Following an initial call for applications, which closed at end January, the budget for capital projects within this Fund has now been allocated. Successful applicants will be contacted shortly. There remains funding of over €50,000 available to allocate to projects under operating costs.

We now invite applications from community organisations who wish to seek assistance towards their running costs for the period 1st July 2021 to 30th June 2022.

  • Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply to this Fund
  • Groups which have already made an application for running costs under Round 1 need not reapply, but may make an application to Round 2 for costs that they did not include in their Round 1 application.
  • Commercial organisations, individuals and for-profit organisations are not eligible for assistance
  • Schools and churches will not normally be considered for support


Requests for assistance usually exceed the funds available. The Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore, all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may be granted a lesser amount than applied for.

Applications must be made online

Please read the Guidelines before making an application

Guidelines For Community Activities Fund



This is an online application process only and hard copy application forms will not be accepted.

Closing date for receipt of completed online applications is 5.00 p.m. Friday 25th March 2022  

At this time, the online portal will close and it will not be possible to submit further applications.

For any queries please email:

Further information about the Community Activities Fund:

Funding of €265,142 has been awarded for County Monaghan for the Community Activities Fund under the Community Enhancement Programme. The Community Activities Fund (CAF) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and is administered by Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC). The scheme was launched at national level by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and the Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD.

Round 1 of the Fund closed to applications on 31st January 2022,  and decisions were made at the March LCDC meeting. Recommendations have been forwarded to the Dept and it is expected that the outcome of the Round 1 assessment process will be announced shortly.

If you made an application for running costs to Round 1,  it is not necessary to make a repeat application to Round 2 for the same costs.  However, if you have supplementary information which you did not have at the time,  or wish to include additional bills,  you can do so by making a fresh application to Round 2 and it will be added to your original application and reassessed.

Environmental Services Funding Scheme 2022

This fund is now closed.

Monaghan County Council is committed to supporting local communities to promote, enhance and develop their local area. This commitment is supported by the annual Environmental Funding Scheme.

We are now inviting applications for the 2022 funding scheme.

Please note this funding is only for Environmental related projects.


Guidelines on criteria and application forms for the Environmental Services Funding Scheme 2022 may be obtained:


Environment Fund Application Form 2022 (MS Word)

Environment Grant Scheme Guidelines 2022 (MS Word)

Supplier Set Up 2022 (MS Word)




Community Activities Fund 2022

This Scheme is now closed.
Applications are being assessed and the outcome will be known following the March LCDC meeting

Community Activities Fund 2022

Funding of €265,142 has been awarded for County Monaghan for the Community Activities Fund under the Community Enhancement Programme.  The fund will be administered by Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC).  The Community Activities Fund (CAF) is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development.  the scheme was launched at national level by the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, and the Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O’Brien TD.

The Community Activities Fund will support groups, particularly in disadvantaged areas, with their non-pay running/operating costs, as well as funding to carry out necessary repairs and improvements to their facilities and purchase equipment. The scheme does not provide funding for the pay or employment of staff.

  • Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply to this Fund
  • Commercial organisations, individuals and for-profit organisations are not eligible for assistance


Requests for assistance usually exceed the funds available. The Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore, all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may be granted a lesser amount than applied for.

Applications will be evaluated by the LCDC to ensure eligibility and consistency with the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 (LECP) which can be viewed at the following link

Applications must be made online

Guidelines are available here

You will be asked during the application process to supply the ITM co-ordinates for your project’s location. You can read a simple guide to how to find these co-ordinates here.

This is an online application process only and hard copy application forms will not be accepted.

Closing date for receipt of completed online applications is 5.00 p.m. Monday 31st January 2022  

At this time, the online portal will close and it will not be possible to submit further applications

For any queries please email: 

Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021

Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee invites applications for funding under the Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021.

The Department of Rural and Community Development has approved €19,919.32 in funding for Monaghan under the scheme.

Funding will be aimed at supporting social enterprises with small scale capital projects such as the purchase of equipment or the carrying out of repairs or refurbishment of existing facilities. The Scheme does not provide funding for operating or administrative costs.

A Social Enterprise is an enterprise whose objective is to achieve a social, societal, or environmental impact, rather than maximising profit for its owners or shareholders. It pursues its objectives by trading on an ongoing basis through the provision of goods and/or services, and by reinvesting surpluses into achieving social objectives. It is governed in a fully accountable and transparent manner and is independent of the public sector. If dissolved, it should transfer its assets to another organisation with a similar mission.

