The Town Regeneration team is responsible for the revitalisation and improvement of the towns and villages of County Monaghan. The activities include a wide range of initiatives aimed at economic, social and environmental improvements to the area.
These include
- Town Centre First Initiatives – The development and implementation of Town Centre First Plans for the main 5 Towns in the County.
- Dereliction and Urban renewal – Through the usage of the Derelict Sites Act (as amended) and of the available grant funding available reactivate the usage of derelict and vacant buildings in towns and villages.
- Capital and Infrastructure Investment – Through the use of grant and funding opportunities upgrade town and village centres enhancing the quality of life for residents and make the town more attractive to visitors
- Community Engagement – Involving local people in the planning and decision making process to ensure that regeneration efforts reflect communities needs and desires
- Partnerships – Working with the individual Town Teams to pool resources, information and knowledge for regeneration efforts
The position of Town Regeneration officer and Town Regeneration section is funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Monaghan County Council.
Please contact us by phone or email:
Telephone: 047 30532