Monaghan Fire Station,
Co. Monaghan.
H18 YW81.

Telephone: 047 30500


Opening Hours:
9.15am to 5:15pm

In case of emergency please ring 999 or 112.

Disability Access Certificate

A disability access certificate is granted by the building control authority. It certifies that the building or works, if constructed in accordance with the plans, documents and information submitted to the building control authority, is in compliance with the requirements of Part M of the Building Regulations.

What is contained in a Disability Access Certificate?

A Fire Safety Certificate Application should contain:

  1. A completed Application Form
  2. Relevant drawings Showing location map, layout & floor plans, elevations and sections.
  3. A disability access report showing compliance with the relevant Technical Guidance Document
  4. The appropriate fee


What should a disability access report contain?

The application is required to demonstrate that the development complies with Part M of the Second Schedule to the Building Regulations. One way to achieve this is to systematically address each relevant clause of the particular Codes and Guidance documents which are being used in the disability access design of the building.

How does the disability access certificate process work?

  1. An application is submitted to the Building Control Authority
  2. Valid applications are date stamped and an acknowledgement stating date of receipt is sent to the applicant. Where an application is incomplete and therefore not valid , the Building Control Authority may request the applicant to submit the necessary documentation to enable the application to be validated.
  3. The application is examined technically for compliance with the ‘Accessability’ part of the Building Regulations.
  4. Where it is considered that additional information or modifications are required to the application, the officer examining the application may request such additional information/modification from the applicant.
  5. A Disability Access Certificate will issue to the applicant as soon as possible after all required additional information has been submitted.
  6. The Building Control Authority must notify the applicant of the decision on the application within two months of the application date or within such extended period of time as may be agreed between the applicant and the Authority at any time.


Building Control Management System (BCMS)