Only social enterprises, as defined in the national social enterprise policy, may apply under this scheme.  All applicants will be checked and verified to ensure they meet the definition.

Expenditure incurred before the date of grant approval will not be eligible.

Note:  Applicants should be aware that the Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore, all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may receive a lesser amount of funding than requested.

An online application form and guidelines are available on Monaghan County Council’s website at

Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021 Appendix A (PDF)

Social Enterprise Capital Grants Scheme 2021 Guidelines (PDF)

If you have any queries please contact the Community Development Section by email

Closing date for receipt of completed application forms is 12:00 noon on Wednesday the 6th October 2021.

Make a submission



Streetscapes & Shopfronts Initiative 2021

Funding Announced for Shopfronts

A new scheme aimed at giving the towns and villages of rural Ireland a facelift through refreshing the front of premises has this week been announced by Minister Heather Humphreys’ Department of Rural & Community Development.  Streetscape Enhancement Initiative will provide funding to property owners to improve the facades of their buildings, and is part of the government’s ‘Our Rural Future’ initiative.

In Co. Monaghan, three towns have been selected to benefit from the scheme:  Monaghan town,

Ballybay and Carrickmacross.  An allocation of €220,000 has been made to the county, and Monaghan County Council has been tasked with preparing schemes for each town which will make best use of the available funding.

Monaghan County Council is now inviting premises owners to make contact if they are interested in participating in the Scheme. At this initial stage, detailed documentation is not required, just an idea of what you want to do, and how much it is going to cost.

The types of projects that could be supported include:

  • strategic collaboration between property owners to paint buildings or shopfronts in vibrant colours
  • commissioning of murals in towns and villages
  • upgrade or restoration of historic / traditional shopfronts
  • provision of street planting, shrubbery, trees and flowers boxes
  • illumination and lighting of architectural features
  • installation of canopies and street furniture
  • decluttering of streetscapes with removal of unnecessary signs / wires

The grant rates under the scheme are generous, with 70% funding available for individual premises, rising to 80% if the premises is included in a group of 3 or more being upgraded together.  Where the applicant is seeking just the cost of the paint, 100% of the cost is awarded.

The Scheme is also open to community groups, chambers of commerce etc.  who may wish to undertake work on derelict properties, or commission a mural.   Property occupants, eg those renting a retail unit, may also apply, providing they have the property owner’s permission.

All types of property are eligible for consideration, including commercial, residential and unoccupied buildings.  A maximum grant of €8,000 per building applies.

If you are interested in participating in this Scheme, you can find more information on Monaghan County Council’s website,, where you will also find an online form for submitting your expression of interest.

Expressions of interest must be submitted on or before 7th September,  with the works to be completed by the end of October.

Guidelines For Expressions Of Interest (PDF)

Make a Submission

Community Enhancement Programme Grant Scheme 2021

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) announces the launch of the Community Enhancement Programme for 2021. This funding is targeted towards enhancing community facilities for individuals and communities that are impacted by disadvantage as identified in the LECP.

Funding for this scheme is provided by the Department of Rural & Community Development.

Organisations eligible for funding include:

  • Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply.

Those not eligible for funding include:

  • Commercial organisations, individuals and for-profit organisations.

This iteration of the CEP will provide:

  • grants towards projects or equipment enhancing facilities, and,
  • one-off grants towards costs associated with reopening of a facility or the sustainability of a facility

The following is a non-exhaustive list of projects that could receive funding under the programme:

  • Development/renovation of community centres
  • Once off maintenance of premises
  • Community amenities
  • Development of youth clubs or facilities
  • Development of sports/recreation facilities
  • Improvements to town parks and common areas and spaces
  • CCTV equipment
  • Public realm improvements
  • Streetscaping
  • Development of play/recreation spaces
  • Energy efficiency type projects
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Adaptations or equipment needed as a result of COVID-19

Note: Requests for assistance usually exceed the funds available. Applicants should be aware that the Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore, all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may be for a lesser amount.

Applications will be evaluated by the LCDC to ensure eligibility and consistence with the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 (LECP) which can be viewed at the following link

Applications can be made online only at

This is an online application process only and hard copy application forms will not be accepted.


Closing date for receipt of completed online applications is 5.00 p.m. Friday 16th July 2021. Applications received after this date will be deemed ineligible.


