Monaghan County Museum,
The Peace Campus,
H18 RP20

Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 11am to 5pm and Saturday 12pm to 5pm. 

Tel: 047 82928


The Local Authority Museums Network Celebrates International Museum Day 2020

The Local Authority Museums Network Celebrates International Museum Day 2020

May 18th 2020

Monaghan County Museum Curator, Liam Bradley, is the current Chairperson of the Local Authority Museums Network (LAMN), which is the representative body for local authority museums throughout the country. Monaghan County Museum, working with its partner museums throughout the country, is very happy to be involved with this year’s celebrations for International Museum Day. This event, which is celebrated around the world, resonates even more so this year as people from all communities, cultures and backgrounds grapple with the Covid 19 Pandemic.

Local authorities throughout Ireland play a vital and proactive role in promoting and preserving culture and heritage, ensuring the best possible quality of life for their communities. Through their museum services they strengthen local communities by underpinning a sense of identity and pride of place. Now more than ever they are working hard to help people through this difficult and challenging time. The theme of this year’s International Museum Day is ‘Museums for Equality: Diversity and Inclusion’. Following the worldwide lockdowns however, International Museum Day is going digital inviting museums from all over the world to host online activities.

Working with our Communities during Covid 19

The LAMN, working with its partners including the National Museum of Ireland, the Irish Museums Association (IMA) as well as the International Council of Museums in Ireland (ICOM) have answered the call to provide a vibrant range of online activities for the people they serve.
The current COVID-19 pandemic is an extraordinary world health crisis and will be a defining event for our generation. We are making and living history right now. Donegal, Cavan, Monaghan, Tipperary and Limerick Museums are all working with their communities to record their experiences of Covid 19.

Cork Public Museum has produced a new website featuring numerous activities that will help people interact with their history and culture. Galway City Museum has launched a range of new digital services all aimed at getting the community involved with their heritage. Staff from Carlow and Kerry Museum have been working on their community call lines helping the vulnerable in their areas. Louth, Waterford and Clare Museums are also reaching out to people in their regions through local media and imaginative online activities.

The LAMN is continually pioneering new and imaginative programmes for engaging with communities of all ages and all backgrounds. This, now more than ever, is how the LAMN in marking International Museums Day is enabling our communities to continue to feel connected while we keep our distance from one another.

About the Local Authority Museums Network

The LAMN comprises Carlow County Museum; Cavan County Museum; Clare Museum, Cork Public Museum, County Museum, Dundalk; Donegal County Museum; Galway City Museum; Kerry County Museum; Limerick Museum; Monaghan County Museum; Tipperary County Museum and Waterford Museum of Treasures.

The members of the LAMN strive to achieve best standards across all areas of museum work. The Museum Standards Programme of Ireland operates under the auspices of the Heritage Council and sets out to raise standards of care across Irish museums and galleries. The programme aims to benchmark and promote professional standards in collections care and to recognise the achievement of those standards within the Irish museum sector. The Programme is fully supported by the LAMN and its members have variously achieved Maintenance of Accreditation, Full Accreditation and Interim Accreditation.

The LAMN plays a vital role in preserving archaeological heritage. The members of the LAMN are designated museums under Section 68 (2) of the National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997. Under this legislation each Museum is legally entitled to retain archaeological objects on behalf of the State. The National Museum of Ireland will only lend objects for display to designated museums.