Temporary Closing of Roads – R181 Lough Egish to Shercock Road

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date:                     Monday 26th June 2023 to Friday 7th July 2023

To Facilitate:      Road Improvement Works

Road Closed:    R181 Lough Egish to Shercock Road: For a distance of 3km between its junction with the LP 4040 at Shantonagh to the end of the works at Corraharra.


Diversion Routes:

Northbound traffic travelling from Shercock to Lough Egish will be diverted onto the R178 to Carrickmacross and then onto the R180 to Lough Egish.


Southbound traffic travelling from Lough Egish to Shercock onto the R180 to Carrickmacross and then onto the R178 to Shercock


All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

15th June 2023

Temporary Closing of Roads – LT-62013

Monaghan County Council gives notice to extend the following road closure in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:


Date:                     From 23rd June 2023 to 23rd September 2023 (24 hr closure)

To Facilitate:     Windfarm Construction works

Roads Closed:   LT-62013 for its full length from its junction with the LS6210 & LT62013


Diversion Route:

Traffic wishing to travel from the R-189 to the L-6201 shall be diverted from the junction of the L-6210/L-62013 in the Townland of Cornawall by remaining on the L-6210, then turning left on to the L-6201.

Traffic wishing to travel from the Townland of Drumgramph to the R-189 in the Townland of Doohat shall be diverted onto the L-6201, then turning left onto the L-2232, then turning left onto the L-2290 and continuing to the R-189.


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

15th June 2023

Section 38 – Installation of a 2.8m wide Raised Pedestrian Crossing at Edenamo, Inniskeen, Co Monaghan.

Legislative Procedure for Traffic Calming Procedures under the Road Traffic Act 1994

Under the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) A road authority may, in the interest of the safety and convenience of road users, provide such traffic calming measures as they consider desirable in respect of public roads in their charge.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) of the following scheme:

Installation of a 2.8m wide Raised Pedestrian Crossing at Edenamo, Inniskeen, Co Monaghan.

The proposed scheme will consist of:

  • Provision of a 2.8m wide Raised Pedestrian Crossing, to connect the existing pathways on the L-4622-0 road
  • Installation of additional Street Lighting and Belisha Beacons
  • Upgrade of adjacent pathways on both sides of the L-4622-0 road
  • Erection of new signage and landscaping throughout the scheme.
  • Relocation of all affected 3rd party utilities where required along the length of the scheme.
  • Installation of Drainage pipework where required.
  • All associated site works.


In accordance with Section 38 of the above-mentioned legislation, Monaghan County Council, as the competent roads authority has concluded that the above scheme complies with relevant section of the legislation, based on the nature, size and location of the proposed scheme.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection at the offices of the Road Section, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan, and also at Carrickmacross-Castleblayney MD Office, Carrickmacross Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, during office hours from the 15th of June 2023.

Please contact the above-mentioned offices to make an appointment to view the Plans and Particulars.

Submissions and observations in relation to the proposed works, may be made in writing to the Roads Section, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan, or MD Offices up to 5pm on Monday 17th July 2023.



Signed:                 Kevin West,

A/Senior Engineer – Roads Section,

Monaghan County Council

15th June 2023

Eolas maidir leis na bóithre atá sé i gceist a dhúnadh agus na bóithre ar aontaíodh

Ba mhian le Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin a chur in iúl go bhfuil eolas maidir leis na bóithre atá sé i gceist a dhúnadh agus na bóithre ar aontaíodh iad a dhúnadh ar https://www.mapalerter.ie/monaghan agus ar ár suíomh gréasáin https://monaghan.ie/roadtransport/category/notices/

Má tá aon cheist agat maidir le dúnadh na mbóithre seo, déan teagmháil le hoifig chuí an Cheantair Bhardasaigh

Ceantar Bardasach Mhuineacháin (047) 73777 nó ríomhphost monaghan@monaghancoco.ie

Ceantar Bardasach Bhéal Átha Beithe/Chluain Eois (047) 51018 nó ríomhphost clones@monaghancoco.ie

Ceantar Bardasach Charraig Mhachaire Rois/Bhaile na Lorgan (042) 9661236 nó ríomhphost carrickmacross@monaghancoco.ie

Temporary Closing Of Roads – R-182 in the townlands of Aghnadamph, Tullyvanus, Lurganearly and Alsmeed

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:              Monday 22nd May 2023 to Thursday 8th June 2023

 To Facilitate:                     Bridge Rehabilitation Works

 Road Closed:                     R-182 in the townlands of Aghnadamph, Tullyvanus, Lurganearly and Alsmeed

Diversion Routes:

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-182-3 from Drumacrib in the direction of Newtownhamilton will be diverted by remaining on the R-181-2 at Derrygreevy bridge to the Northern Ireland border, then continuing along the B32/B3 to Keady town, then turning right on to the A29, then continuing along the A29 to Newtownhamiliton.

