Climate Action Unit,
Monaghan County Council,
MTek 1 Building, Knockaconny,
H18 K038

Telephone: 047 61144 or 042 9428313



Monaghan County Council Climate Change Adaptation Strategy

Monaghan County Council Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024


The Monaghan County Council Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024 was adopted by the elected members at the Council meeting held on September 3rd, 2019. The Strategy was prepared in accordance with the provisions of The Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015 and the National Adaptation Framework (NAF), 2018.

Climate change is recognised as the major challenge facing us at both National and International level with policy responses required in terms of both mitigating the causes of climate change and in adapting to the consequences of our changing climate. The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy represents a proactive step by Monaghan County Council in the process of adaptation planning to build resilience and respond effectively to the threats posed by climate change. The strategy is primarily concerned with increasing Monaghan County Council’s resilience in adapting to the impacts of climate change and associated extreme weather events. Monaghan County Council is also striving to mitigate against the causes of climate change through reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout all services and functions provided and delivered by Monaghan County Council.

The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024 considers the impacts of recent severe weather events experienced in the county and likely to face in the future. It proposes a range of actions to be delivered at County Level to allow the council to adapt better to such events in the future.  The strategy will further strengthen Monaghan County Council’s ability to be climate resilient in our day to day operations and in our dealings and interactions with all stakeholders

Purpose of the Strategy:

The Climate Change Adaptation Strategy takes on the role as the primary instrument at local level to:

  • ensure a proper comprehension of the key risks and vulnerabilities of climate change
  • bring forward the implementation of climate resilient actions in a planned and proactive manner
  • ensure that climate adaptation considerations are mainstreamed into all plans and policies and integrated into all operations and functions of Monaghan County Council.


Environmental Reports:

Accompanying the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy is:

  • A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening Report in accordance with the SEA Directive (DIR 2001/42/EC) and pursuant to European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004 (SI 435 of 2004 as amended by SI 200 of 2011)
  • An Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening Report in accordance with the requirements of Article 6(3) of the EU Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC).


The Monaghan County Council Climate Change Adaptation Strategy 2019-2024 and accompanying reports can be accessed by clicking on the links below:


Monaghan County Council Climate Action Charter