Monaghan County Museum,
The Peace Campus,
H18 RP20

Opening Hours – Monday to Friday 11am to 5pm and Saturday 12pm to 5pm. 

Tel: 047 82928


Canon Kirke and Canon Maguire Cinereels

During the 1950s and 1960s Canon Terence Kirke and Canon Bernard Maguire indulged in their hobby of taking cinereels of various events which happened in the parishes where they were based around Monaghan. The collection has become an incredible insight into the social culture of Monaghan during this time. Although they are silent the images speak loudly of a time in Monaghan’s recent history that is now almost forgotten. These cinereels were donated to Monaghan County Museum by the Diocese of Clogher. They were then digitised and sections of the cinereels can be viewed here by simply following the link below.

Canon Kirke and Canon Maguire Cinereels Clips

Very Rev Canon Terence J Kirke P.P. 1906 – 1987

Very Rev Canon Bernard Maguire PE 1912 – 2009

Who are they?

We at the museum would love to find out more about these snippets of our history and the people in them. If you recognise anyone or can tell us anything more about the events, please contact us through our facebook page and let us know and we will add this information to the archive.