Traffic wishing to travel from Altnamackan to Castleblayney will be diverted by remaining on the A25, then turning left onto the A29 to Newtownhamiliton, then continuing on the A29 to Keady, then turning left onto the B3 and continuing along the B3/B32 to Castleblayney.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access will be catered for. No through road will be available at the bridge works).


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75).

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

11th May 2023

Temporary Closing of Roads – R927-3 at Magheross for a distance of 900m from its junction with R179-5 Kingscourt Road to its junction with LP-4800-0 Tullynaskeagh

Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date:                     Monday 29th May 2023 to Friday 30th June 2023

To Facilitate:      Road Improvement Works

Road Closed:

R927-3 at Magheross for a distance of 900m from its junction with R179-5 Kingscourt Road to its junction with LP-4800-0 Tullynaskeagh

Diversion Routes:

Southbound traffic travelling from Kingscourt Road on the R179 will be diverted left onto R927 heading North along Main St and continuing to Castleblayney Road, at the Castleblayney Road roundabout traffic will be diverted right onto the southbound lane of the N2 at the Carrickmacross North Interchange. At the junction of N2/LP4922 traffic shall be directed right onto LP4922 heading Northwest and proceed to the LP4800 Drumconrath Road junction.

Northbound traffic travelling from Drumconrath to Carrickmacross on the LP4800 shall be diverted right onto LP4921 heading Southeast, at the junction of LP4922/N2 traffic shall be diverted left onto the N2 heading Northbound, at the Carrickmacross North Interchange traffic shall be diverted left towards Carrickmacross Town Centre. At Castleblayney Road roundabout traffic shall be diverted left  onto R927 towards Main St heading south and proceed towards R179 Kingscourt Road junction.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Roads Department, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 16th May 2023.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact The Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney at 042 9661236 or email carrickmacross@monaghancoco.ie.


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

11th May 2023


Temporary Closing Of Roads – Carrickmacross Street Festival Parade

Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following roads in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure: 2nd June 2023
Times: 6pm to 9pm
To Facilitate: Carrickmacross Street Festival Parade

Roads Closed:
• Castleblayney Road from the Ross Road junction to Monaghan Street
• Monaghan Street
• Main Street to the Kingscourt Road junction.
• O’Neill Street
• Bridewell Lane
• Parnell Street
• Chapel Lane
• Shirley House Lane
• Righthand Turn Lane on Farney Street

Diversion Routes:
Traffic travelling South along the R927 towards the town centre shall be diverted along the following route:
Right onto Ross Road to the Shercock Road roundabout, around the Shercock Road roundabout onto Ross Road, left at the junction of Ross Road and Castleblayney Road, around the Castleblayney Road roundabout onto the south bound lane of the N2, turn left off the N2 at the Dundalk Road junction, around the Dundalk Road roundabout onto Oriel Road, turn right at the junction of Oriel Road and the Old Ardee Road. End Detour.

Traffic travelling North towards Castle Street shall be diverted along the following route:
Right onto the Old Ardee Road, turn left at the junction of the Old Ardee Road and Oriel Road, around the Dundalk Road roundabout towards the N2 interchange, turn right onto the north bound land of the N2, turn left off the N2 towards the Castleblayney Road roundabout, around the Castleblayney Road roundabout onto the Castleblayney Road. End Detour.

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned roads with the Roads Department, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 16th May 2023. Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure, please contact the Carrickmacross/ Castleblayney Municipal District at 042 9661236 or email carrickmacross@monaghancoco.ie.
This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75).

Kevin West
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
11th May 2023

Temporary Closing Of Roads – Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date:     Tuesday 4th April 2023 to 7th April 2023

To Facilitate: Road Resurfacing Works

Roads Closed: LS-7720 in the Townlands of Lisdonny

Diversion Routes:

Traffic wishing to proceed on the LS-7720 from the R182 will be diverted straight onto the R182, then left onto the LT-76003.

