Culture Night Monaghan

Culture night is an annual all-island public event that celebrates culture, creativity and the arts. This year, it will take place on Friday 22nd September 2017. From 5pm onwards, cultural venues across county Monaghan will stay open for everyone to come enjoy the unique experience of Culture Night, a free night of fun, entertainment and discovery.

Full list of events Culture Night Monaghan


Big Tom Celebrative Statue

Monaghan County Council have formed a committee whom wish to commission an artist to create a figurative bronze sculpture to celebrate the life achievements of Thomas “Big Tom” Mc Bride. This commissioned artwork will create awareness of the achievements of Big Tom and his contribution to Country and Irish Music over his career as a singer, guitarist and saxophone player.

Please click on the link below to read the Artists Brief for this project:

Artists Brief

Arts Projects/ County Arts Partnerships 2016

Administer direct grant assistance to venues, arts organisations and festivals deemed to be of strategy importance to the arts within the county.

Goal 3 planned actions of Arts Policy 2016 – 2020

  • In 2015, €59,000 was awarded under this scheme
  • 10 partners  were asked to submit to this fund, we got 9 returns
  • Budget recommendation for 2016 is €61,000.
  • An increase of 3% on last year
  • Total requested by the applicants in 2016 is €90,076 which up 12.5%
  • 68% of amount requested to be recommended.
  • Total funding received by Arts Partners from the Arts Council is €56,833.


  Recommended for 2016 2015 2016
1 The Garage Theatre €17,000  €17,000
2 Clones Film Festival €8,000 €8,000
3 Castleblayney Iontas Arts Centre €16,000 €16,000
4 Patrick Kavanagh Weekend €9,000 €9,000
5 Castleblayney Drama Festival €2,000 €3,000
6 Féile Patrick Byrne €2,500 €2,500
7 Scoil Cheoil Na Botha €1,500 €2,000
8 Muckno Mania, Castleblayney €1,000 €1,000
9 Carrickmacross Arts Festival €2,000 €2,500


Calling all Music Providers / Music Educators

In preparation for an application to the Music Generation scheme, Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) in association with  Cavan and Monaghan County Councils – are seeking the insights of music providers and educators concerning current music provision within the Cavan and Monaghan region.

Recognising that musicians are the essential resource in the delivery of high quality music education, the Music Generation model seeks to forge partnerships with local music educators to ensure the highest quality of performance music education for children and young people. Sponsoring initiatives to encourage musicians to live and work in their locality, it supports the need of musicians to reflect on and improve their professional education and musical practice in order to achieve positive musical outcomes for children/young people.

The input and insights of music providers and music educators are therefore sought during this initial information-gathering phase to chart current vocal/instrumental music education provision within the Cavan and Monaghan region. A short survey (less than 10 minutes) is now available online for completion    Closing date for completion is 5th May 2017 and all responses will be kept strictly confidential.

Thank you in advance for your contribution.

2017 Co-operation with Northern Ireland Scheme

Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs

 2017 Co-operation with Northern Ireland Scheme

  1. Introduction

During 2017, the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs will operate a Scheme of funding support for small self-contained projects which seek to enhance, celebrate or commemorate the artistic, cultural, musical, film or heritage of the Island of Ireland on a North/South basis.

  1. Objective/ Rationale

Funding provided under the Scheme should meet a specific cultural need and should support the Department in the delivery of its objective to nurture and develop Irish artistic and creative talent and enhance arts access, the national cultural institutions, regional arts infrastructure and cultural tourism countrywide, in cooperation with national and local authorities and other partners.

Projects funded under the Scheme must have a clearly demonstrable North/South element and should seek to make a contribution to enhancing, celebrating or commemorating the artistic, cultural, musical, film or heritage of the whole Island of Ireland.

Projects should be creative and innovative and examples of projects which could be considered for funding under the scheme include, but are not limited to, projects which:

  1. Promote co-operation and joint initiatives between organisations and institutions on a North/South basis;
  2. Promote cultural tourism on a North/South basis;
  3. Promote the provision of cultural outreach programmes on a North/South basis.

Please note: the Departmental contribution will not exceed €15,000 for any application. Projects must be completed in full prior to the final drawdown date of 31st October 2017.

  1. Eligibility

The following criteria for eligibility apply:

  1. Applications are invited from bodies, organisations and institutions that operate as not for profit.
  2. Applications involving partnerships or collaborations will be considered for funding under the Scheme.
  3. Only one application per organisation may be submitted.
  4. Capital projects cannot be considered for funding under the Scheme.

It should be noted that funding will not be provided for meals, receptions or such social aspects of any applications.

  1. Applications

Applicants should:

  1. clearly set out the objective, purpose and targeted end result of the proposed project;
  2. demonstrate the extent to which the project meets the objectives of the Scheme with particular reference to the North/South element;
  3. delineate all of the project costs;
  4. confirm that the project is realistic in terms of scale, capacity to deliver, costs, assistance sought and timeframe for delivery;
  5. clearly detail the level of own resources being made available for the project where applicable (see assessment criteria below);
  6. warrant that all representations made in pursuit of the application for funding are accurate and true;
  7. have all the requisite regulatory approvals in place; and
  8. be tax compliant.
  1. Additional requirements

Up-to-date Tax Clearance details.

