Submissions Sought from the Public on Local Adjustment Factor for Property Tax

Submissions Sought from the Public on Local Adjustment Factor for Property Tax

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor.

At the meeting set by Monaghan County Council to consider this matter, the members may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or, may decide not to adjust the basic rate. Monaghan County Council will meet in September/October 2024 to consider the setting of a local adjustment factor.

Monaghan County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.


Submissions must be received by Friday 26th July 2024 and be sent to:

  • Monaghan County Council, LPT Submissions, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan
  • email


Robert Burns, Chief Executive

Dated: 27th June 2024

NOTICE OF DRAFT BUDGET – Monaghan County Council/Comhairle Chontae Mhuineachain

Notice is hereby given that the draft Local Authority budget of Monaghan County Council for the financial year ending on the 31st December 2024 has been prepared and will be considered by the Council at the Budget Meeting to be held in the Mtek Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan on Friday 24th November 2023 at 2.00 p.m.  A copy of the said Draft Budget has been deposited in the offices of the Council at The Glen, Monaghan and may be inspected free of charge by any member of the public at any time while the offices are open for the transaction of official business. A copy of the draft budget will be supplied to every person making application at the price of €5.00.


Olga McConnon

Head of Finance

16th November 2023
















Notice of Passing of Resolution To Vary Basic Rate of Local Property Tax

Notice of Passing of Resolution To Vary Basic Rate of Local Property Tax

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that the Elected Members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the Local Adjustment Factor. Article 10 of the Local Property Tax (Local Adjustment Factor) Regulations 2014 requires a local authority that has decided to vary the basic rate of the local property tax within its administrative area to give public notice of that decision.

In pursuance of the provisions of section 20 of the FINANCE (LOCAL PROPERTY TAX) ACT 2012 (as amended), I the undersigned hereby notify the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage of the passing of a resolution at a meeting of Monaghan County Council on 4th September 2023 to the effect that the basic rate of local property tax should be varied upwards by fifteen percent (15%) for the year 2024 in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s administrative area.



Patricia Monahan

Chief Executive

Submissions Sought from the Public on Local Adjustment Factor for Property Tax

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor.

At the meeting set by Monaghan County Council to consider this matter, the members may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or, may decide not to adjust the basic rate. Monaghan County Council will meet in September/October 2023 to consider the setting of a local adjustment factor.

Monaghan County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.


Submissions must be received by Friday 28th July 2023 and be sent to:

  • Monaghan County Council, LPT Submissions, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan
  • email


Patricia Monahan, Chief Executive

Dated: 29th June 2023


Notice is hereby given that the audit of the accounts of the above-named local government organisation for the financial year ended on 31st day of December 2022, will be commenced by Martin White, Local Government Auditor, on the 16th day of June.  In accordance with article 17 of the Local Government (Financial and Audit Procedures) Regulations 2014, objections to any matter or matters contained in the said several accounts will be considered by the Local Government Auditor during the audit.

Written notice of any proposed objection, setting out the relevant particulars and grounds on which it is to be made, should be sent to the above Local Government Auditor at Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan, within ten days of the commencement of the audit.

The annual financial statement will be available during office hours for the inspection of all persons for a period of seven days before the commencement of the audit.

Dated this 1st day of June 2023


Olga McConnon

Ceann Airgeadais

Head of Finance

Notice of Rate having been made for Monaghan County Council

Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin

Oifigí an Chontae, An Gleann, Muineachán

Notice of Rate having been made for

Monaghan County Council


Notice is hereby given that The County Rate has been duly made on the rateable properties in County Monaghan.

The Annual Rate on Valuation for the Ordinary Expenditure for Monaghan County Council for the service year ending 31st December 2023 is €0.2374.

The Rate Book is now in my custody and may be inspected by any person affected thereby at the Offices of Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan. The said rates will be payable from and after the publication of this notice.