For any queries please email:

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2021

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2021


Monaghan County Council

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2021

Expressions of Interest are being sought for the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2021

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2021 provides funding for rural towns and villages for delivery of projects in 2021 and 2022 with a focus on projects that make our towns and villages more attractive and sustainable and respond to the new challenges associated with COVID-19 and support the economic and social recovery of our towns and villages. The 2021 Scheme will place particular emphasis on projects supporting remote working and enhancing town centre living as outlined in “Our Rural Future – Ireland’s Rural Development Policy 2021-2025.” The Town and Village Scheme will support these objectives and will encourage more people to return confidently to town and village centres to work, shop and socialise.

Successful proposals will demonstrate close collaboration between communities and business interests in the design and delivery of proposed projects and must have the support of the Local Authority.

Applications are being accepted only though the online application process here:

If you are having technical difficulties submitting your application please contact for assistance, otherwise your application is at risk of not being accepted if received outside the timeframe.

It is essential that project promoters consult with the relevant Municipal District Offices of Monaghan County Council while preparing an Expression of Interest and prior to its submission.

  • Ballybay/Clones Municipal District Office – 047 51018
  • Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Municipal District Office – 042 9661236
  • Monaghan Municipal District Office – 047 73777


All interested Town/Village Groups/Community Groups/Development Associations should complete the Expression of Interest form which must be submitted on-line to Monaghan County Council no later than 5pm on Friday 11th June 2021.

Department of Rural and Community Development Community Enhancement Programme 2021



2021 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme

2021 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme

The Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme provides funding for the development of new and existing outdoor recreational infrastructure in rural areas.


Heather Humphreys TD, Minister for Rural and Community Development has announced €14 million in funding for outdoor recreation projects and investment that will support the adventure tourism sector in rural communities.


The funding, which is being provided under the Outdoor Recreation and Infrastructure Scheme, will support the key objectives of Our Rural Future.


The focus of the funding is to develop rural Ireland’s unique natural amenities and support outdoor pursuits and adventure activities such as hiking/mountaineering, cycling, horse-riding, canoeing/kayaking, swimming, surfing, sailing, rock-climbing, fishing, paragliding and hang-gliding.

The fund will provide for significant investment in the development of outdoor trails, walkways, cycleways, blueways, tidal pools, floating boardwalks and bridleways.


Applicants are strongly encouraged to consider opportunities to develop recreational amenities and increase public access and enjoyment of rural Ireland’s mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, beaches and bogs.


The funding announcement is aimed at supporting outdoor recreation tourism, a growing tourism sector internationally, which has the potential to have major economic spin-off benefits for rural towns and villages as well as improving the health and well-being of rural communities.


The 2021 Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) will provide funding under 4 separate measures:

  • Measure 1: Small Scale Repair/Development/Promotion and Marketing – grant up to €20,000
  • Measure 2: Medium Scale Repair/Upgrade and New Trail/Amenity Development – grant up to €200,000
  • Measure 3: Strategic Large Scale Repair/Upgrade and New Strategic Trail/Amenity Development projects – grant up to €500,000
  • Project Development Measures – is new for 2021 and will provide funding for the detailed development of projects which would enable them to reach a standard for application under Measure 2 or 3 of ORIS – grant up to €50,000


Expressions of Interest are now being sought for projects under all measures. Expressions of Interest should include as much information as possible, including project details, location, estimated cost if known etc.


Please contact your local Municipal District Co-ordinator to discuss potential projects for submission to this scheme as early as possible:

  • Ballybay/Clones Municipal District Office – 047 51018
  • Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Municipal District Office – 042 9661236
  • Monaghan Municipal District Office – 047 73777.


Closing date for receipt of Expressions of Interest to Monaghan County Council

is 5.00 p.m. on Friday 28th May 2021,

all Expression of Interest should be submitted to

CLÁR Funding Scheme 2021


Clár Funding Scheme 2021


CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in rural areas that have experienced significant levels of de-population. The funding works in conjunction with local/Agency and other Departmental funding programmes and on the basis of locally identified priorities.


CLÁR Programme for 2021

There is a 10% increase in funding, bringing the allocation for 2021 to €5.5 million. The 2021 CLÁR programme will be delivered through four separate Measures as follows:


Measure 1:                                                         Support for Schools/Community Safety Measure

Measure 2:                                                         Outdoor Community Recreation Facilities

Measure 3:                                                         Community Wellbeing Measure

  • Community Gardens & Allotments
  • Mobility and Cancer Care Transport


CLÁR Innovation Measure:                           Funding for innovative or pilot projects that address specific challenges faced by communities in CLÁR areas.


