Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2014 was introduced to help access official information to records created after 21st October 1998.

Apply For Information under the Freedom of Information Act

Under the Freedom of Information Act you are entitled to request any official information held by Monaghan County Council.

However, in order to allow Monaghan County Council to properly conduct its business, it will sometimes be necessary to exempt from release certain types of information in some circumstances. These are set out in the Act.

Among the key exemptions are records relating to:

  • Government meetings
  • law enforcement and security
  • confidential and commercially sensitive information
  • personal information (other than information relating to the person making the request)


Can I get access to any information that I seek?

The following records come within the scope of the FOI Act:

  • all records relating to requesters’ personal information irrespective of when they were created
  • all other records created from the commencement of the FOI Act (21 October 1998)
  • any records necessary to the understanding of a current record even if created prior to 21 October 1998

Any records held by the local authority falling into these categories may be sought under the Act. However, in order to allow public bodies to conduct their business properly and to protect the rights of third parties, certain records are exempt from release under the Act. Whether an exemption will be applied depends, in many cases, on whether the public interest is better served by releasing or withholding the information. Among the key exemptions are records relating to:

  • Government meetings
  • the deliberative processes of the public body
  • parliamentary and court matters
  • law enforcement and public safety
  • security, defence and international relations
  • confidential and commercially sensitive information
  • personal information (other than information relating to the person making the request)


Making a request

If you would like to make an application for information held by Monaghan County Council, please make the request in writing to Monaghan County Council at the postal address below, or by email to making clear the request is being made under the Freedom of Information Act.

Corporate Services

Monaghan County Council

The Glen


H18 YT50

Please note, when you make a request you must submit the request in writing to the FOI Body that holds the records you are looking for.

  • specify that the request is being made under the FOI Act
  • be clear enough so that Monaghan County Council understands what records are being requested. In cases where Monaghan County Council is not clear what records are being requested, it will seek to assist the requester to put his/her request in such a way that the records being sought can be identified.
  • When you are seeking information which is personal, you will be required to supply the appropriate identification as required by the decision maker.
  • In cases where you are seeking to access records relating to a deceased person under section 37(8), you will be required to provide additional details in order to exercise these rights.


What Happens Next?

When we receive your application, we will let you know within 10 working days that we have received your request. We will then make a decision on your request within 20 working days of receiving your application.

However, if your application involves a large number of records, then we may require a further 20 working days to process your application. If this occurs then we will inform you and keep you informed if there are any further problems with your application.

If you would like to contact us with any questions or queries about the freedom of information, then please get in touch, using the details above.


What can I do if I am unhappy with a decision on my request?

If you are dissatisfied with the Council’s decision on an FOI request you can seek an internal review of the decision. An internal review is a complete reconsideration of your request by a more senior member of staff in the Council. Applications for internal review should be made in writing to the Director of Services, Corporate Affairs, Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan.

The fee for internal review under Section 21 is now €30 (€10 for medical card holders and their dependants)

If you are unhappy with the decision made by the internal reviewer, you have the right to appeal to the Information Commissioner, whose contact details are set out below. The fee for appeals to the Information Commissioner under Section 22 is now €50 (€15 for medical card holders and their dependants).

The address for the Office of the Information Commissioner is

Address: 18 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin 2, D02 HE97.

Phone: +353-1-639 5689 Lo-call: 1890 253238



FOI Disclosures