Historic Structures Fund 2021- Notification of the Reopening of Funding for Irish Language Shopfronts

Historic Structures Fund 2021

Notification of the Reopening of Funding for Irish Language Shopfronts

Further to the announcement of the Historic Structures Fund 2021 on the 30th April, the Minister of State for Heritage and Electoral Reform, Mr Malcolm Noonan, TD announced on the 14th May the reopening of applications to the Irish language shopfront stream of the Historic Structures Fund 2021. This stream is jointly funded by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media.



The Irish language shopfronts stream of the Historic Structures Fund offers grants of between €15,000 and €50,000. The maximum grant award is 80% of eligible costs. The focus of the Irish language shopfronts stream of the Historic Structures Fund is to incentivise the conservation of historic Irish language shop fronts. Owners of eligible structures are invited to make applications under Stream 1 for eligible essential repairs and small capital works for the refurbishment and conservation of historic Irish language shop façades, windows, signage and other associated details to safeguard them and keep them in use. Local authorities can recommend one additional project for funding. The scheme will be administered by the Planning Section of Monaghan County Council.



The Historic Structures Fund provides capital funding for works to qualifying structures which include the following:

  • Protected Structures
  • Structures eligible for or proposed for inclusion in the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) but not yet formally approved for inclusion. Such structures must meet the criteria for inclusion in the RPS by the Local Authority, i.e. must be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific, social or technical point of view
  • Structures or works within Architectural Conservation Areas (ACAs) or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances apply.


Eligible projects will be as follows:

  1. a) projects proposed by local authorities on foot of applications from private applicants who are the owners or custodians of historic structures
  2. b) projects proposed by a Local Authority for works to historic structures in public ownership, where a clear heritage focus and community or public benefit has been demonstrated
  3. c) projects with a clearly defined heritage focus and community or public benefit proposed directly to the Department by a State-funded organisation working in the heritage area


Note: Only one application will be considered per historic structure. Applicants cannot avail of funding under both the Historic Structures Fund and the Built Heritage Investment Scheme in the same year.


What funding is available?

€100,000 is available nationally for the conservation of historic Irish language shopfronts.


How to apply?

The Historic Structures Fund Circular HSF/2021 outlines full details of the terms, conditions and payment deadlines of the Irish language shopfront stream of the Historic Structures Fund 2021.

The Circular and relevant application form are available to download here:

Historic Structures Fund 2021 Circular (PDF)

Historic Structures Fund 2021 Appendix I Form A (Applicant) Irish Shopfronts (MS Word)

Department Of Housing, Local Government And Heritage Press Release Re Historic Structures Fund 2021 Irish Language Shopfronts (PDF)


Hard copies are also available at Planning Reception during opening hours from 9.15am – 5pm (lunch time closing 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.). During Covid-19 restrictions, please contact the offices to make an appointment to collect the documentation.


Completed applications (Form A) should be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Acting  Administrative Officer, The Planning Department, No 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or by email to builtheritage@monaghancoco.ie on or before 5pm on Thursday 3rd June 2021.

Historic Structures Fund 2021 Announcement

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage recently announced the allocations under the Historic Structures Fund (HSF) 2021 for County Monaghan.


Monaghan County Council is pleased to announce that provisional funding under the grant aided scheme has been secured for the following structures:


Historic Structures Fund 2021
Name and Address of Structure Funding Awarded
Stream 1
Part of former Railway Station, North Road, Kilnacloy, Monaghan Town €18,000
The Arcade, St Louis Secondary School, Monaghan Town €16,500
Stream 2
St Macartan’s Cathedral, Latlurcan, Monaghan Town €160,000 phased over 2 years
Vernacular Stream
Drummond Cottage, Carrickmacross €10,000


Castleblayney Market House and Market Square Public Engagement Report

The Market House in Castleblayney is the most significant building in the town, its vacancy and dereliction for more than 20 years have left a marked impact on Castleblayney, in terms of public pride and perception of the town, the relationship between residents and Monaghan County Council and the deterioration and vacancy levels in the surrounding streets.

An in-depth public engagement programme has identified priorities for a redeveloped Market House. A redeveloped Market House and a redesigned Market Square presents a unique and exciting opportunity to consolidate and support the town centre of Castleblayney, to be a catalyst for economic and social life in the town, and a worthy source of pride for Castleblayney residents.

The Vision presented in the report for a regenerated Market House and Market Square is one to sustain the building’s significance for centuries to come.

This report will be used in the appointment of a full design team to develop the proposals to detailed design stage in order to apply for development consent and in applications for funding to ensure successful delivery of this project.

A redeveloped Market House and Market Square will be a transformative project in Castleblayney, it will bring employment, social and civic spaces back into the heart of the town, and will have impact far beyond the footprint of the building.

