Monaghan Age Friendly Programme is asking people to check in on their older neighbours during these challenging times.

Monaghan Age Friendly Programme is asking people to check in on their older neighbours during these challenging times.

Monaghan has almost 8,000 older people living across the county.
There are many of our older people living alone.

You can check in to say:

  • Hello
  • Leave your number so they can call you if needed.
  • I can go to the shops for you
  • I baked these goodies for you
  • I picked these flowers for you
  • I can take out/in your bin
  • I can walk your dog
  • I can help you with your garden

Please ensure to adhere to the current level of COVID-19 Restrictions.

Monaghan Age Friendly Programme is inviting Older People’s clubs and groups to join our new Monaghan Older People’s Council

Monaghan Age Friendly Programme is inviting Older People’s clubs and groups to join our new Monaghan Older People’s Council.
-Keep up to date with information and supports available during COVID-19.
-Get involved in the activities and events of Monaghan Age Friendly Programme
-Raise any issues or concerns that are impacting on older people in your community.
To register your group contact:
Bernie Bradley,
Age Friendly Programme Manager,
087 6443332 or
Monaghan Age Friendly Programme is inviting Older People’s clubs and groups to join our new Monaghan Older People’s Council

Make Way Day 2020: Virtual meeting at 11.00am Friday 25th September 2020

Make Way Day 2020 Friday 25th September 2020

Make way on the streets for people with a disability

Monaghan County Council will be supporting national Make Way Day 2020 on Friday 25th September 2020. Make Way Day is a campaign that brings the disability and wider community together to consider the needs of people with disabilities in the public spaces we all share.

To mark Make Way Day 2020 local authorities across the country will host virtual meetings on Friday, 25th September at 11.00am. Cathaoirleach of Monaghan County Council, Cllr. Colm Carthy will host the Monaghan virtual meeting. Cllr. Carthy will be joined by members of County Monaghan Disability Network and staff from Monaghan County Council who are involved in design and upgrading of our streetscapes and Monaghan Garda station will also join the meeting and document the issues highlighted by people with a view to improving accessibility for everyone.

You can get involved Make Way Day 2020 Friday, September 25th.

  • Take pictures of the obstacles you encounter and post your pictures to social media.
  • Include #MakeWayDay, tag Make Way Day,  Disability Federation of Ireland and Monaghan County Council in your posts on Facebook.
  • Include #MakeWayDay, tag @MakeWayDay,  @disabilityfed and @MonaghanCoCo in your posts on Twitter
  • Contact Bernie Bradley 087 6443332 if there are any obstacles you would like to highlight to Monaghan County Council.




Healthy Ireland Small Grants 2020

Healthy Ireland Small Grants 2020

Healthy Ireland, A Framework for Improved Health and Wellbeing 2013 – 2025 is the national framework for action to improve the health and wellbeing of Ireland over the coming generation.   Now in its 3rd year, the ‘Healthy Ireland Fund’ aims to support innovative, cross sectoral, evidence based projects, programmes and initiatives that support key national policies in areas such as mental health, physical activity, nutrition and sexual health, tobacco and alcohol and development of spaces and places for health and wellbeing.


Applications are now invited for funding under this scheme:

  • The Scheme offers small grants of up to a minimum of €2000 and a maximum of €5000
  • Funding is for programme activity only under the Healthy Ireland theme of Mental Health
  • Only one application is accepted from each Community/Voluntary Group



Who is eligible to apply?

  • Locally based community and voluntary groups
  • Not for Profit Organisations
  • Eligible facilities will include community groups, youth clubs, sports/recreation clubs, family resource centres.


Applications can be made online only

Guidelines for the application can be found here Healthy Monaghan Application Guidelines (PDF)>>

This is an online application process only and hard copy application forms will not be accepted.

Closing date for receipt of completed online application is 4pm on Monday 12th October 2020.

Applications received after this date will be deemed ineligible.

For any queries please contact:

Phone: (087) 6369109 / (047) 73717    Email:

Community Enhancement Programme 2020 Round 2

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) announces an additional phase (Round 2) to the Community Enhancement Programme for 2020. The Community Enhancement Programme (CEP) provides capital grants to community groups with the aim of enhancing facilities in disadvantaged areas.

In June 2020 the LCDC launched the CEP aimed at all community groups with a fund in the county of €55,451, (Round 1). The LCDC is now implementing the €109,947 fund, (Round 2) under the CEP, which will provide capital grants towards the maintenance, improvement and upkeep of community centres and community buildings in County Monaghan. Similar expenditure on other community facilities will also be allowed.

