Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme

Monaghan County Council – Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme


In Ireland it is predicted that there will be 1.4 million people aged 65 and over by 2041, with this age group making up 22% of the overall population. Older people account for up to 50% of all consumer spending in the EU. They have time to shop, they like to shop, and they are loyal customers. They will come back for repeat business if the consumer experience is comfortable and pleasant for them.

Looking after older customers isn’t just about good business sense, it is both common sense and an increasing necessity in our world today where business is becoming increasingly competitive. That’s the opinion of Barry Eaton, Monaghan Age Friendly Programme Manager, who is relaunching the Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme in the Monaghan area, with training being arranged for 16th July. He understands that while our older demographic is experiencing a sharp increase in numbers, businesses can increase their trade in our older demographic by making their experience more comfortable, personal and to strongly signal that their business is valued.

It is relatively easy to make a business age friendly. Most age friendly practices are low or zero cost and can make a big difference to older customers. Changes such as making it easier for older people to find out about available services and how they can access these services are good for all customers. When a business lets their customers know that they are aiming to be age friendly, they are letting older people know that they value their custom and are committed to serving them.

All businesses in the Monaghan are invited to sign up to the Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme for free. Participating businesses are required to nominate an “Age Friendly Champion” to undergo a short training course, consult with customers and implement three Age Friendly actions. The actions are often zero or low cost options which can make shopping easier for older customers. Examples include providing better signage, using larger fonts on print material and having designated Age Friendly parking.

The business benefits from the programme as, having successfully completed the programme, an Age Friendly accredited business can display their certification and accreditation window sticker. They will also be listed on the website. Barry Eaton, Monaghan Age Friendly Programme Manager, explains that “becoming an Age Friendly business benefits both the business and their customers. It will drive new customers to a business and help them retain them as older customers show greater loyalty towards local businesses and typically outspend other customers.”

Interested businesses are invited to sign up to this free programme by booking on the link at or or by contacting Monaghan Age Friendly Programme Manager Barry Eaton by emailing