Monaghan County Council Notices 6th February 2020

Temporary Closing Of Roads

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:              Monday 17th February and Tuesday 18th February 2020


Times:                                  8am to 5pm


To Facilitate:                     Gas Networks Ireland


Road Closed:                    

LS-8511-0 Chapel Lane, Carrickmacross


Diversion Routes:

Traffic turning onto the LT-8511-0 Chapel Lane from the R927-3 Main Street will be diverted onto the R927-3 Main Street, then turn left onto the R179-6 O’ Neill’s street, then turn left onto the LS-8510-0, Turn Left onto the LS-8512-0.


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

F. McEntee

Head of Roads

6th February 2020





Public Realm Scheme

Public Consultation


Tuesday 11th February 2020

at 7:00 p.m.

 The Oakland Centre, Glaslough


In recognition of the special architectural character of Glaslough and designation as an Architectural Conservation Area, a Public Realm Scheme has been prepared for the village.

You are invited to a public consultation event where Sheridan Woods Architects and Urban Planners will deliver a presentation on the Public Realm Scheme, having regard to Glaslough’s unique architectural character, and will invite your contributions to the scheme.

Public Consultation: Tuesday 11th February 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the Oakland Centre, Glaslough.

All welcome.


Road Works Speed Limit Order

Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Road Traffic Act 2004 Section 10 (1) of the Council’s intention to put in place Special Speed Limits for Road Works on the roads listed below in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney. The speed limits are being put in place in the interest of road safety to facilitate roadworks.      


50km/h speed limit signs will be in place at the following locations in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Townland Name Start Date End Date
R179 Carrickmacross-Shercock Road:  For a distance of 1000m between the Junction of the LP-49052 and its junction with the LT-49052 Corcreeghagh  




R-181-2 Castleblayney – Keady:  For a distance of 800m between the Junction of the LS-7506 and its junction with the LS-7601 Killygola  




LP4623: For a distance of 750m between its junction with the LP-4630 and its junction with LT46321. Inniskeen  




LS8180: For a distance of 1500m between its junction with the R180 and its junction with LP4102.  







LS7701: For a distance of 650m between its junction with the LT37031 and the County Boundary. Drumleek South  




LT4042: For a distance of 1350m between its junction with the LP4010 and the LS8020. Cornasassonagh  




LS7600: For a distance of 1450m between its junction with the LT76003 and the LT76111-0. Emybane  




LP4621: For a distance of 1470m between its junction with the LS8620 and its junction with LS8602. Mucker  




LT49201: For a distance of 1420m between its junction with the LP4920 and its junction with R178.  







LT40411: For a distance of 1560m between its junction with the R180 and its junction with LP4040.  

Bocks Middle







F. McEntee

Head of Roads

6th February 2020




If you applied to have your address changed on the Register of Electors (Voters List) and your old and new addresses are within County Monaghan, the change of address will not come into effect until 15th February, 2020.  Therefore, you must vote from your old address for the forthcoming General Election, 2020.  You can check your Elector Number and Polling Station online at or by contacting the Register of Electors Section of Monaghan County Council by telephone (047) 30551 or by email to

 Cathal Flynn

Director of Services

30th January 2020


County of Monaghan( Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye-Laws 2020


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Members of Monaghan County Council at their meeting held on the 06th January  2020 adopted the County of Monaghan( Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye-Laws 2020 pursuant to the provisions of Section 35(1) of the Waste Management Act 1996, Section 199 (1) and (2) of the Local Government Act 2001, and in accordance with Part 19 of the Local Government Act 2001. These  Bye-Laws will regulate and control the segregation, storage and presentation of household and commercial waste within its functional area and provision is made within these Bye-Laws for the imposition of fixed payment notices in accordance with Section 206 of the Local Government Act, 2001. These Bye-Laws repeal the County of Monaghan Byelaws for the collection, storage and presentation of waste and certain related waste management matters dated 2009.


These bye-Laws entitled County of Monaghan( Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye-Laws 2020 shall come into came  and have effect from 1st February, 2020. Copies of the Bye-Laws are available for inspection/collection during normal office hours at Environmental Services, Monaghan County Council, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan and on the following website: A copy of the Bye-Laws will be made available to any person at no cost.


Dated this 3rd February 2020. Mr. Adge King,  Director of Services, Climate Action, Environmental & Water Services