.

Please join us for an online webinar to get an overview of the vision for Lough Muckno on Thursday 12th August at 7pm. Access to the webinar is via the following link –

The Vision for Muckno presentation will be available to view on the Monaghan County Council website – – from Friday 13th August 2021 and will remain open for public consultation until 10 September 2021.

Submissions can be made via the on-line form on the council website- or via the dedicated email address –

For further information contact Dympna Condra, Monaghan County Council Tourism Officer, by emailing




Notice is hereby given that the audit of the accounts of the above-named local government authority for the financial year ended on the 31st day of December, 2020 will be commenced by Mr. Martin White, Local Government Auditor on the 31st day of August 2021. In accordance with article 17 of the Local Government (Financial and Audit Procedures) Regulations 2014, objections to any matter or matters contained in the said several accounts will be considered by the Local Government Auditor during the audit.

Written notice of any proposed objection, setting out the relevant particulars and grounds on which it is to be made, should be sent to the above named Local Government Auditor at Monaghan County Council within ten days of the commencement of the audit. The annual financial statement will be available during office hours to the inspection of all persons interested for seven days before the commencement of the audit.

Dated this 12th day of August 2021
John Murray
Head of Finance, Housing and Culture
Monaghan County Council


Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin

Monaghan County Council

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for inclusion on the following panel from which future permanent or temporary vacancies arising during the lifetime of the panel may be filled:-

Clerical Officer (Grade III)

(€24,602 – €40,589

Starting pay for new entrants will be at the minimum of the scale in accordance with

Circular E.L. 02/2011

Application forms and further details are available to download from

or can be obtained from the:

Human Resource Management Section,
Monaghan County Council,
County Offices,
The Glen,

Telephone No: 047 73702/73703


Shortlisting will take place on the basis of the information provided on the application form and it is expected that given the qualifications and experience of prospective applicants that the shortlisting requirements will be significantly higher than the minimum standard set out.

Closing date for the receipt of completed application forms:

4.00pm on Friday 3rd September 2021

Applications must be submitted via the recruitment submission link available on our website under current vacancies.

Monaghan County Council is an Equal Opportunities Employer

Canvassing will automatically disqualify


Public Consultation – Draft Public Realm Spatial Plan for Inniskeen Village


Monaghan County Council in conjunction with The Paul Hogarth Company has developed a Draft Public Realm Spatial Plan for the village of Inniskeen. We now invite you to have your say and help us shape the Public Realm Spatial Plan so that it accurately reflects the needs of the village both now and in the future.

Please join us for an initial online webinar, on the Draft Spatial Plan, on Tuesday the 17th August 2021 at 7pm. The webinar shall be accessible via the following link:

Join Zoom Meeting

Following the webinar, the Draft Plan, together with summary supporting documentation, shall be available for review on Monaghan County Council’s website,, for a three-week period, commencing Wednesday the 18th August 2021. You may submit your views/comments via the completion of a dedicated online survey and/or by emailing them to on or before 5pm on Wednesday the 8th of September 2021.

It is understood that online information cannot be accessed by everyone. The Draft Public Realm Spatial Plan shall also be available for inspection at Carrickmacross Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, during normal office hours (9.30am- 4.30pm), from Wednesday the 18th August 2021. Please contact the above-mentioned offices, via telephone on 042 9661236 or alternatively via Email at, to arrange an appointment to view the Draft Plan. Hardcopy/handwritten submissions with respect to the Draft Plan may be made in writing to:

Mr. Damien Thornton,

A/Municipal District Co-Ordinator,

Carrickmacross Civic Offices,
Riverside Road,
Co. Monaghan
A81 RY22

no later than 5pm on Wednesday the 8th of September 2021.