2 weeks until Street Feast 2017

National Day of Street Parties and Community Celebrations

Over 1000 Street Feast Parties registered to date with 7 parties planned for Monaghan so far!  But we’d like more!

Is YOUR community up for a few sausages and bit of an oul tune on the accordion? Then drag a few tables out onto the green, get everyone to make up a bowl of something, buy a few paper plates and a bottle of squash and tell everyone to turn up at twelve on Sunday 11th June for a bite to eat and a bit of a catch -up. And to bring a friend. And their friend. And the dog. And a guitar…….you get the idea!

To register and receive your Free Party Pack* for Sunday, 11th June 2017, log onto www.streetfeast.ie

Street Feast are delighted to confirm that over 1000 Street Feast parties around the country have been registered to date, including 7 taking place in Monaghan. The 8th Annual Street Feast Day, which is to be held on Sunday, 11th June 2017, is attracting greater numbers than ever before. In Monaghan this year, Street Feast parties are taking place throughout the county, including in Glaslough, Newbliss, Emyvale and Clones. It is expected that over 450 neighbours will take part in county-wide Monaghan Street Feasts, which are being supported by Monaghan County Council and Monaghan Public Participation Network.

There is still time to register and include your community in the 2017 celebrations. Please visit www.streetfeast.ie.

Street Feast is an Irish local community initiative and is an all-for-fun, do-it-yourself, not-for-profit celebration. The initiative invites individuals, groups or clubs to host a lunch on their street, in a local park or in their front gardens – inviting other neighbours to come along and join them. The all-inclusive, age-friendly initiative aims to encourage active participation, bring communities together and reduce isolation. Everyone is encouraged to bring something along to share, whether it be a dish, a chair or a tune.

Street Feast are calling on people nationwide to come together at 12.00 noon on Sunday, 11th June to enjoy a bite to eat with their neighbours for a simple and fun way of reconnecting with those that live near them.

Patron of Street Feast, President Michael D Higgins congratulated the initiative,
“We must all by now realise the importance of community, inclusion, creativity and togetherness – all values that require support and a conscious effort of care, protection and solidarity. Initiatives such as Street Feast provide exactly that type of opportunity.”

Geraldine Watterson, one of the hosts of a Street Feast in Monaghan, said
“We are Emy Belles, a women’s group in Emyvale. We held the Street Feast last year and it was an outstanding success. We want to do it even better this year. It got new neighbours and old residents together to share food, and most of all chat and laughter. People did not want to go home! We had loads of different types of food. People had guitars and there was a sing-song in the evening. That was really great. Other groups got involved and helped out with face-painting and other children’s activities. It was all very informal and relaxed.”

Speaking today, Sam Bishop, one of the founders and Co-Ordinator of Street Feast said:
“We are very excited for Street Feast 2017! We want it to help rejuvenate communities, introduce new faces, bridge the gap between generations, share culture, stories and skills, and make our streets safer places to be.

“The registrations are coming in fast and the feedback has been exceptional, with some theming their celebrations or running them to coincide with other community projects. Over 1000 Street Feast parties are confirmed to date and 7 confirmed in Monaghan so far. There are still three weeks to go and we encourage as many individuals, friends, neighbours, clubs, community groups, faith groups, resident associations, etc. to get involved in this special all-inclusive community initiative. It can be as simple as laying out a few picnic blankets in your nearest green area! Go for it!”

Street Feast will support these individuals and community groups to host their own celebration, which is repeated on streets, parks, carparks and gardens all across Ireland.

Everyone who registers can claim a free Street Feast party pack which includes balloons, bunting, invites, posters and a DIY guide, everything you need to kick start your celebrations.

To register or for more information, visit the Street Feast website – www.streetfeast.ie

Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme 2017

Outdoor Recreation 2017 Measure Outline and application form

Closing date of 29 May 2017 at 4pm

Contact your MD Co-Ordinator:-

Monaghan Municipal District Co-Ordinator – Donal McElwain,  047 73777,   dmcelwain@monaghancoco.ie

Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Municipal District  Co-Ordinator – Gareth McMahon,  042 9661236,   gmcmahon@monaghancoco.ie

Clones Ballybay Municipal District Co-Ordinator – Kevin McNally,  047 51018,  kmcnally@monaghancoco.ie

Failte Isteach

Failte Isteach is a local community project that aims to support the integration of Refugees and Asylum seekers in the community through weekly conversation classes.  Participants are paired with tutors who are volunteers from the local community and learn conversational English over the academic year.  The project is supported by Monaghan Integrated Development and part funded by Monaghan County Council Community Development Fund.  The presentation of certificates took place in St Joesph’s Pastoral centre in Monaghan.  Forty five participants were presented with certificates for attendance.  Bernie Bradley Social Inclusion Officer with Monaghan County Council gave a short presentation on the history of equality in Ireland and the progress that has been made over the past twenty years.

