Monaghan County Council has officially launched its second Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2023-2029. The plan sets out A Vision for Monaghan to continue to be an attractive and welcoming County with vibrant communities and a diverse economy, built around wellbeing, innovation, prosperity, and sustainability.

Monaghan LECP 2023-2029 sets out 6 ambitious High-Level Goals which were developed following extensive public consultation and builds on the foundations of the first LECP 2016-2021 but also takes into consideration emerging issues. This plan is the result of collaborative efforts involving local communities, individuals, businesses and other key stakeholders throughout the county.

Councillor Cathy Bennett Chairperson Monaghan LCDC stated “It is an honour to be a part of the launch of the Local Economic and Community Plan 2023-2029. The development of this plan has enabled valuable engagement on key aspects of economic, community and social inclusion issues, At its core are the views from our communities of what their needs are, and through this engagement we have developed a plan that demonstrates a focus for the shared vision of a better quality of life for our communities and opportunities to jointly address issues affecting all of us. The LCDC looks forward to working with all stakeholders towards the delivery, monitoring and implementation of this plan”.

Robert Burns Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council echoed these sentiments and said “I am delighted to attend the LECP launch today. This plan follows 2-year extensive consultation and socio-economic research. The success of this plan requires leadership and commitment from all the agencies with responsibility for the delivery of actions in the plan. I congratulate them for their efforts in making Monaghan a place where people want to work, live, visit and do business and be a part of our wonderful communities.

I also want to thank the LECP Advisory Group, the Strategic Policy Committees for Economic and Community Development and all the members of the LCDC.

I wish all those agencies the very best in the delivery of the actions of the plan and I look forward to seeing the many benefits in its implementation”.

Local Economic and Community Plan (LECP) 2023-2029


 Photo attached. Left to Right: Eilín Connolly Local Enterprise Office, Packie Kelly Monaghan PPN, Gareth McMahon A/Director of Services Community Development, Cllr Cathy Bennett Chairperson Monaghan LCDC, Robert Burns Chief Executive, Nicola Payne A/Senior Executive Officer, Cathal Flynn Director of Services Economic Development and Leona Keenan Administrative Officer.


Left to Right: Eilín Connolly Local Enterprise Office, Packie Kelly Monaghan PPN, Gareth McMahon A/Director of Services Community Development, Cllr Cathy Bennett Chairperson Monaghan LCDC, Robert Burns Chief Executive, Nicola Payne A/Senior Executive Officer, Cathal Flynn Director of Services Economic Development and Leona Keenan Administrative Officer.

Draft Scheme for the establishment of the Strategic Policy Committees



Following the local elections held in June 2024 it is now necessary for Monaghan County Council to re-establish the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) which will continue to form an important part of the local government framework for the county.
The representational structure on each SPC is designed to bring together both elected members and people actively working with social, economic, cultural and environmental bodies to develop and review policies related to Council services.

At the July meeting the Council adopted a Draft Scheme for the establishment of five Strategic Policy Committees. The Draft Scheme, which has been developed in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government provides for the following committees:

(i) SPC for Housing
(ii) SPC for Transport
(iii) SPC for Economic Development and Enterprise
(iv) SPC for Environment and Climate Change
(v) SPC for Tourism, Rural & Community Development and Cultural Services

Membership of the SPCs will comprise
•local elected members (to be nominated by Monaghan County Council)
•Representatives from the Cultural/Community/Voluntary/Social Inclusion sectors to be nominated by Monaghan Public Participation Network
•The nominees from the other sectors – Agriculture/Trade Union/Environment/
Development/Construction/Business to be made by their respective national representative bodies.

The Draft SPC Scheme and Department Guidelines are now available for inspection at or at the offices of Monaghan County Council, during normal office hours. Submissions on the draft scheme are now being sought and should be received by 5.00 p.m. on 16 August 2024.
Submissions can be forwarded by post or email to the A/Senior Executive Officer, Corporate Services, Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan (email –

Carmel O’Hare
Director of Corporate Services
18 July 2024

DRAFT SPC Scheme 2024 2029

SPC Guidelines June 2024

Monaghan Town Takes 2nd Place on IBAL Anti-Litter League Survey for 2024.