  1. Assessment

All applications received will be considered and assessed.  The criteria to be used in this regard will include, but not be limited to, the following:

  1. The extent to which the project meets the objectives of the Scheme;
  2. Whether the project is realistic in terms of scale, costs, assistance sought and timeframe for delivery;
  3. The capacity of the applicant to deliver the project and whether or not there exists a proven track record of high quality, on time and within budget delivery;
  4. The level of own contribution towards the project;
  1. Successful applicants

All successful applicants under the Scheme will receive a letter of offer which will clearly set out the terms and conditions which attach to the funding.  These will include, but not be limited to, the following general terms and conditions (where applicable):

  1. applicants will be required to furnish a report on the project, such that would confirm the implementation and finalisation of the project;
  2. officials from the Department must be allowed suitable access to the project for the purposes of inspection;
  3. the Department’s contribution to the project must be acknowledged on all publicity and publications;
  4. any information in relation to the project required by the Department from time to time must be furnished promptly;
  5. original invoices in respect of all expenditure must be provided together with proof of payment of same;
  6. all records of expenditure and related invoice and papers must be retained for inspection as required by officials or relevant auditors;
  7. in the case of any individual expenditure of over €5,000, the requisite procurement procedures should be followed and evidence of same produced, if required.

The Department reserves the right to revoke any allocation, if suitable progress is not made in advancing the project and/or the terms and conditions of funding are not met

Letters of offer may be for a lesser amount than that sought by the applicant.  All letters of offer must be formally accepted.

  1. Monitoring and follow up

All successful projects will be monitored on an ongoing basis in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the letter of offer. Sufficient information must be made available to satisfy the Department that the project is proceeding and will be completed on time and within agreed costs.

Before final payment will be made, the Department must be satisfied that a report on the project has been received and that sufficient information is to hand to verify that the project has been completed as agreed.

  1. Contact point

All applications for consideration for funding under this scheme should be sent to:-


Ms. Aoife O’Sullivan,

Cultural Schemes Unit,

Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural & Gaeltacht Affairs,

New Road,


Co. Kerry.


Phone: 064-6627384

  1. Deadlines

Applications for consideration for funding under the scheme should be submitted as outlined above no later than the 19th May 2017


Any funds allocated under the Scheme must be drawn down in accordance with the terms and conditions outlined in the letter of offer no later than the 31st October 2017.

Freedom of Information Act

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2014, details contained in applications and supporting documents may, on request, be released to third parties. If there is information contained in your application which is sensitive, please identify it and provide an explanation as to why it should not be disclosed. If a request to release sensitive information under the legislation is received, you will be consulted before a decision is made whether or not to release the information. However, in the absence of the identification of particular information as sensitive, it may be disclosed without any consultation with you.

Application Form 

Application Form Co – operation with Northern Ireland Funding Scheme 2017

2 Major Capital awards for Monaghan announced this Morning at Cavan Town Hall

By Minister Heather Humphreys ” I am so pleased to announce funding of more than €332K  for two arts and cultural centres in Monaghan.

The funding is being made available as part of the €9 million arts and culture capital scheme, the details of which I announced in Cavan Town Hall this morning.

The Patrick Kavanagh Centre in Inniskeen is being awarded €188,636 to allow for major structural refurbishment of the building, including re-roofing, re-wiring, new public toilets and improvements to the car parking facilities. The Old Post Office in Clones will receive a grant of €144,077 to allow for it to be redeveloped as a arts studio and community hub.”


launch arts 2

In the photo Left to right Cllr Cathy Bennett : Dympna Condra, Tourism Officer MCC : Art Agnew, Patrick Kavanagh Centre, Inniskeen : Minister Heather Humphreys : Fintan McPhillips, Community Development, MCC: Rosaleen Kearney, Patrick Kavanagh Centre, Inniskeen : Joanne Behan Artist & Clones Artist Studios : Eileen Ferguson, Artist & Clones Artist Studios

Arts Partners Grant Scheme

Arts Partners Grants Scheme is set up to allocate direct grant assistance to Arts venues, arts organisations & arts festivals deemed to be of strategic importance to the arts environment within the county.

‘Monaghan Co. Council, in conjunction with the Arts Council, is committed to developing a sustainable network of arts organisations, companies, festivals and venues, presenting and promoting professional arts work so that the public can enjoy a wide range of excellent arts experiences both as audiences and engaged participants.’ MCC Arts Policy 2016-2020.
‘In order to assist them in developing good practice in audience development and public engagement and to encourage arts organisations to commission new work, to experiment with co-productions and to engage directly with artists in the development of their annual programmes and to ensure that investment is strategic and sustainable. MCC Arts Policy.

You can download an application form on or have one emailed to you by request to or by simply calling 047 38162 to have an application form posted to you.   Arts Partners Form 2017.doc

Is Féidir leat an t-iarratas a líonadh amach trí ghaeilge mas fearr leat.

The Arts Office,
Monaghan County Council,
The Market House,
Monaghan Town .

Closing date Thursday 02 March 2017 at 5pm