Monaghan Age Friendly Programme coming up trumps for cocooners!
As part of our ongoing support to older people in the community Monaghan Age Friendly Programme has produced a Cocooning Activity Pack to keep the cocooners in the county entertained. Age Friendly Programme manager Bernie Bradley said “The Covid 19 pandemic has had a significant impact on everyone, put it has particularly impacted on the over 70s who have been asked to stay at home. Cocooning is for everyone’s benefit but there is no question that it is challenging, isolating and lonely for many”
The Monaghan Age Friendly Programme has been working hard since government restrictions came into force to find innovative ways to reach out to people who are isolated due to the health crisis.
The It’s Good to Talk GAA initiative with Monaghan GAA has been an enormous success with over 80 people across the county receiving a call from Monaghan GAA stars. The support from Monaghan GAA to reach out to our older people has been wonderful.
Monaghan Age Friendly Programme also introduced “Interview your Grandparents” Programme encouraging families to reach out to their cocooning family members and ask them some interesting questions to find out more about their lives.
The latest initiative is a 64-page colourful fun filled activity pack for people to enjoy at their leisure. The pack is printed booklet, so internet access or skills are not needed to enjoy the pack.
There are wordsearches, quizzes, riddles, games, songs, stories and poems in the pack. There is lots of information too on different services and supports available to older people in the county. And for a very Monaghan feel a few messages of support from some well-known Monaghan people.
Bernie said “We reached out to some well-known Monaghan people to contribute to the pack, the response was so positive and supportive, we are so grateful they took the time to send a message to the older people of the county”
Bernie hopes the pack will give people a lift and a smile at this difficult time and expressed gratitude to the Age Friendly Alliance partners who contributed to the pack. We are extremely grateful also to Monaghan Garda and Monaghan GAA who are supporting to deliver the backs throughout the county.
Copies of the pack are available to download from Monaghan County Council website here:
Monaghan Age Friendly Cocooning Activity Pack (PDF)
and hard copies can be requested by contacting:
Bernie Bradley
Age Friendly Programme Manager
087 6443332