Exempt Development – Change of use from Commercial to Residential/Article 10(6)

  • Article 10(6)(a) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) permits owners of empty commercial properties to convert their properties into apartments without having to seek planning permission.
  • In order to avail of the exemptions being provided for, the structure, or part of the structure, which is the subject of the change of use must have been vacant for at least 2 years immediately prior to the commencement of the relevant works.
  • The relevant commercial uses that can be changed to residential are the uses listed in Classes 1, 2, 3, 6 & 12 of the Planning Regulations. These include a shop, public house, financial service, professional service, a service that is principally provided to visiting members of the public, office, guest house and hostel.
  • The change of use, and any related works, must occur between when the 2018 Regulation came into operation on 8 February 2018 until 31 December 2025. Therefore, while the exempted development will be permanent in nature, the exemption can only be availed of for a temporary period.
  • Please email completed forms to planning@monaghancoco.ie 


Notifications under article 10 (6) e of the Planning and Development Regulations 2018

PL 012018 Dept Circular Amendments To Exempted Development (PDF)

2023 Notification Template for Art 10(6) PD Reg’s_

2022 Notification Template for Art 10(6) PD Reg’s_ – Excel

2021 Notification Template For Art 10(6) PD Regs (Excel)

2020 Notification Template For Art 10(6) PD Reg’s (Excel)

2019 Notification Template For Art 10(6) PD Reg’s (Excel)

2018 Notification Template For Art 10(6) PD Reg’s (Excel)