This funding is being made available under the Government’s July stimulus package, and is targeted at measures that stimulate local economies, while enhancing facilities in disadvantaged areas.

This fund will be administered in a manner similar to the CEP that was launched in June 2020 (Round 1), but with a later closing date, due to its’ later launch. Any applications received under Round 1 in respect of Community Centres and Community Building will be automatically redirected to Phase 2 and not considered under Round 1.

Capital expenditure on adaptations or equipment needed as a result of COVID-19 may be eligible, depending on the work being completed.

Applications should be made to the LCDC by 12 noon Monday 5th October, 2020.

General conditions of the scheme:

Projects or elements of project of a capital nature may be funded.

Organisations eligible for funding include:

  • Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply.
  • Commercial organisations and individuals are not eligible for funding.

Those not eligible for funding include:

  • Commercial organisations, individuals and for-profit organisations.


The following is a non-exhaustive list of capital projects that could receive funding under the programme:

  • Development/renovation of community centres
  • Once off maintenance of premises. This does not include regular routine maintenance
  • Community amenities
  • Development of youth clubs or facilities
  • Development of sports/recreation facilities
  • Improvements to town parks and common areas and spaces
  • CCTV equipment
  • Public realm improvements
  • Streetscaping
  • Development of play/recreation spaces
  • Energy efficiency type projects
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Adaptations or equipment needed as a result of COVID-19

Note: Requests for assistance usually exceed the funds available. Applicants should be aware that the Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore, all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may be for a lesser amount.

Applications will be evaluated by the LCDC to ensure eligibility and consistence with the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 (LECP) which can be viewed at the following link

Funding will be ring fenced as follows:

  • At least 30% of grant aid will be ring fenced for grants of €1,000 or less.
  • Further assessment criteria may be added by the LCDC prior to the closing date and if so, this will be communicated via usual channels.
  • With the remainder of funding to be awarded at the discretion of the LCDC.

Applications can be made online only:

Click on the link below to open the Online Application Form which opens in a new window:

Community Enhancement Programme fund for Community Centres and Community Buildings Application Guidelines (PDF) >>


This is an online application process only and hard copy application forms will not be accepted. Closing date for receipt of completed online applications is 12 noon Monday 5th October 2020. Applications received after this date will be deemed ineligible.

For any queries please email:  Or contact:  047 73720 / 047 73717 / 047 73707

Monaghan Sports Partnership COVID-19 Sports Club Small Grant Scheme

Small Grant Scheme for sports clubs (Covid19 supports)

Monaghan Sports Partnership has now launched its small grant scheme for sports clubs (this scheme may also be applicable to community organisations whereby sport and physical activity is their core element).

Please see below press information.

All details are available on our website and posted on our facebook page Applications are made via online format.

Monaghan Sports Partnership COVID-19 Sports Club Small Grant Scheme

Sports clubs in County Monaghan can now apply for COVID-19 Sports Club Small Grants of up to €1,500 through Monaghan Sports Partnership.

The COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme is part of a series of COVID-19 related funding schemes from Sport Ireland, following the announcement of funding by the Government to support the sports sector in response to the Covid-19 crisis.

The COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme will be implemented by Sport Ireland’s network of Local Sports Partnerships and will provide assistance to local clubs with covering costs associated with the reopening of sports clubs. This scheme is separate to the Sports Club Resilience Fund, which will be delivered through National Governing Bodies.

This scheme is designed to support sports clubs that do not have the finances to implement COVID-19 related hygiene and social distancing protocols. The COVID-19 Club Small Grants can be used to support COVID-19 related expenditure dating from 2nd May 2020 onwards (Date of publication of Government roadmap to recovery). As the total fund available is limited, clubs which already have the finances to implement COVID-19 protocols should not apply.

This grant scheme is designed and intended to support return to sporting activities only and cannot be used to support COVID-19 costs related to hospitality services such as bars or restaurants within sports facilities.

The scheme will be based on identified needs. Monaghan Sports Partnership and Sport Ireland will work together to ensure that the investment is distributed fairly and every effort will be made to ensure that the wider sports community benefits from this scheme. There is a €1,500 limit per club on this grant scheme however applications will be means tested and only clubs with the most need will be eligible for the full amount. Clubs should not feel that they have to apply for the full amount to be considered for support.

Speaking regarding the launch of the COVID-19 Club Small Grant Scheme, LSP Coordinator with Monaghan Sports Partnership, Michelle Murphy, said “Monaghan Sports Partnership welcomes the announcement of financial support for sports clubs across Ireland and encourages all sports clubs in Monaghan to assess their need for financial support towards COVID-19 related hygiene and social distancing protocols.

• Only one application can be submitted per sport club

• Applications to Monaghan Sports Partnership are only applicable to clubs based within Co. Monaghan

• Funding applications must be submitted by the closing date of Tuesday 1st September 2020 via the online application option on Monaghan Sports Partnership’s website at

• Clubs must ensure that, where available, they prioritise the application for funding support via their National Governing Body or relevant representative body. Funding support for the same purpose should not be sought from multiple sources

Further Information:

Application form and all relevant information is available at

Community Enhancement Programme 2020

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)

Community Enhancement Programme 2020

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) announces the launch of the Community Enhancement Programme for 2020. Projects or elements of project of a capital nature may be funded.

Organisations eligible for funding include:

  • Any not-for-profit community or voluntary group can apply.
  • Commercial organisations and individuals are not eligible for funding.

Those not eligible for funding include:

  • Commercial organisations, individuals and for-profit organisations.


The following is a non-exhaustive list of capital projects that could receive funding under the programme:

  • Development/renovation of community centres
  • Once off maintenance of premises. This does not include regular routine maintenance
  • Community amenities
  • Development of youth clubs or facilities
  • Development of sports/recreation facilities
  • Improvements to town parks and common areas and spaces
  • CCTV equipment
  • Public realm improvements
  • Streetscaping
  • Development of play/recreation spaces
  • Energy efficiency type projects
  • Purchase of equipment
  • Adaptations or equipment needed as a result of COVID-19

Note: Requests for assistance usually exceed the funds available. Applicants should be aware that the Programme is likely to be oversubscribed.  Therefore, all applications fulfilling the conditions may not be successful or may be for a lesser amount.


Applications will be evaluated by the LCDC to ensure eligibility and consistence with the Local Economic and Community Plan 2016-2021 (LECP) which can be viewed at the following link

Funding will be ringfenced as follows:

  • At least 30% of grant aid will be ringfenced for grants of €1,000 or less.

A further 30% of grants will be ringfenced for grants up to €2,500.

  • With the remainder of funding to be awarded at the discretion of the LCDC.

Applications can be made online only.

Click on the link below to open the Online Application Form which opens in a new window:

Community Enhancement Programme Application Form >>

Community Enhancement Programme Application Guidelines (PDF) >>


This is an online application process only and hard copy application forms will not be accepted. Closing date for receipt of completed online applications is 12 noon Monday 7th September 2020. Applications received after this date will be deemed ineligible.

For any queries please email:  Or contact:  047 73720 / 047 73717 / 047 73707

People of Monaghan challenged to take part in BeActive Day 2020

Co. Monaghan is challenged to be active on Sunday, 28th June as part of the Sport Ireland National BeActive Day.

Monaghan Sports Partnership is one of 29 Local Sports Partnerships in the country who are coming together to celebrate a day of physical activity and sport and want you to join in and be active.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, Monaghan Sports Partnership has been working hard to ensure the people of county Monaghan remain physically active.

As part of a national network of 29 Local Sports Partnerships (LSP) Monaghan Sports Partnership has adapted by using online resources, printed booklets and other innovative means, to ensure that everyone in their community has the opportunity to share in the enjoyment as well as the mental and physical health benefits of sport and physical activity.

International guidelines recommend children are active for at least 60 minutes a day and adults for 30 minutes a day, National BeActive Day is a fun and inclusive way of getting in your daily physical activity.

Launching the event, Chief Executive of Sport Ireland, John Treacy encouraged as many people as possible to take part, “The last few months have been very difficult for people but it has been highly encouraging to see people look after their own health and well-being through taking part in regular sport and physical activity. Research has shown that unprecedented numbers of people are out walking and cycling, which is great to see. As we begin to come out of the restrictions, I think it is more important than ever that we continue to exercise and be physically active every day. I am really looking forward to National BeActive Day and challenge you all to get active, pick a new activity or sport and enjoy it”.

Michelle Murphy, Coordinator of Monaghan Sports Partnership commented, “National BeActive Day is an opportunity to get everyone in the household up and active. You can do it just for fun or add a competitive element by keeping scores or splitting in to teams. No matter what you do, we encourage you to be active and have some fun, and let’s make County Monaghan the most active county on the day!.”

The Local Sports Partnerships have developed a printable list of games and activities to give you some inspiration, all of which are fully adaptive for people of all abilities and skill levels. With suggestions to make the games harder or easier, there is a game for everyone. Simply print out the games or display them on your phone and be active.  Or why not get creative and create your own games, activities or challenges?