Measure 1       Support for Schools/Community Safety Measures

Up to 90% funding available


Types of Intervention eligible:

Amber Safety Lights, Child Safety Lights, Speed Safety Lights, Pedestrian Crossings, Access footpaths, Bus Shelters, Car Parking Facilities, Public Lighting, COVID-19 Safety related projects


Grant Range €5,000 up to €50,000


Measure 2       Community Recreation Areas

Up to 90% funding available


Types of Intervention eligible (this is not an exhaustive list):

Outdoor Cinema Screen, Bandstand/Amphitheatre, Outdoor Drinking Water Fountain, Covered Seating & Picnic Benches, Associated Landscaping & Path Widening, Playgrounds/MUGAs (new or upgrades), Skateboard Parks, Exercise Class Space, Public Toilets & Bins, Car & Bike Parking


Grant Range € 5,000 to € 50,000


Measure 3(a):    Community Gardens and Allotments

Up to 90% funding available


Types of Intervention eligible (this is not an exhaustive list):

Groundworks, Footpaths, Raised Beds, Native pollinator plants, Sensory planting and equipment, Polytunnels, Sheds, Rainwater harvesting tanks, Fencing, Gates, Tools as appropriate, Benches, Picnic tables, Shelters and Outdoor pizza ovens/BBQ areas


Grant Range € 5,000 to € 50,000

Applications are being accepted only though the online application process here:

Measure 1:

Measure 2:

Measure 3a:


Any group applying will have plenty to occupy their time between now and then in preparing their application. It will be an online application process only. Closing date for applications to Monaghan County Council is Monday 26th April at 5pm.


CLÁR 2021 Guidelines Measures 1, 2 & 3(a) (MS Word)


CLÁR map showing the eligible areas for County Monaghan



Completed Applications for Measures 1, 2 and 3(a) must be submitted to Monaghan County Council on-line only.

There will be a save option which will allow forms to be partially completed and returned to later.


Closing date for receipt of COMPLETED applications to Monaghan County Council is 5.00pm on Monday 26th April 2021.

Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.



Measure 3(b) – Mobility & Cancer Care Transport

To assist groups providing mobility and cancer care transport services to people living in CLÁR areas.

Measure 3(b) Application Form (MS Word)

Measure 3(b) Scheme Outline (MS Word)


CLÁR Innovation Measure (New measure for 2021)

Funding under this new measure will be targeted at piloting new ideas which address specific challenges faced by communities in CLÁR areas, including rural isolation, population change, social disadvantage and marginalisation.

CLÁR Innovation Measure Expression Of Interest (MS Word)

CLÁR Innovation Measure Outline (MS Word)


Measure 3(b) and the CLÁR innovation Measure are being managed directly by the Department of Rural & Community Development, (DRCD), Rural Schemes, Government Offices, Ballina, Co Mayo F26 E8N6 – Phone – (076)1064900 and applications under those Measures should be made directly to DRCD  by the due dates, i.e., 7th May & 21st May respectively.



2nd Round COVID-19 Emergency Fund

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) announces the launch of the COVID 19 Emergency Fund – Round 2.

Organisations eligible for funding include:

  • Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply.
  • Commercial organisations and individuals are not eligible for funding.


Those not eligible for funding include:

  • Commercial organisations, individuals and for-profit organisations.

It will provide grants to community groups to assist them:

  • to adapt their services and operations to fit the new COVID-19 reality. Examples of measures supported could be adapting premises to allow for social distancing; offering on-line activities; providing social supports and friendly calls by phone etc.
  • to become more involved in the Government’s ‘Keep Well’ campaign. The grants are aimed at assisting participation in the campaign, in particular with the three themes: staying connected, switching off and being creative, and minding your mood.

The grants may also be provided to support groups (including those involved in the community call) with day to day running costs if needed.

Note: Requests for assistance usually exceed the funds available. Applicants should be aware that the Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore, all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may be for a lesser amount.

Applications will be evaluated by the LCDC to ensure eligibility and consistence with the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 (LECP) which can be viewed at the following link

It is intended that 30% of the funding will be ring-fenced for grants of €1,000 or less.

Applications can be made online only at

This is an online application process only and hard copy application forms will not be accepted. Closing date for receipt of completed online applications is 12 noon Monday 1st February, 2021. Applications received after this date will be deemed ineligible.

For any queries please email:  Or contact:  047 73720 / 047 73717 / 047 73707