Monaghan Town Takes 2nd Place on IBAL Anti-Litter League Survey for 2024.

Monaghan Town has been placed 2nd in a list of 40 town and cities surveyed in the annual national litter survey, conducted by An Taisce on behalf of Irish Business Against Litter (IBAL).   The town achieved a result of ‘Cleaner than European Norms’.  The staff of Monaghan Municipal District and staff from The Environment Section of Monaghan Co. Council are proud to have worked collaboratively with Monaghan Tidy Towns Group, local businesses, volunteers and residents to achieve Monaghan’s best ever placing over many years of inclusion in the IBAL Anti-Litter League.  Nine out of the ten sites surveyed got the top litter grade – examples of these included Monaghan Retail Park, The Bring Centre at The Town Centre Car Park, Monaghan Model School and Dublin Street – well done to all concerned.    The survey noted that the residential area of Woodlands was exceptionally freshly presented and maintained.

Full survey results can be found at :Anti-Litter League Rd1 2024 – An Taisce reports | IBAL

Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme

Monaghan County Council – Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme


In Ireland it is predicted that there will be 1.4 million people aged 65 and over by 2041, with this age group making up 22% of the overall population. Older people account for up to 50% of all consumer spending in the EU. They have time to shop, they like to shop, and they are loyal customers. They will come back for repeat business if the consumer experience is comfortable and pleasant for them.

Looking after older customers isn’t just about good business sense, it is both common sense and an increasing necessity in our world today where business is becoming increasingly competitive. That’s the opinion of Barry Eaton, Monaghan Age Friendly Programme Manager, who is relaunching the Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme in the Monaghan area, with training being arranged for 16th July. He understands that while our older demographic is experiencing a sharp increase in numbers, businesses can increase their trade in our older demographic by making their experience more comfortable, personal and to strongly signal that their business is valued.

It is relatively easy to make a business age friendly. Most age friendly practices are low or zero cost and can make a big difference to older customers. Changes such as making it easier for older people to find out about available services and how they can access these services are good for all customers. When a business lets their customers know that they are aiming to be age friendly, they are letting older people know that they value their custom and are committed to serving them.

All businesses in the Monaghan are invited to sign up to the Age Friendly Business Recognition Programme for free. Participating businesses are required to nominate an “Age Friendly Champion” to undergo a short training course, consult with customers and implement three Age Friendly actions. The actions are often zero or low cost options which can make shopping easier for older customers. Examples include providing better signage, using larger fonts on print material and having designated Age Friendly parking.

The business benefits from the programme as, having successfully completed the programme, an Age Friendly accredited business can display their certification and accreditation window sticker. They will also be listed on the website. Barry Eaton, Monaghan Age Friendly Programme Manager, explains that “becoming an Age Friendly business benefits both the business and their customers. It will drive new customers to a business and help them retain them as older customers show greater loyalty towards local businesses and typically outspend other customers.”

Interested businesses are invited to sign up to this free programme by booking on the link at or or by contacting Monaghan Age Friendly Programme Manager Barry Eaton by emailing

Town Plan and Reuse of a Heritage Building in Monaghan Town

Monaghan County Council secures almost €200,000 to develop a Town Plan and Reuse of a Heritage Building in Monaghan Town

Monaghan County Council are pleased to announce that it has been awarded a grant of €199,341 from the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027. This significant funding will support the development of a Town Plan for Monaghan Town, carry out citizen engagement, and identify and develop proposals for a number of heritage buildings within the town.


The aim of this initiative is to breathe new life into Monaghan town and to enable it to function as the sustainable and vibrant heart of the communities it serves. The project will be an opportunity for citizens to engage with the local authority to develop a place plan, select suitable projects for development, and identify sustainable and viable end uses for underutilised heritage buildings in the town centre.  The development of the Plan will provide the means of securing further capital funding for the renovation and reuse of a heritage building in public ownership.


Robert Burns, Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council expressed his gratitude for the funding stating “We are grateful to Northern and Western Regional Assembly, as Managing Authority for the ERDF Northern and Western Regional Programme 2021-2027 for their support in providing this grant. It will allow us to work with the community in developing Monaghan Town, making it an attractive, engaging and inviting space that serves the needs of residents and visitors alike.  Following on from the development of the Peace Campus it will provide a springboard to further enhancements to the town”.


Councillor David Maxwell, Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council  said  “ Monaghan County Council is committed to the improvement of all our towns in the County. Through the public, community groups and the council working together we can ensure this occurs. The development of a Town Plan for Monaghan will be the opportunity to agree a common way forward with specific projects to implement.


The development of plans will also allow us to securing funding for capital projects into the future similar to the Peace Campus, which is already a great success and thereby add to the attractiveness of the Town Centre


Sensory Garden and Outdoor Educational Space at Cloughvalley, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan

It is intended that the sensory garden will allow visitors to enjoy a wide variety of sensory experiences. The garden will be designed to provide opportunities to stimulate the senses, both individually and in a combination of ways that users may not usually encounter. The proposal includes hard and soft landscaping works, surface paving, planting, boundary treatments and all other associated site development works and services.

It will form part of a package of proposals aimed at consolidating and enhancing the existing amenities at Cloughvalley Park.

Your Feedback

Your feedback on the Sensory Garden and Outdoor Educational Space at Cloughvalley is important to us, and we encourage you to participate in the consultation. Please refer to the Materials section on this page for additional images. This consultation will remain open for a period of three weeks, closing on 5pm on the 25th  June 2024.

How to Make a Submission

Written observations or submissions must be received by 5pm on the 25th  June 2024

Online here


In writing marked “Cloughvalley Sensory Garden and Outdoor Educational Space” to:

Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District, Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, A81 RY22


We understand that online information cannot be accessed by everyone, therefore, the Materials attached will also be available for inspection at Carrickmacross Civic Offices, at the above address, Monday – Friday 09:30 to 16:30, from the 4th of June 2024.

Please note late submissions cannot be considered and will be returned. Submissions should be in ONE medium only, either online or hard copy.Sensory Garden Carrickmacross Co Monaghan

Monaghan County Council ‘Community Awards Nights’.

Monaghan County Council recently held a series of Community Awards Nights which recognised the hugely important and impactful work which community groups undertake throughout the county on an annual basis.

The first Community Awards Night took place on Monday 27th May at The Four Seasons Hotel and drew a large attendance. The second event recognised the efforts of the Clones/Ballybay Municipal District community groups and was held on Wednesday 29th May in the Creighton Hotel in Clones. The final ceremony held was the Carrickmacross-Castleblayney Municipal District Awards Nights which were held on Thursday 30th May at the Municipal District Building in Carrickmacross.

Each of the community groups present at the events had received funding from the Community Development Fund or Environmental Services Fund in 2024. Funding was provided to a large number of community groups for a diverse range of projects such as the enhance of local facilities, community festivals/events, maintenance of open spaces/parks and environmental improvements to public spaces. These funds assist the groups undertake valuable projects in their local areas during the course of 2024.

Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council Cllr. David Maxwell thanked all the groups  for their efforts during the last twelve months. He said “These awards provide an ideal opportunity for Monaghan County Council to show its appreciation of the valuable work which communities carry out on a daily basis. The work that they carry out is invaluable. I am conscious that there is a huge level of community and voluntary activity taking place in Monaghan and it is very important that this work is both acknowledged and rewarded annually”.

Barry Eaton from the Community Section of Monaghan County Council also acknowledged the invaluable contribution of the groups. He said “community groups are a significant driver of the overall prosperity in every town and village in our county. They enhance the attractiveness of our communities and make them welcoming places. Monaghan has a strong tradition of community cooperation and volunteering, particularly in the Tidy Towns sector. It is important to acknowledge the role and contribution of our community groups who work with the Council to make our communities better places in which to live, work and visit”.