Clones Urban Mobility Plan

Monaghan County Council (MCC) and the National Transport Authority (NTA) have developed a Draft Urban Mobility Plan to identify transport enhancements to the existing transport infrastucture within Clones Town.  The aim of the plan is to improve the current sustainable transport offering in Clones for all travel modes.

The Draft Plan is accompanied with

Appropriate Assessment Screening Report

Strategic Environmental Assessment Screening Report

The Draft Plan will be on display from Wednesday 5th February until Thursday 6th March 2025 and is available to view online at:

A questionnaire is also included for submissions on the consultation portal.

Printed copies of the Draft Plan along with screening reports are available to view at the following locations:

Ballybay-Clones Municipal District Office, Monaghan Road, Clones

MTEK II, Armagh Road, Knockaconny, Monaghan, H18 YH59

The Glen Offices, Monaghan Town, H18 YT50

Closing date for submissions on the Draft Clones Urban Mobility Plan is 5pm on the 6th March 2025.

Submissions can be made via the survey or email to   or in paper to:

Active Travel, Roads, MTEK 11, Armagh Road, Knockaconny, Monaghan, H18 YH59