Castleblayney Market House Engagement – Report (PDF)

Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2021 Allocations

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage has recently announced the allocations under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2021 for County Monaghan.

Monaghan County Council is pleased to announce that provisional funding under the grant aided scheme has been secured for the following structures:


Name and Address of Structure Funding Awarded
Creighton Hotel, Clones €15,000.00
Crystal Brook, Shantonagh, Ballybay €12,500.00
Anderson’s Pub, Drum €12,500.00
Johnston and Madden Memorial Hall, Monaghan Town €9,100.00
St Louis Convent, Monaghan Town €10,900.00
St Colemans’s Church, Clontibret €12,000.00


Withdrawal of Development Consent Application for Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Power Station

On the 6 of July 2018, the Planning Inspectorate UK in accordance with the provisions of the 1991 United Nations Convention Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (the Espoo Convention), notified the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage of a development consent application by Horizon Nuclear Power for the proposed Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Power Station, in Anglesey, North Wales, United Kingdom. The letter invited Ireland to participate in a transboundary environmental impact assessment consultation.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage subsequently informed all the relevant local authorities who facilitated a public consultation during the period between November 2018 and February 2019. The local authorities advertised the public consultation on their websites and in local newspapers. The consultation process closed on 15 February 2019.

On 27 January 2021, the Planning Inspectorate UK, provided an update to the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, to the effect that the application made by Horizon Nuclear Power for the proposed Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Power Station has been withdrawn.

Further details on the withdrawal of the application and all other related documents can be found on the Planning Inspectorate UK website: https://infrastructure.planninginspectorate.gov.uk/projects/wales/wylfa-newydd-nuclear-power-station/

Variation No.2 to the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025

PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ACT 2000 (as amended)



Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 13 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) that on 7th December 2020, Monaghan County Council made a variation (Variation No.2) to the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025. The variation provides for the inclusion of the following text within Section 1.12 of Chapter One of the development plan:-

“The Monaghan County Development Plan (MCDP) was prepared concurrently with both the National Planning Framework (NPF) and the Northern & Western Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (NWRA RSES) and a significant amount of synergy was achieved between the provisions of the MCDP and the provisions of both the NPF and the NWRA RSES as a consequence. However, for the purposes of clarity the provisions of the NPF and the NWRA RSES will take precedence over the provisions of MCDP.”

The variation will also provide for the following minor amendments to the development plan:-

  • the removal of the text referencing the Regional Planning Guidelines for the Border Region and the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) as a draft document in Table 1.1 within Chapter One of the MCDP, and its replacement with text referring to the adopted RSES.
  • the references to Monaghan Town as the Principal Town replaced with “Key Town”.
  • the insertion within Section 2.3.4 in Chapter 2 and Section 11.2 in Chapter 11 of the MCDP of the additional text (in bold)“In recognition of performing an important sub-regional function for employment, housing and services for the south of the County, Carrickmacross is designated as a location with strategic development potential of a regional scale in the Regional Spatial & Economic Strategy for the Northern & Western Regional Assembly area


A copy of the development plan as varied is available for inspection at the planning offices of Monaghan County Council during opening hours from 9.15am – 5pm (lunch time closing 1:00 – 1:30 p.m.).

Proposed Variation No.2 to the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025

Monaghan County Council proposes to make a variation (Variation No.2) to the Monaghan County Development Plan 2019-2025. The proposed variation will provide for the inclusion of additional text within Section 1.12 of Chapter One of the development plan. Written submissions or observations with respect to the proposed variation made to the Planning Authority before 5pm on 9th October 2020 will be taken into consideration before the making of the variation.

Further information including SEA and AA screening determinations can be obtained by clicking on the following link: https://monaghan.ie/planning/proposed-variation-no-2-to-the-monaghan-county-development-plan-2019-2025/ 

Notice Re: Operation of the Planning System in County Monaghan on foot of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Operation of the Planning System in County Monaghan on foot of the Covid-19 Pandemic

 Please find below for your attention information relating to the operation of the planning system.


Please be advised that the Planning Office of Monaghan County Council, No 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan is fully operational and access into the offices is now available via appointment.

If you wish to lodge a planning application, additional information, objection/submissions or any other correspondence to the office, you can do so by ringing the office on 047 30532 and arranging an appointment for access. Please note that the drop-box facility for depositing planning applications at the Council Offices, The Glen, has been discontinued.

Pre-planning consultations will continue via phone, email or other electronic means. Face to face pre-planning meetings will only be facilitated at the discretion of the Planning Authority, where it is considered essential and where they cannot be conducted via other electronic means.


Planners can be contacted via telephone during the times stated below.;


Nature of Enquiry Times
Development Management, Enforcement & General Enquiries Tuesday & Thursday,  9.15am to 11.30am
Forward Planning, Built Heritage & General Enquiries Wednesday, 9.15am to 11.30am


The general planning office is open to receive telephone calls during normal working hours.


