Croi Conaithe Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant

The Croi Conaithe Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant is among a suite of measures under the pathway to addressing vacancy and efficient use of existing stock in the governments Housing for All  – a New Housing Plan for Ireland. The Croi Conaithe Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant provides new choices for people to live in towns and villages in Ireland, through the provision of a grant to support the refurbishment of vacant properties. The scheme has been expanded so that vacant dwellings in all rural and urban areas of the country can also be considered.

From 1 May 2023, a grant of up to a maximum of €50,000 is available for the refurbishment of vacant properties for occupation as a principal private residence and for properties which will be made available for rent and registered as a tenancy with the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB), including the conversion of a property which has not been used as residential heretofore, subject to appropriate planning permission being in place.

Below are some before and after photos of sample properties that have been refurbished.

Where the refurbishment cost is expected to exceed the standard grant of up to €50,000  a maximum top up grant of amount of up to €20,000 is available where the property is confirmed by the applicant to be derelict (i.e. structurally unsound and dangerous) or if the property is on the Local authority’s Derelict Sites Register, bringing the total grant available to a maximum of  €70,000.  In the case of a top up grant in respect of a derelict property not on the Derelict Sites Register, an independent report prepared by an appropriately qualified professional is required to be submitted confirming the property is derelict.

Note properties constructed up to and including 2007 are now eligible for consideration.

Please see explanation documents below. It is important to read these documents to get the full details of the scheme in terms of what is covered, eligibility and process. The documents set out the present eligibility criteria encompassing the changes that came info effect on the 1st May 2023

Croí Cónaithe Scheme Outline (PDF)

FAQs – Croí Cónaithe (Refurbishment) Fund (PDF)

Application Form – Croí Cónaithe (Refurbishment) Fund (PDF)

Croí Cónaithe (Refurbishment) Fund Steps (PDF)

Also, see  link to  the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage website for further information – Croí Cónaithe (Towns) Fund Scheme (

Applications can be submitted to  or by post to Monaghan County Council, Vacant Homes Officer, Regeneration Section, Dublin Street, Monaghan,

For any enquiries you may have in relation to the scheme, please contact the Monaghan County Council Vacant Homes Office via email: