Human Resource Management Section,
Monaghan County Council,
County Offices,
The Glen,
H18 YT50

Telephone: (047) 73703


Accounting Technician Apprenticeship – Sept Intake 2023

The Accounting Technician Apprenticeship is a progressive pathway to a fulfilling career in business, accountancy and finance, where apprentices are mentored through a two-year, work-based learning education training programme.

Accounting Technician Apprentices work full time four days a week with an employer and study one day a week on a Monday with their preference college on a two-year employment contract.

College tuition is fully funded by SOLAS. Apprentices earn a minimum recommended salary which includes the day of online tuition as well as three week’s study leave paid by the employer.

Outside of college term an apprentice will attend work five days a week.

For year one the modules studied are:

  • Business Law
  • Business Management
  • Financial Accounting
  • Taxation

For year two the modules studied are:

  • Advanced Financial Accounting
  • Advanced Taxation
  • Financial Data Management
  • Advanced Financial Accounting
  • Management Accounting

Exams will be held online in May each year with an option for any repeats required to be completed in August.

Throughout the two years an apprentice will be supported by a college mentor and a workplace mentor assigned by their employer to oversee and support them with their on the job training.

Additional home study in the evenings or at the weekend will be needed by the apprentice to ensure success for this programme.

This national programme leads to a Level 6 QQI Advanced Certificate in Accounting and provides many advancement options such as exemptions from professional accountancy bodies and relevant third level colleges to complete further studies.

Applications are now open for September Intake 2023 and interested candidates can apply directly to ATI here – Source CRM (ATI) (

The closing date for applications is 4pm on Friday 28th July 2023.

Further details are available to review via the attached applicant guide –

Accounting Apprenticeship

Any questions regarding this programme and the recruitment process please contact or call 01 6498191.