Exempt Development – Social Housing/Section 96

  • The means by which an applicant may be required to comply with the housing needs of the Council are set down in Section 96 of Part V (Housing Supply) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000.
  • In certain circumstances, applicants may be exempt from the provisions of Section 96. Those circumstances and the process of applying for a certificate of exemption are outlined in Section 97 of the Planning and Development Act, 2000.
  • Applicants may, before applying for planning permission in respect of a development, apply, under Section 97, for a certificate from the Council stating that no obligations to provide social and affordable housing (or funds/sites in lieu of units) will apply to the permission, if granted, for said development.
  • The application form for a certificate of exemption from Section 96 can be found here: Certificate of Exemption from Section 96 (Doc)
  • Please complete and return the form to the Planning Offices: Planning Office, Monaghan County Council, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan H18 X982 prior to submitting your Planning Application.