Listen to a variety of podcasts from local experts and professionals on health and wellbeing topics.
Miffy Hoad from Mental Health Ireland speaks to Aaron Mc Elroy on the Wider View programme on Northern Sound FM about the importance of staying connected with family and friends and how this has a positive impact on your your mental health.
Liza Hackett co-ordinates Befriending Monaghan, a service for older people who may be living in social isolation or loneliness. Liza talks about the service they provide and how you can get in contact.
Carmel Hill chats to Eddie Butler on the Wider View about her experiences as a user of Monaghan Befriending Service. From a listening ear to a helping hand, she encourages anyone to reach out, there is no need to feel isolated or alone. Someone is always there to help.
Bob Gilbert talks to Aaron Mc Elroy about examples of intergenerational projects and how they helped to break down stereotypes between the generations. Through these projects individuals gained a mutual respect and understanding for each other and realized that older and younger people are more alike than they thought!
Speaking to Eddie Butler from the Wider view programme are Adam Lambe (5th year) Odhran Hackett and Emmett Sherry (TY students) from St Macartan’s College in Monaghan Town. The boys talk to Eddie about school life post Covid and what intergenerational initiatives the TY students have been involved in this year.
Heather Brett is a poet and short story writer from County Cavan. She speaks to Eddie Butler about the joy poetry can bring and recites a variety of poems which focuses on hope for 2021.
Paul Carragher from Monaghan Sports Partnership speaks to Northern Sound about how small regular changes can help you get healthy and stay healthy. Just take the first step and see how being physically active can help boost mood and reduce anxiety.
Brendan Lillis is a retired PE teacher and an active member of Monaghan U3A. He talks to Aaron Mc Elroy about the physcial exercise classes that the U3A have been running online 5 mornings a week on zoom for older people. He talks about how the classes have helped participants with their physcial and mental health and outlines the positive feedback he has received on the classes.
Leila Beatty is a Physcial Activity Leader (PAL) in her community. She tells Aaron how everyone has time to do some kind of physical activity in their day even if its dancing around the house! She encourages anyone to become a PAL, the training pack offered provides you with all the information you would need and relevant equipment that could help you help others to get active.
Paul Gallier from Age and Opportunity speaks to Aaron Mc Elroy about how their organisation aims to keep more older people, more active, more often. They discuss the initiatives that they have introduced and adapted to suit the current Covid times. One such initiative that they run is a telephone mentoring service called Fitline which is a freephone service which has proved very popular.
Fiona Gilliland is a Physiotherapy manager in the Cavan-Monaghan region and has seen first-hand, the impact of Covid19 on people’s ability to stay active. Low levels of movement and activity can result in a deterioration in the ability levels of those with limiting conditions and amongst older people. Fiona speaks to Sheila Naughton and reminds listeners of the importance of keeping active and how you can do this inside and outside your own home.
Lorraine O’Neill was Cavan’s 2020 Operation Transformation leader. Lorraine talks to Sheila about the challenges in returning to physical activity, how to keep motivated, her physical activity routine since the programme ceased and the impact of Covid 19 on her active lifestyle. Maintaining motivation is difficult, its hard but its ok to have good weeks and bad weeks. Lorraine encourages listeners to start their day on the right foot and having a plan for your day is key.
Dr. Fiona Skelly holds a PhD in clinical exercise physiology. She is currently a lecturer in Athlone IT and Portobello Institute, ExWell Medical lead exercise instructor and Strength and Conditioning coach. Fiona chats to Sheila and reminds listeners that every bit of activity counts. She will discuss how research shows that as little as 11minutes of exercise daily and even less can still have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing. Fiona will express how simple exercises can enhance health and can be broken down into little bouts every hour which can have the same impacts.
Frank Fahy has been working as a freelance consultant in the areas of active living and physical recreation for almost three decades. He chats to Sheila about how his work has focused on finding ways to engage low-participation groups (older adults, people with health issues or disabilities, etc) in physical activity. Fifteen years ago he established FitWALKireland to support people in their efforts to ‘get fit’ using walking. In recent times he has been to the forefront of promoting ‘polewalking’ which helps with mobility and balance.
Martha Brady, a teacher from St Mogue’s College, Cavan discusses the “Walk to Wellness” initiative that was piloted in the Secondary School in October 2020. In partnership with Bodywhys, Mental Health Ireland, HSE and CYPSC this 6 week peer to peer programme between new 1st years and TY students aimed at increasing steps and raising awareness of mental health and body image. Through the simple activity of walking the new students were able to form friendships, ask questions to older students and spend time in the outdoors which was very beneficial for their health and wellbeing.
Deirdriu McQuaid is a Senior Executive Librarian with Monaghan Library Services and also the Creative Monaghan co-ordinator. She speaks to Sheila about the wide range of creative activities and initiatives that they have running to allow people to switch off and be creative, which in turn has a very positive impact on peoples wellbeing. All ages are taking part, trying new things and the feedback that staff are receiving is fantastic.
Rory O’Connor from the infamous “Rory’s Stories” chats to Aaron about his road to comedy. In the past he has struggled with his mental health and he encourages people to reach out and ask for help, emphasizing the importance of talking. He talks about where it all began for him with Rory’s Stories in 2013.
Karen Mc Cague from Monaghan County Libraries talks about reading for pleasure, switching off and immersing yourself in another world and another time! There are so many proven health benefits from sitting back, relaxing and enjoying a good book. Karen discusses the national campaign #IrelandReads and where you can go to get recommended reading lists.
Joanne Brennan, Arts & Education Officer with Cavan Monaghan ETB talks about the variety of arts projects they deliver to children & young people in the County. During Covid she tells Sheila how they had to reshape the way they engage and work with young people resulting in lots of positive outcomes.
Aaron Mc Elroy speaks to Catriona Lennon, the Genealogy Officer with Monaghan County Council. She chats to Aaron how due to Covid and some people having more free time, the increase in enquiries from the general public wanting to find out more about their ancestry. She is a wealth of knowledge in the area and discusses the avenues that can be researched and the steps she taken to assist people to trace their routes.