Monaghan County Museum,
The Peace Campus,
H18 RP20

Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 11am to 5pm and Saturday 12pm to 5pm. 

Tel: 047 82928


Treasures of Monaghan

Monaghan County Museum celebrates turning 40 years old on Saturday, September 27th with a street party open to all. The main event of this whole day of festivities is the launch of the museum’s new exhibition The Treasures of Monaghan by Minister of Arts, Heritage & the Gaeltacht Heather Humphreys TD. For the first time the very best of the museum’s nationally acclaimed collection will be displayed together. This grand array of objects which has been brought together over the last four decades tells the story of County Monaghan and the surrounding area. What makes museums so important is their ability to tell a story through their objects, these fascinating artefacts that existed at the time history was being made. The viewer can in a way transport back in time when they interact with these pieces from the past.

The collection spans the history of the region long before the county boundaries were decided. On display will be objects from Monaghan’s very first settlers in the Stone Age over 5,000 years ago, visitors will be able to grind their own grain for bread using a stone quern like the ones used in that ancient time. The coming of Christianity will be reflected in the stunning Cross of Clogher, which will be exhibited in a custom made case allowing visitors to truly enjoy the beauty of this very important artefact. The famine had a devastating effect on the county as it did all over the country, many people got by on meagre rations cooked up in massive vessels, which became known as famine pots like the one which will be on display.

Weaponry from both World Wars, marching banners, pieces from our art collection including the famous McManus painting depicting a market day in Monaghan Town, the jerseys worn by Tommy Bowe when Ireland won the Grand Slam in 2009 and many others will come together as the Treasures of Monaghan in the historic exhibit.

All of this will be complimented with a dedicated series of workshops, events and interactive displays.

For further details contact the museum on (047) 82928, like us on Facebook, pick up one of the events cards that have been distributed around the county or simply pop into us. The museum is open to the public Monday to Friday 11am – 5pm and Saturday 12pm – 5pm.

Monaghan County Museum, celebrating 40 years of serving the community.