Under Section 7(1) of the Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1978, any person who is aggrieved at the failure of a rating authority to make them an allowance under the Act or who believes that they are entitled to a different allowance to that made, may within two months of the date of the making of the rate, request the rating authority in writing to grant the appropriate allowance. In case the request is not complied with within 28 days the person may, within four months of the date of the making of the rate, apply to the District Court to have the appropriate allowance made.

The above rate was made on the 26th January 2023.  Any request in respect of an allowance under Section 7(1) of the Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1978, must therefore be made to Monaghan County Council not later than 27th March 2023.

Any application to the District Court under the same provisions must be made not later than 30th May 2023.

Date: 26th January 2023.

Signed: John Murray

Head of Finance,

County Offices,

The Glen,



Monaghan County Council – Notice of Passing of Resolution To Vary Basic Rate of Local Property Tax

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that the Elected Members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the Local Adjustment Factor. Article 10 of the Local Property Tax (Local Adjustment Factor) Regulations 2014 requires a local authority that has decided to vary the basic rate of the local property tax within its administrative area to give public notice of that decision.

In pursuance of the provisions of section 20 of the FINANCE (LOCAL PROPERTY TAX) ACT 2012 (as amended), I the undersigned hereby notify the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage of the passing of a resolution at a meeting of Monaghan County Council on 5th September 2022 to the effect that the basic rate of local property tax should be varied upwards by fifteen percent (15%) for the year 2023 in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s administrative area.


Patricia Monahan

Deputy Chief Executive

Dated: 8th September 2022

Submissions Sought from the Public on Local Adjustment Factor for Property Tax

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that elected members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the local adjustment factor.

At the meeting set by Monaghan County Council to consider this matter, the members may set a local adjustment factor within the range of +/- 15% of the basic rate, or, may decide not to adjust the basic rate. Monaghan County Council will meet in September/ October 2022 to consider the setting of a local adjustment factor.

Monaghan County Council welcomes written submissions from the public on this matter specifically covering the potential effects of varying the basic rate of the Local Property Tax on businesses, individuals and on local authority services.

Submissions must be received by Friday 29th July 2022 and be sent to:

  • Monaghan County Council, LPT Submissions, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan
  • email


Eamonn O’Sullivan, Chief Executive

Dated: 30th June 2022




Notice is hereby given that the audit of the accounts of the above-named local government authority for the financial year ended on the 31st day of December, 2021 will be commenced by Mr. Martin White, Local Government Auditor on the 30th day of May 2022. In accordance with article 17 of the Local Government (Financial and Audit Procedures) Regulations 2014, objections to any matter or matters contained in the said several accounts will be considered by the Local Government Auditor during the audit.

Written notice of any proposed objection, setting out the relevant particulars and grounds on which it is to be made, should be sent to the above named Local Government Auditor at Monaghan County Council within ten days of the commencement of the audit. The annual financial statement will be available during office hours for the inspection of all persons interested for seven days before the commencement of the audit.

Dated this 19th day of May 2022

Olga McConnon

A/ Head of Finance

Monaghan County Council






Notice of Passing of Resolution To Vary Basic Rate of Local Property Tax

The Finance (Local Property Tax) Act 2012 (as amended), makes specific provision that the Elected Members of a local authority may pass a formal resolution to vary the basic rate of the Local Property Tax for their administrative area by a percentage known as the Local Adjustment Factor. Article 10 of the Local Property Tax (Local Adjustment Factor) Regulations 2014 requires a local authority that has decided to vary the basic rate of the local property tax within its administrative area to give public notice of that decision.

In pursuance of the provisions of section 20 of the FINANCE (LOCAL PROPERTY TAX) ACT 2012 (as amended), I the undersigned hereby notify the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage of the passing of a resolution at a meeting of Monaghan County Council on 5th July 2021 to the effect that the basic rate of local property tax should be varied upwards by fifteen percent (15%) for the year 2022 in respect of relevant residential properties situated in the local authority’s administrative area.

Signed: Eamonn O’Sullivan

Chief Executive

Dated: 8th July 2021