Climate Actions Works Engagement Fund

Funding opportunity to support organisations to communicate about climate actions undertaken in the community


What is the aim of this fund?:

This fund is to support organisations to communicate about climate actions undertaken in the community.

This fund will support groups to work with audiences who have not previously talked about climate change or the local actions they can take.


Key dates:

Closing date – 4:00pm 4th October 2024

Delivery to start – Jan 2025

Report due – 30th Jan 2026


Applications should fall under one of the following three strands:

1.) Community Awareness – support groups to be able to talk about climate actions and encourage others in your community to join (upto €2500)

e.g. administrative, social media, or video related activities, hosting events.


2.) Community Engagement – support groups to join up and work together (upto €5,000)

e.g. developing strategies,. establishing community hubs that support climate action, collaborations that raise awareness of climate action.


3.) Community Activation – support groups to activate their communities around climate action (upto €10,000)

e.g. starting a new local environmental initiative, scaling up a current initiative or awareness-raising or community engagement, environmental projects that bring new people or groups in.


Who is eligible?

  1. Applications can be made by a registered charity or a local community / voluntary group.

2. Applicants must have an annual income of less than €1,000,000.

3. Applicants must have up to date and sufficient governing documents, accounts, and a dedicated bank account.

4. Applicants can be non-profit sports clubs or religious groups. 



More information can be found in the Press Release here: gov – Minister Ryan launches new campaign and funding programme for community climate engagement (

A link to the grant website can be found here: