Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Mr Darragh O’Brien this morning (8th March) announced that €13.11 million has been awarded to the Dublin Street Regeneration project under the Urban Regeneration Development Fund (URDF).
Warmly welcoming the Government’s funding announcement of €13.11 million for the Dublin Street Regeneration Project in Monaghan town, Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council, Mr Eamonn O’Sullivan said “This project will revitalise Monaghan Town, in regenerating this area we will bring renewed energy into the town and will make it a great place to live, work and visit.”
The Dublin Street Regeneration project aims to regenerate a large brownfield site in the core of Monaghan Town. The proposal includes the creation of new linkages between land-locked brownfield lands and the existing town street network, and the creation of new public spaces. The project will deliver the infrastructure works and development of suitable, serviced and accessible development lands, creating the physical environment for the development of new buildings for mixed-use purposes.
The proposal involves two sub-projects:
- Dublin Street South – creation of new, high quality linkages between the core retail area of the town, the new shopping centre and existing civic uses.
- Dublin Street North – development of a Masterplan for the area, to include the provision of three new development block areas and areas of opportunity for reuse/adaptation and infill development in the town. The Masterplan will define a new urban quarter.
The proposal has the potential to be a transformative place-making intervention in the core of the town.
The €13.11 million in approved funding is in addition to €1.29 million in approved URDF funding for the Dublin Street Regeneration project (a ‘Call 1’ project). Total URDF funding approved to date: €14.40 million