Transboundary EIA Decision re Awel y Mor offshore windfarm

Please see below a letter in accordance with article 132(10) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001-2023, that was sent to inform Dublin City Council (nominated planning authority) that the Minister has received information in relation to a decision taken by the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, to grant a Development Consent Order for the proposed Awel y Mȏr Offshore Windfarm.

20231002 Letter to DCC re Awel y Mor decision

Please see link & documents below with Newspaper notice of advert which appeared in the Irish Times on  Friday 13th October 2023 to inform the public of the decision.

20220908 Nominated Authority Letter DCC

Ad – Awel y Môr Offshore Wind Farm

EN010112-001802-AYMO – SoS Decision Letter