Following the formalities everyone enjoyed a lunch and got to practice their new language skills.

Ulster Canal Greenway Development Strategy

Waterways Ireland, and their project partners Monaghan County Council, Cavan County Council, Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and the Mid Ulster Council, propose to develop a long-distance Greenway in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, linking Castle Saunderson in County Cavan to Charlemont in County Armagh mainly along the route of the disused Ulster Canal and using sections of disused railway infrastructure. The proposals for development of these greenway sections are provided within the Ulster Canal Greenway Development Strategy.

The draft Ulster Canal Greenway Development Strategy and associated environmental reports will be available for public consultation from the 28th April 2017 until the 21st July 2017. As part of this public consultation there will be four public information events held, which will demonstrate the proposed greenway routes, with cross sections, related imagery, and interactive mapping available. The public information events are as follows:

Monday 8th May, 3pm – 8pm – Courtyard Room, Newtownbutler Community Hall, Co Fermanagh

Tuesday 9th May, 3pm – 8pm – Market House in Monaghan Town, Co Monaghan

Wednesday 10th May, 3-8pm – Seven Horseshoes, Belturbet, Co Cavan

Your comments and feedback on the draft Ulster Canal Greenway Development Strategy and associated environmental reports are welcome on or before July 21, 2017.  Draft documents are available for inspection at the project partner offices or downloaded below:

Return feedback by email: cormac.mccarthy@waterwaysireland.org; Ulster Canal Greenway Development Strategy – SEA Environmental Report

By post:  Ulster Canal Greenway Development Strategy
Cormac McCarthy
Environment & Heritage Section
Waterways Ireland
Dock Road
Co. Clare

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017

The Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2017 has recently been launched by Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys TD and Minister of State for Regional Economic Development, Michael Ring, TD.  For 2017, there will be €20 million in funding for rural towns and villages for projects.

The scheme is specifically targeted at rural towns and villages with populations of less than 10,000. Applications from towns can range from €20,000 to a maximum of €100,000.  Funding of up to €200,000 will also be considered for a limited number of projects which can deliver exceptionally strong economic benefit to a town and its outlying areas.

Monaghan County Council is seeking Expressions of Interest from town/village groups who may have a suitable project for consideration under the scheme.  All expressions of interest will be assessed based on the priorities as contained in the Scheme Outline, after the closing date and a maximum of 15 proposals will be selected for development into detailed applications which will be submitted to the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

All interested town/village groups should complete the Expression of Interest form and return to the Community Development Section, Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan, Co. Monaghan H18 YT50 or emailed to mcullina@monaghancoco.ie no later than 4pm on Friday 19th May 2017.

Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2017 Scheme Outline (PDF)

Town & Village Renewal Scheme 2017 Expression of Interest Form (Doc)

Communities Facilities Scheme Launched


Communities facilities Scheme launched

The Communities Facilities Scheme is being launched by Monaghan LCDC.  It is a funding scheme to enhance communities, address disadvantage and improve social cohesion at a local level by providing access to small-scale capital grants.

An allocation of €64,500 has been made available for the scheme in 2017. The Scheme will be administered by the LCDC along with the Municipal Districts under the remit of Monaghan County Council on behalf of the Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government.

Under the scheme community and voluntary groups may apply for a grant up to €1,000 for capital projects which benefit the local community.  Applications are now being invited for funding under this Scheme.

Applications should relate to at least one key target group and thematic area in order to be eligible for consideration e.g. youth, older people, immigrants, refugees, travellers, ex-prisoners, projects promoting cultural activity, equality, community development, integration and projects which are part of the Creative Ireland 2017-2022 initiative.   Projects or elements of projects of a capital nature may be funded, for example, office equipment, project resources, research facilities, energy efficiency equipment, etc.

Eligible applications must meet the following criteria:

 Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 30th June 2017 at 5pm

 Guidelines on criteria and application forms for the new Communities Facilities Scheme are available by contacting:

Ann Murray, Monaghan County Council, Community Development Section on 047 73715

or cfapplications@monaghancoco.ie

CFS Application Guidelines 2017

CFS Application Form 2017


CLÁR Funding 2017 Measure 1, 2, 3


CLÁR is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in areas that experience disadvantage at Schools /Community Facilities

Measure 1      Support for Schools/Community Safety Measures

CLÁR 2017 will consider support for interventions that make the school/community facility environs healthier and safer for the children attending the schools, and for children and adults using the community facilities. Funding of up to 90% of eligible costs may be available. Grant Range up to

€ 50,000 applies. Consultation with Municipal District Council prior to application is necessary.

