Monaghan County Museum,
The Peace Campus,
H18 RP20

Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 11am to 5pm and Saturday 12pm to 5pm. 

Tel: 047 82928


Monaghan County Museum wants to collect your experiences and stories about the Covid 19 Pandemic

Monaghan County Museum wants to collect your stories about the Covid 19 Pandemic-

They can be –

  • Photographs or drawings – Any sort of pictures or drawing that shows life as it is now during the pandemic
  • Stories relating to the pandemic in Monaghan – These could be your stories or perhaps those of a family member or friend that you have spoken with
  • Video, audio or sound files – These could be interviews with family members – perhaps older members of your family who have memories of times like this in past

All material submitted will be added to the museum collection and form part of an exhibition in the near future


Some things to get you thinking……


Your daily life                    How has your experience of the Covid 19 pandemic changed your day to day to life?


Work                                     Do you or a member of your family work in a front line service right now? Can you record that experience in any way?


Shopping                             What it’s like for you or your family members when you or they go shopping for essentials?


Religion                               If you do, how has the Covid 19 Pandemic changed the way you worship?


Communication               How do you keep in contact with your family, friends, work colleagues?


Spare Time                         What are you doing to keep your body and mind active? What are you and your family doing to entertain yourselves?


Community                        Are you doing something in your community to help or perhaps you know of others who are helping? Is someone helping you?


Monaghan County Museum wants to collect your experiences and stories about the Covid 19 Pandemic