Traffic wishing to proceed on the LS-7720 from the LS-7600 will be diverted right onto the LT-76003, then turn right onto the R182.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth Mc Mahon

A/Director of Services

Transport, Community and Rural Development

30th March 2023


N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme – Scheme Update

Monaghan County Council, in association with Louth County Council, and in partnership with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), has been developing a road scheme to upgrade the existing N2 between Ardee and Castleblayney. It is an important project to enhance key North/South and regional connectivity and to improve road safety and is listed in the National Development Plan for progression (subject to approvals) through pre-appraisal and early planning.

In 2018 Monaghan County Council appointed Jacobs Consulting Engineers (Jacobs) to advance the project through the planning and design process, and Jacobs have been actively working on the project for the past 4 years.

A Preferred Route Corridor for the route of the road upgrade was published in February 2021. By September 2022 Jacobs had developed an ‘Initial Road Design’ for the proposed road, which was used to consult with landowners and stakeholders in relation to the developing design. Over the last number of months any feedback received was considered, and in late February 2023 an ‘Updated Road Design’ was published on the project website www.N2MonaghanLouth.ie, providing a further opportunity to landowners and stakeholders to provide comments and feedback. Jacobs were expected to complete their design work on the current phase of the design in mid-2023.

Transport Infrastructure Ireland provide funding for National Road projects, and Monaghan County Council seek funding from TII on an annual basis to progress this scheme. The 2023 National Road funding allocations were announced on the 16th February 2023, however this year the Minister included conditions under the Roads Act in relation to the funding being made available for new road projects. The conditions specified an allocation of €600,000 for the N2 Ardee to Castleblayney Road Scheme, which is to ‘meet current project commitments’, whereas funding for other new road projects around the country was to allow ‘further progression’ of those projects.

The €600,000 allocation is less than the funding requested for the project for 2023 and is not sufficient to allow current phase design work to be completed. Monaghan County Council has made a request for additional funding to allow the project design to continue, although it is unknown if further funding will be made available in 2023.

Pending additional funding being made available, design work and progress on the project must be stopped at this point. Recommencement of the project will be dependent on further funding from TII. Monaghan County Council has written to landowners who have previously been directly contacted by the project team to inform them of the status of the project. Monaghan and Louth County Councils would like to extend their sincere gratitude to landowners and stakeholders for their co-operation over the past years on this project.


Gareth McMahon

A/Director of Services

Transport, Community and Rural Development

Thursday 16th March 2023

Dúnadh Sealadach Bóithre – Bardasach Bhéal Átha Béithe/Chluain Eois

Tugann Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin fógra go ndúnfar na bóithre a leanas a dhúnadh i gCeantar Bardasach Bhéal Átha Béithe/Chluain Eois i gContae Mhuineacháin:

Dáta an Dúnta:                 18 Márta 2023

Uaireanta:                          idir 2pm agus 4pm

Fáth:                                     Paráid Lá Fhéile Pádraig


Bóithre a bheidh dúnta: 

R183 idir an t-acomhal leis an LS6290 ag Scoil Náisiúnta Naomh Laobháin agus an t-acomhal leis an R189, an tSráid Mhór, Cúil Darach, agus idir acomhal R189/R183 ar an tSráid Mhór agus acomhal LP2222, Bóthar Achadh na hAbhla, ar an tSráid Mhór.


Malairt slí:

Ó Chluain Eois ar R183 Sráid Uí Dhufaigh, leanfar chuig an acomhal leis an N54 agus casfar ar dheis chuig an N54 i dtreo Mhuineacháin. Leanfar ar aghaidh ar an N54 go dtí an t-acomhal le R189 Teach na dTrí Mhíle/Cúil Darach agus casfar ar dheis chuig an R189. Leanfar ar an R189 go Cúil Darach.


Ó Chúil Darach: Leanfar ar an R189 i dtreo Theach na dTrí Mhíle/Mhuineacháin go dtí an t-acomhal leis an N54. Casfar ar chlé ag an acomhal leis an N54 agus leanfar ar aghaidh go dtí na soilse tráchta i gCluain Eois agus casfar ar chlé ag an acomhal chuig R183 Sráid Uí Dhufaigh.  Casfar ar chlé ag an gcéad acomhal eile chun dul go Cúil Darach


Cloíonn an fógra seo le hAcht na mBóithre, 1993, (Roinn 75)

Gareth McMahon

Stiúrthóir Seirbhísí

Iompar, Forbairt Tuaithe agus Pobail

16 Márta 2023