Human Resource Management Section,
Monaghan County Council,
County Offices,
The Glen,
H18 YT50

Telephone: (047) 73703


Administrative Officer

Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin

Monaghan County Council

Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for inclusion on the following panel from which either permanent or temporary vacancies arising during the lifetime of the panel may be filled:-

Administrative Officer

Salary: €48,013 – €62,418

Education, training, experience, etc.

Each candidate must, on the latest date for receipt of completed application form:

(a) be a serving employee in a Local Authority, Health Service Executive, Education & Training Board in the State, Institute of Technology, the General Medical Services (Payments) Board, St.    James’s Hospital Board, Beaumont Hospital Board, An Bord Altranais, the Local Government Management Agency, the Northern and Western Regional Assembly, the Southern Regional Assembly, the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly or the National Transport Authority and have, satisfactory experience at a level not lower than that of Assistant Staff Officer

(b) have not less than two years satisfactory experience either in that post or at a level not lower than that of Clerical Officer in one of the organisations set out in paragraph (a) above;

(c) possess a good standard of administrative experience and adequate experience in office organisation and in the control of staff.


Application forms and further details are available to download below

or from:

Human Resource Management Section,

Monaghan County Council,

County Offices,

The Glen, Monaghan.

Telephone No. (047) 73702


Closing date for receipt of completed applications is Friday 26th May, 2017 at 5pm

 Shortlisting will take place on the basis of the information provided on the application form and it is expected that given the qualifications and experience of prospective applicants that the shortlisting requirements will be significantly higher than the minimum standard set out


Canvassing will automatically disqualify

Administrative Officer – Application Form

Administrative Officer – Candidate Information booklet