Planning files can be inspected at the Planning Office where prior arrangements have been made. You are however advised that the majority of planning files can be inspected online and it is recommended that this resource is used before making an appointment to attend at the office.

You should note that anyone visiting the offices will be required to complete a Covid 19 tracing form and adhere to all Covid 19 restrictions in place. If the form is not completed and returned to reception, you will not be permitted access into the building.


As per S.I. No 180 of 2020, planning authorities are required to upload all planning application documents onto their internet websites within 5 working days of receipt, subject to exceptional circumstances. You are therefore requested to ensure that all matters pertaining to the validation of planning applications accords with the Planning Authoritys checklist (https://monaghan.ie/planning/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2016/12/Requirement_Checklist.pdf) before any application is submitted.

Statutory Planning Timeframes

As from Monday 25th May 2020 the normal statutory timeframes apply for all new planning applications received.

For information in respect of the resumption of the statutory planning timelines for previously lodged application you are requested to follow the link below.



Your cooperation with the revised procedures is appreciated.


List of Approved Newspapers for Planning Applications

List of Approved Newspapers for Planning Applications

The Planning Authority are aware that The Northern Standard will not be printed for the next two weeks. Please see below the full list of newspapers for giving notice of the intention to make a planning application:

The following newspapers are approved in accordance with Part 4 Article 18 (2) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2006 for use in Monaghan County Council for giving notice of the intention to make a planning application.

* Anglo Celt
* Northern Standard
* Irish Independent
* Irish Daily Star
* Irish Times
* Dundalk Democrat (Municipal District of Carrickmacross – Castleblayney only)

Planning Service – Notice of Revised Arrangements and FAQs re Covid 19

Covid 19
Planning Service – Revised Arrangements

In order to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of members of the public and staff, Monaghan County Council Planning Department wishes to advise that the public counter at No.1 Dublin Street is now closed. Notwithstanding this, the Planning Office remains operational.

The following procedures are currently in place;

1. General Planning Queries – While you may continue to call on 047 30532 as normal, you should note that access to staff through this number is limited. As such it is recommended that you should contact the Planning Authority via email on planning@monaghancoco.ie . You can also continue to correspond in hard copy via An Post to the offices of the Planning Authority at No. 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan.

2. Pre-Planning Meetings – Presently all face to face pre-planning meetings have been suspended. You are requested to conduct all pre-planning discussions by email on planning@monaghancoco.ie

3. Planning Applications – All planning applications should be lodged through An Post to the offices of the Planning Office. Similarly, responses to requests for additional information should be submitted in the same manner Viewing a Planning Application – To view a planning application, please go to our website at  https://monaghan.ie/planning/ where you can access and view the planning applications which have been submitted. Submissions/Observations – If you wish to make a submission or observation on a planning application, it should be submitted via e-mail to planning@monaghancoco.ie Please ensure that you submit a phone number with your submission, so as to enable the Planning Department to contact you for the payment of the prescribed fee by Credit/Debit Card. Alternatively, a submission or observation may be lodged via An Post, in which case it should be accompanied with a postal order or cheque to the value of €20.00. Please note that a submission cannot be accepted without payment of the prescribed fee of €20.

4. Unauthorised Development – In relation to unauthorised development, please correspond by post or via email to planning@monaghancoco.ie

5. Development Contributions – If you have any queries or wish to make a payment in respect of Development Contributions please contact the Planning Authority via email on planning@monaghancoco.ie



On 16 April  2020, the Minister and the Government extended orders which resulted in the following;

Extension of the Appropriate Period

The period 29 March 2020 to 9 May 2020, inclusive, may now be disregarded when calculating any appropriate period, specified period or other timelines detailed in the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

Exempted Development

That up until 20 April 2020, a change of use from premises selling food for consumption on the premises to one providing food for consumption off the premises, shall be considered as exempted development.


Planning applications, accompanied by the appropriate fee made payable by cheque/ postal order only, may be submitted by post or placed in the drop box at the main entrance of the County Council Offices, Glen Road.

Order made under Section 251A of the Planning and Development, Act 2000, as amended, on 29 March 2020


Frequently Asked Questions. Extension Of Orders Originally Made On 29 March 2019 Under Section 251A Of The Planning And Development, Act, 2000 As Amended On 16 April 2020. (PDF)

Further Revised Development Contributions Scheme

Further Revised Development Contributions Scheme
A further revised General Development Contribution Scheme for the period up to 2019 was adopted by Monaghan County Council and became effective on 14th May 2018.
This Scheme was a further revision of the Development Contribution Scheme and incorporated the recommendations of a review of the scheme and also clarifications and corrections to anomalies arising during the application of the scheme over the last four years.

Copies of the explanatory accompanying document and the revised General Development Contribution Scheme are available to view here.