Monaghan County Museum in association with
Castle Leslie, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan
Castle Leslie – Between Two Worlds
The Leslie family of Glaslough have bridged the divides of Irish life for nearly four centuries. Their estate straddles the Irish border. As both fighters, and writers, family members have argued the cause of Catholicism and Protestantism, Nationalism and Unionism. Well connected in Britain, Ireland and America, the Leslies have always felt a mission to explain – England to the Irish, and Ireland to the World.
The exhibition will cover various themes such as life in the big house upstairs and downstairs, the Home Rule crisis, the birth of two nations in Ireland and how the estate found itself at the centre of one of the most politically charged times in recent Irish history, World War II and Sir Jack Leslie’s service in the British Army, his capture at Dunkirk and years in a German POW camp.
Jack’s many years abroad when his brother Desmond ran the estate, his infamous nightclub the famous faces that visited then such as Mick Jagger, UFO landings and his pioneering work in music mixing. Then Jack’s eventual return and his ongoing mission to live life to the fullest such as celebrating his 85th birthday at Manumission in Ibiza! Not to mention Paul McCartney’s wedding at the estate.
Audiovisual displays will show some rare film footage from as early as the 1930’s showing what life was like around the estate and the village of Glaslough. There will be installations dotted through the exhibitions recreating some evocative scenes from Sir Jack’s life such as a prisoner hut from his time in captivity during World War II.
A brochure will be produced to accompany the exhibition and will provide more detail on this incredible family and their fascinating story.
The exhibition will be launched on Wednesday, October 2nd 2013 at 7pm by Minister of the Heritage, Arts and the Gaeltacht Jimmy Dennihan TD. For further details check out Monaghan County Museum on Facebook.
Virtual Exhibition Brochure
Castle Leslie – Between Two Worlds PDF
Pictures from the Launch Night
- Sir Jack Leslie and Mayor Sean Conlon viewing the display
- Members of the wider Council Staff who turned out to support the exhibition include Shirley Clerkin (Heritage Officer and Adge King (Director of Community & Enterprise)
- Minister of Arts, Heritage and The Gaeltacht Jimmy Deenihan TD speaking at the exhibition opening.
- Minister Deenihan officially launches the display
- At the exhibition opening were l to r David Fallon (Acting County Manager), Sean Conlon TD, Mark Leslie (Co-Curator), Sir Jack Leslie, Minister Jimmy Deenihan TD, Mayor of County Monaghan Cllr. Sean Conlon & Liam Bradley (Museum Curator)
- L to r Liam Bradley (Museum Curator), Sir Jack Leslie, Minister Jimmy Deenihan, Padraic Horgan ( Exhibition Designer), Yvonne Kelly (Castle Leslie Archivist), Mark Leslie (Co - Curator), Mary Collier (PA to Sammy Leslie)
- Aidan Walsh (Former Curator of Monaghan County Museum), Sir Jack Leslie, Liam Bradley (Museum Curator)
- Part of the exhibition allows visitors to dress up at as a maid or butler. In the picture Minister Deenihan poses with members of the Leslie family who were getting into the spirit of the evening.