About Monaghan County Council

Our Vision

A thriving, entrepreneurial, and vibrant community supported by a prosperous economy and a sustainable environment.

Our Mission

Delivering high-quality people-centred services.

Our Values

MCC Values From Corporate Plan image

Who We Are

Monaghan County Council is responsible for the delivery of wide range of services including the provision of infrastructure services that are necessary to the physical, economic, social and cultural life of the County. Since the introduction of the Local Government Reform Act 2014, Local Authorities are also the primary driver of social, economic, and community development at a local level.

This involves the development of industry, business, and social, arts and cultural affairs in the county.

The Council performs both a representational and operational role, in accordance with the Irish system of Local Government, which encompasses both democratic representation and public administration.

Department Contacts

Artsartsoffice@monaghancoco.ie 047 38162

Climate Actionclimateaction@monaghancoco.ie 047 61144 or 042 9428313

Community  – communitydevelomentenquiries@monaghacoco.ie  047 73720

Corporate Services –  info@monaghacoco.ie  047 30500

Environment Services – envservices@monaghancoco.ie  042 9661240

Dog Pound –   dogs@monaghancoco.ie 042 9661240 / 087 6623876

Financerates@monaghancoco.ie  047 30590  Cash desk open to public Monday – Friday 9.15am – 1pm, 1.30pm – 5pm

Monaghan Fire Stationfireofficer@monaghancoco.ie  047 30500

Heritage – heritage@monaghancoco.ie 047 73722

Biodiversity – biodiversity@monaghancoco.ie 047 61811

Housinghousing@monaghacoco.ie  047 30500  Front desk open to the public  10am – 12midday Monday to Friday

Human resourcesrecruitment@monaghancoco.ie 047 73703


Ballybayballybaylibrary@monaghancoco.ie 042 9741256

Castleblayneycastleblayneylibrary@monaghancoco.ie  042 9740281

Carrickmacrosscarrickmacrosslibrary@monaghancoco.ie 042 9661148

Clones – cloneslibrary@monaghancoco.ie 047 74712

Monaghan townmonaghanlibrary@monaghancoco.ie 047 81830

Motor Tax – motortax@monaghancoco.ie 047 81175  Open to public Monday to Friday 9.30am – 1pm

Museum –  comuseum@monaghacoco.ie 047 82928


Planning Offices –  planning@monaghancoco.ie 047 30532

Peace Campuspeacecampus@monaghancoco.ie 047 30046 or 047 30047

Road Service – roads@monaghancoco.ie 047 30597

Town Regeneration – tro@monaghancoco.ie  047 73778

Tourism – tourism@monaghancoco.ie 047 81122 or 047 30533

Water Services – Uisce Eireannn 1800 278278   ruralwater@monaghancoco.ie  047 73769 or 047 30592

Register of Electors – 047 30551

Data protection – dataprotectionofficer@monaghancoco.ie  047 73765