Monaghan Sports Partnership are running a competition for the most creative National BeActive Day activity in the county so make sure to share a photo or video on social media and tag in @SportIreland and @Monaghansports and the hashtag #NationalBeActiveDay to be in with a chance of winning a prize!

If you are not on social media, you can email a photo or video of your activity to to be in with a chance of winning a prize!


For more information on the home sports day visit  or contact Monaghan Sports Partnership on 042-9755126 or


Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020

Clar Funding

Monaghan County Council

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020

Expressions of Interest are being sought for the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020

Town & Village Renewal SchemeThe Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020 provides funding for rural towns and villages for delivery of projects in 2020 and 2021 with a particular focus on projects that aid the economic and social recovery of towns and villages in response to COVID-19.

Successful proposals will demonstrate close collaboration between communities and business interests in the design and delivery of proposed projects and must have the support of the Local Authority.

An outline of the 2020 Town & Village scheme

Download PDF >>TV Scheme 2020 Outline

The Expression of Interest application form

All interested Town/Village Groups/Community Groups/Development Associations should complete the Expression of Interest form which must be submitted on-line no later than 5pm on Friday 10th July 2020.

It is essential that project promoters consult with the relevant Municipal District Office of Monaghan County Council while preparing an Expression of Interest and prior to its submission.



Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020 Accelerated Measure in response to COVID 19

Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020 Accelerated Measure in response to COVID 19


The Department of Rural and Community Development has announced the Town and Village Renewal Scheme 2020. In addition to the standard scheme, there is a focus on immediate interventions that can be delivered in the short-term (before the end of 2020) to assist towns and villages to adapt to COVID-19, aiding the economic and social recovery of towns and villages.


The stand-alone Measure will provide accelerated support for towns and villages to adapt to public health requirements such as social distancing in the short term, and to encourage increased footfall in our towns and villages as we re-open society and business.


The Accelerated Measure will provide funding of up to €25,000 per project, increasing to €40,000 for higher impact projects. There are two funding rounds of the Accelerated Measure with closing dates for applications to the Department of 03 July 2020 and 14 August 2020.  A maximum of 5 applications per local authority can be submitted per funding round. Only 1 application for the higher funding limit of €40,000 can be submitted per funding round. Those towns/villages that were successful under Round 1 shall not be eligible to apply under Round 2. The rate of grant aid will be a maximum of 90% of project costs.


Applications should be developed in consultation with community and business interests including Town Teams, Chamber of Commerce (or similar) and community organisations as appropriate.


The Accelerated Measure provides Local Authorities with flexibility to design and deliver solutions to the challenges introduced by COVID-19 based on the situation pertaining in their own area. These solutions can be tailored to individual towns/villages or an individual project might provide the same solution for a number of towns/villages. Innovative and novel solutions are encouraged.


The following list is provided as a non-exhaustive indicative list of the types of interventions which might be considered by Local Authorities. The examples are provided as a guide only.


Measures to deal with Social Distancing requirements:

  • The provision of equipment or carrying out of works to temporarily repurpose or pedestrianise public areas to facilitate on street/outdoors trading and/or to make these areas temporarily weather-proof by the use of marquees, awnings etc.
  • Adaptation of heritage/community buildings to accommodate multiple local businesses to sell their products and services, in line with public health guidance pertaining to COVID-19.
  • Development of a central online platform for a town or village where consumers can continue to “shop local” by virtually visiting the shops in a town or village through a single website.
  • Provision of local centralised drive-through facilities for items purchased online or over the phone.


Measures to encourage increased footfall:

  • Collectivised branding/marketing of towns or villages through both traditional and social media channels.
  • Capital expenditure associated with festivals or smaller-scale events later in the year when public health guidelines allow.
  • Painting and improving shop front facades and other minor public realm improvements (seating, planting/landscaping, deep clean of public areas etc.).
  • Investment in adapting public areas, footpaths etc. to make them accessible to all ages and all abilities.


Types of activities that will not be supported

  • Projects with a completion timeframe of more than 6 months should generally be submitted through the standard Town and Village Renewal Scheme (application deadline date 28th Aug 2020).
  • Ongoing Operational Costs – projects should, in the main, be of a capital nature and ongoing operational costs will need to be met from own funds.
  • Support for a single private enterprise – projects that collectively assist private enterprises within a town or village are eligible.


Link to full details of the Town and Village Renewal Scheme COVID-19 Accelerated Measure

Please contact your local Municipal District Co-ordinator to discuss potential projects for submission to this scheme as early as possible:

  • Ballybay/Clones Municipal District Office – 047 51018
  • Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Municipal District Office – 042 9661236
  • Monaghan Municipal District Office – 047 73777