Major Projects Announced for Carrickmacross-Castleblayney MD

Workhouse Project Team Carrickmacross Swimming Pool Feasibility Project Team

Further good news story for the county and in particular the Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District as Monaghan County Council signs contracts for the Carrickmacross Workhouse Community, Tourism & Arts Hub, Phase 1 project and the carrying out of a Feasibility Study and Strategic Assessment for the provision of a Swimming Pool and Leisure Complex in Carrickmacross Town.

Building on Monday’s announcement of an €11 million grant allocation towards the redevelopment of the historic Market House in Castleblayney, Tuesday evening last, in the appropriate surrounds of the restored front Workhouse building, provided further cause for optimism for the wider south Monaghan area with the signing of the contracts for the Carrickmacross Workhouse Community, Tourism & Arts Hub, Phase 1 project and the Feasibility Study and Strategic Assessment for the provision of a Swimming Pool and Leisure Complex in Carrickmacross Town.

Having secured a “Category 2” (project development) grant allocation of €288,608.00, under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund, Monaghan County Council was pleased to award the contract for the development of a construction-ready masterplan for the Carrickmacross Workhouse site to Cooney Architects Limited.

Monaghan County Council in partnership with Farney Community Development Group (FCDG) plan to restore in full the Carrickmacross Workhouse site and develop a new multipurpose Community Hub to cement its future as a focal point and centre for social, community and arts services in Carrickmacross town and the South Monaghan area. The original Workhouse building was leased by FCDG from private developers between 2003 to 2019. During that time, and since, FCDG has secured investment of in excess of €2.2 million to restore the front building and manage the 28 no. community and social services currently based there.

The site was acquired by Monaghan County Council in 2019, to secure the future of the existing community services delivered there, develop its tourism potential and plan for the future development of a multi-sectored, community and arts hub for the south Monaghan area. The unique partnership between Farney Community Development Group and Monaghan County Council enhances citizen engagement and participation in civic activities. This is evidenced by the high level of usage of the compromised facilities that exist at present. The leadership displayed by FCDG in leasing the property in 2003 and resilience in its investment over the subsequent years, despite unsecure tenancy, is acknowledged by Monaghan County Council and supported in its decision to purchase the freehold ownership in 2019.

The project provides a holistic, planned approach to the economic and social development of the town and its hinterland, building on the investment and partnership between the Council and the community. The development of an overall plan to guide the complete restoration and redevelopment of the derelict buildings and 6-acre site for community use will transform the area and provide a sustainable template for development into the future.

The contract-signing event also marked a red-letter day for amenity provision in Carrickmacross Town and its hinterland. The absence of a swimming pool has been a long-cited gap in leisure provision in the area, and Tuesday’s formal appointment of consultancy firm S3 Solutions, to progress a feasibility study and strategic assessment for the provision of a swimming pool and leisure complex in Carrickmacross Town may transpire to be the opening gambit in addressing this deficit. Over a 20-week performance period, the Consultants will evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of providing a swimming pool and leisure complex in the county’s second largest and fastest growing town that would serve the town and the wider South Monaghan community.

It is expected that S3 Solutions will make a final recommendation on the feasibility of the proposed project to Monaghan County Council in September 2024. The information and data provided in the Feasibility Study & Strategic Assessment Report will allow the Council to make an informed and reasoned decision on whether to advance the proposed project to the next stage in the project lifecycle, preliminary business case development.