Survey on the Development of the Carrickmacross Walking and Cycling Strategy

The people of Carrickmacross and its environs are being asked to take part in an important piece of work which will potentially change how the town looks, and how people travel around the town, over the next few years.

As part of the government’s Smarter Travel initiative, The Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney has taken up the challenge for Carrickmacross to become an Active Travel Town, and to put in place a range of measures and supports which will facilitate more people to use sustainable forms of transport for more of their daily journeys.

The first step of the process is to prepare a Walking & Cycling Strategy for the town. The Municipal District is carrying out an audit of the current situation, and consulting with the public, the schools, employers and employees in the town regarding their needs and what they would like to see provided in their town.

It is intended that this strategy will form a blueprint for a number of initiatives in the coming years, and will enable the Council to draw down funding from the Dept. of Transport or any other funding opportunities to back up the initiatives identified in the strategy.

If you would like to have your say, online surveys are available on Survey Monkey at the following addresses:


If you’re a member of the general public:

If you’re a business owner in Carrickmacross:

If you’re an employee working in Carrickmacross:

Community and Environment Funding Scheme 2017

Monaghan County Council is committed to supporting local communities to promote, enhance and develop their local area. This commitment is supported by the annual Community and Environment Funding Scheme.

We are now inviting applications for the 2017 funding scheme. In 2017, the Municipal Districts and Community Development, Housing and Environment section are working together to allocate funding through one central funding scheme. This process will allow community groups to maximise funding available to them and to ensure all community groups, residents committees and tidy towns groups throughout the county are supported in their voluntary activities.

Funding is available under three distinct measures.

Measure one: Community Infrastructure Supports
The community infrastructure supports measure aims to develop and enhance local community facilities and amenities in County Monaghan.

Measure two: Community Development Supports
The community development support measure aims to support local communities to promote and encourage community participation and engagement throughout the county.

Measure three: Environmental Supports
The environmental supports measure aims to support local communities, residents committees and tidy towns groups to deliver projects that enhance the appearance and improve the quality of the environment in their area.
Guidelines on criteria and application forms for the new Community & Environment Funding Scheme are available by contacting:

Fionnuala Mulligan Monaghan County Council, Community Development Section on 047 73720 Or Or by downloading the forms from

Community & Environment Grant Scheme 2017 application form

Community & Environment Grant Scheme guidelines 2017

If you would like support completing your application, Bernie Bradley, Development Officer is available to assist groups. You can make an appointment by contacting the number above.

Closing Date for Receipt of Applications is Friday, 3rd March 2017 
Late Applications will not be accepted.

Monaghan County Council – New Facility Will Greatly Improve Access to Key Information on County

Fri, 01 Jul 2016 14:48:00 BST

Monaghan County Council has procured a software package, the “Economic & Community Monitor (E&C Monitor)”, as an information portal on the county and as a means to supporting the monitoring of the implementation of the Local Economic & Community Plan.

The E&C Monitor contains hundreds of individual indicators under 15 core themes, such as, population, health and wellbeing, housing, education, environment and others. It is primarily based on readily available datasets accessible from a variety of authoritative sources in Ireland but brought together and now accessible through this one portal. It can provide a complete comparative analysis from the County to the town/village level while providing contextual analysis with State and Regional trends.

It is a custom designed software and data solution that consists of relevant and accurate datasets and indicators from the main authoritative sources in Ireland including:

  • The CSO National Census return
  • Pobal
  • HSE
  • Higher Education Authority
  • Department of Education and Skills
  • An Garda Siochana
  • Environmental Protection Agency
  • Department of Social Protection and others


Depending on the data source, the E&C Monitor will be updated on a quarterly basis (Jan, April, July and October) with all datasets being updated where appropriate. Environmental indicators will be updated annually and all Census indicators will be updated with 2016 results in early 2017.

Adding data and indicators to the conversation brings a new perspective to the topic. The E&C Monitor pushes the direction of the conversation from “anecdotal” to “hard data” evidence. It will provide users with the ability to compare and contrast indicators in seconds, at any time and on any platform (laptop, tablet, mobile).

Monaghan Economic and Community Monitor