Historical Planning Application Reference Number Changes

Following the reorganisation of local government, Monaghan County Council is now the sole local authority for the towns of Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Castleblayney, and Clones. All planning functions within the County are now provided by Monaghan County Council.

As the former local authorities had individual referencing systems for planning applications, historical files have now been renumbered to incorporate them within the Monaghan County Council referencing system. As a result planning applications have changed as follows:-

Former Planning Authority Old Application Number New Application Number
Clones Town Council 09/10 (tenth application of 2009) 09/20010
Monaghan Town Council 09/10 (tenth application of 2009) 09/30010
Castleblayney Town Council 09/10 (tenth application of 2009) 09/40010
Carrickmacross Town Council 09/10 (tenth application of 2009) 09/50010

You can access the online planning search system by clicking on the following link: ePlan

If submitting a planning application which refers to a historical planning application number you make reference as follows:-

Clones Town Council application ref. 09/10 (now known as 09/20010)
Monaghan Town Council application ref. 09/10   (now known as 09/30010)
Castleblayney Town Council application ref. 09/10 (now known as 09/40010)
Carrickmacross Town Council application ref. 09/10 (now known as 09/50010)

If you have any problems with accessing documentation on these files, or if you have any other queries in this regard, please contact the Planning Office on 047 30532 or send an email to: planning@monaghancoco.ie‌