Eligible Interventions:

  • Amber Safety Lights
  • Child Safety Lights
  • Speed Safety Lights
  • Pedestrian Crossings
  • Access footpaths
  • Bus Shelters
  • Car Parking Facilities
  • Public Lighting

Measure 2      Schools/Community Play Areas

CLÁR 2017 will consider support for the enhancement of existing and/or the development of new School/Community Play areas.

Funding of up to 90% of eligible costs may be available. Grant Range from € 5,000 to € 50,000

Measure 3      Targeted Community Infrastructure Needs

The aim of this measure is to provide support for small to medium sized Community based capital/infrastructure projects that don’t qualify for other existing schemes

Funding of up to 85% of eligible costs may be available. Grant Range from € 5,000 to € 50,000

Application forms and details of the measures are available on www.monaghan.ie or on request by email to clar2017@monaghancoco.ie

Applicants are advised to contact their Municipal District Co-ordinator prior to submission of your application for funding.

Completed Applications should be returned to Teresa McGuirk, CLÁR 2017 Applications, Community Development Section, Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 4pm Thursday 27th April 2017.

Applications will not be considered after this date.

Application Form

CLAR Funding Information Leaflet

CLÁR 2017 – LA Measures Guidelines 

CLÁR Funding 2017, Measure 4



CLÁR is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small projects in areas that experience disadvantage.

Measure 4:   First Response Support Measure (€0.75m Nationally)

Applications under Measure 4 of the CLÁR Funding Scheme 2017 will be accepted directly by the Department from established organisations/groups that operate entirely on a voluntary basis and are involved in emergency rescue/first response efforts.   The Department will disseminate information regarding this measure and will liaise directly with potential qualifying groups.

Monaghan County Council wishes to assist Monaghan groups with their applications, to ensure the maximum benefit from this funding to Co. Monaghan.

Assistance in making an application to the Dept is available from Carol Lambe, Administrative Officer, Community Development at clambe@monaghancoco.ie or 086 8386905.

An Information meeting on Measure 4 of the CLÁR Funding Scheme 2017 will be held in Castleblayney Enterprise Centre, Dublin Rd., Castleblayney, at 8 p.m. on Thursday, 20th April, 2017.

The closing date for receipt of completed applications under Measure 4 is the 5th May, 2017.

All queries to be directed to clar@ahg.gov.ie

Completed Applications should be returned to the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs at clar@ahg.gov.ie

Closing date for receipt of applications is 4pm on Friday 5th May, 2017.

Applications will not be considered after this date.

Equality Group – Consultation Update

Monaghan County Council held a consultation workshop on Friday March 31st in the Four Seasons Hotel in Monaghan. This workshop was attended by Service providers from community and statutory organisations, The workshop explored the barriers and challenges faced by some members of our community when trying to access services, information and opportunities. The workshop also looked at ways service providers can support people in our community to overcome these barriers.

The group hope to produce a follow up to the hugely successful “Tale of Two Counties” A History of Equality that tells the story of inequality and exclusion in county Monaghan today.

Booklet  A tale of two counties booklet (2)

Monaghan Age Friendly Business Programme a leading light in the House of Lords

Monaghan Age Friendly Business Programme has received huge praise by the UK Centre for Ageing based in the House of Lords at Westminster in London. Bernie Bradley Age Friendly Programme manager for Monaghan County Council was recently invited by Lord Geoffrey Filkin to speak at a Conference on Ageing in the House of Lords Westminster.

In preparation for their conference on “Our Ageing Society – Challenges or Opportunities for Business and older consumers”. The Centre for Ageing came across the work of Monaghan Age Friendly Business programme on various social media platforms.

Dave Smith, from South East England Forum on Ageing said “We were hugely impressed by the work being done in Monaghan and especially the innovation and leadership from the business community”.

Monaghan Age Friendly Programme co-ordinator, addressed the conference in the House of Lords on Monday 20th March showcasing some of the innovative work happening in Monaghan in the Age Friendly Programme. Bernie presented the conference with information on and Monaghan Age Friendly Business Programme which is running in each town in county Monaghan and Monaghan Age Friendly Guide to Communication.  The Age Friendly Business Programme, which is operating in every town in county Monaghan supports businesses to make small changes which makes is easier for older people to do business with them.

Following the presentation, Lord Geoffrey Filkin who leads up the House of Lords Centre on Ageing will now bring Monaghan’s Age Friendly Communication policy, Monaghan Age Friendly Business Model to the Cross Party parliamentary party on Ageing for inclusion in their programme of work. Members of the Centre of Ageing staff would also like to visit us here in Monaghan later in the year to learn more about the success of Monaghan Age Friendly Programme.

Lord Filkin and Bernie


Pictured is Bernie Bradley Monaghan county council and Lord Geoffrey Filkin in the House of Lords Westminster on Monday