Temporary Closing of Roads – Municipal District of Ballybay – Clones

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay – Clones in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:              18th March 2023

Times:                                  2pm to 4pm       

To Facilitate:                     Saint Patrick’s Day Parade


Roads Closed:  

R183 from its junction with the LS6290 at Killeevan National School to its junction with the R189, Mainstreet Newbliss and from the R189/R183 Junction on Main Street to the LP2222 Scotshouse Road Junction on Main Street.          


Diversion Routes:

From Clones via the R183 O’Duffy Street, continue to junction with N54 and turn right onto N54 for Monaghan, continue straight on N54 to junction with R189 Threemilehouse/Newbliss and turn right onto R189, continue on R189 to Newbliss.


From Newbliss: Continue along R189 towards Threemilehouse/Monaghan to junction with N54, turn left at junction with N54 and continue to traffic lights in Clones, turn left at junction onto R183 O’Duffy Street.  At the next junction turn left for Newbliss


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth McMahon

A/Director of Services

Transport, Community and Rural Development

16th March 2023


Temporary Closing of Roads – L-4210 west of the R-180 in the townlands of Lisduff, Brackly and Tossy Co. Monaghan

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:               Monday 5th September 2022 to Friday 9th September 2022

To Facilitate:                      Road Resurfacing Works

Roads Closed:                   L-4210 west of the R-180 in the townlands of Lisduff, Brackly and Tossy Co. Monaghan

Division Route:

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-4210 (west of the R180) and then towards Ballybay will be diverted onto the L-3111, then continuing on the L-3110 and the L-3100, then turning left onto the R-180 and continuing to Ballybay town.

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-4210 (west of the R180) and then towards Lough Egish will be diverted onto the L-8200, then continuing on the L-8201, then turning left onto the R-181 and continuing to Lough Egish crossroads.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

25th August 2022

Temporary Closing of Roads – L-4210 east of the R-180 in the townlands of Lisduff, Brackly, Greagh, Drumlane and Tullynahinnera Co. Monaghan

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:               Monday 5th September 2022 to Friday 9th September 2022

To Facilitate:                      Road Resurfacing Works

Roads Closed:                   L-4210 east of the R-180 in the townlands of Lisduff, Brackly, Greagh, Drumlane and Tullynahinnera Co. Monaghan

Division Route:

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-4210 (east of the R180) and then towards Ballybay will be diverted onto the L-3201, then continuing on the L-3200, then turning left onto the R-183 and continuing to Ballybay town.

Traffic wishing to travel on the L-4210 (east of the R180) and then towards Lough Egish will be diverted onto the L-4200, then turning right onto the R-181 and continuing to Lough Egish crossroads.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

25th August 2022

Temporary Closing of Roads – R-180 in the Townlands of Lisduff, Greagh and Brackly Co. Monaghan

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:               Monday 5th September 2022 to Friday 9th September 2022

To Facilitate:                    Road Resurfacing Works

Roads Closed:                   R-180 in the Townlands of Lisduff, Greagh and Brackly Co. Monaghan

Division Route:

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-180 from Ballybay town in the direction of Lough Egish will be diverted onto the R-162 through Ballybay town, then turning right at the roundabout onto the  R-183 and continuing to Castleblayney town, then turning right at the roundabout on to the R-181 and continuing towards Lough Egish.

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-180 from Lough Egish in the direction of Ballybay town will be diverted onto the R-181 in the direction of Castleblayney at the Lough Egish crossroads, then turning left at the roundabout in Castleblayney town on to the R-183, then turning left and continuing along the R-183 to Ballybay town.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

25th August 2022

Temporary Closing of Roads in the townlands of Lisduff, Greagh and Brackly Co. Monaghan

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones in County Monaghan:

Date of Closure:               Monday 5th September 2022 to Friday 9th September 2022

To Facilitate:                      Road Resurfacing Works

Roads Closed:                   R-180 in the Townlands of Lisduff, Greagh and Brackly Co. Monaghan

Division Route:

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-180 from Ballybay town in the direction of Lough Egish will be diverted onto the R-162, then turning left at the T-junction and continuing along the R-162, then turning left onto the R-181 and continuing towards Lough Egish crossroads.

Traffic wishing to travel on the R-180 from Lough Egish in the direction of Ballybay town will be diverted onto the R-181 at Lough Egish crossroads, then turning right onto the R162, then turning right at the T-junction and continuing along the R162 to Ballybay town.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

25th August 2022

Application to An Bord Pleanála – South Dublin Street and Backlands Regeneration Project



Application to An Bord Pleanála for approval under Sections 175 and 177AE of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended) and the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended)

South Dublin Street and Backlands Regeneration Project

Notice is hereby given that Monaghan County Council proposes to seek approval from An Bord Pleanála for proposed development works south of Dublin Street and its backlands in the townlands of Roosky and Tirkeenan, within Monaghan Town Centre. The proposed development covers an area of approximately 2.72ha and comprises urban regeneration and public realm proposals, as part of the South Dublin Street and Backlands Regeneration Project.


The proposed development incorporates the following elements:

  • The demolition of buildings and structures, including street frontage buildings No’s 8-11 Dublin Street and associated outbuildings and structures; the building to the rear of No. 24 Dublin Street; partial removal of the rear section of the Northern Standard building fronting the Lower Courthouse car park; storage sheds, walls, and fencing
  • Construction of structural masonry walls and new facades/side elevations to No’s 7 and 12-13 Dublin Street
  • Creation of new urban civic spaces, streets, junctions, pedestrian pavements, steps, and cycle routes
  • Construction of new public realm comprising new surfaces, kerbing, street furniture, public street and feature lighting, soft landscape planting, cycle parking and signage
  • Clearance, regrading and creation of two potential development areas with supporting embankments, hardcore surfacing and boundary fencing
  • New boundary treatments comprising walls, railings and fencing
  • Alterations to the existing car parking layouts within the Courthouse car park and Lower Courthouse car park, and a reduction in long stay parking spaces
  • Upgrading and installation of new utility services, CCTV, and a new ESB sub-station
  • All associated site development works

Location: Properties at 7- 13 Dublin Street, lands to the rear of 1-9 The Diamond and 1-26 Dublin Street, incorporating sections of the Northern Standard property, the Courthouse car park, Lower Courthouse car park, Castle Road, and N54 Macartan (Broad) Road, in the townlands of Roosky and Tirkeenan, Monaghan Town Centre, Monaghan.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared and included as part of the application for approval in respect of the proposed development.

The particulars of the development, together with the EIAR and the NIS will be available for inspection free of charge, or may be purchased on payment of a specified fee (which shall not exceed the reasonable cost of making a copy) at:

  • Monaghan County Council Planning Offices, 1 Dublin Street, Monaghan, H18 X982 Between 09:15-13.00hrs and 13.30-17:00hrs
  • The Offices of An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1, D01 V902 between 09:15hrs and 17:30hrs

The plans and particulars of the development together with the EIAR and the NIS may also be inspected online at the following website: https://monaghan.ie/

Any person may, within the period of 6 weeks from Wednesday 7th September 2022 to Wednesday 19th October 2022 (inclusive of both dates), make a submission or observations in writing to An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1 D01 V902 or online at www.pleanala.ie in respect of:

  1. the implications of the proposed development, if carried out, for proper planning and sustainable development in the area or areas concerned, and
  2. the likely effects on the environment or the likely effects on a European site, as the case may be, of the proposed development, if carried out.

Submissions or observations duly made will be considered by An Bord Pleanála in making a decision on the application. Any submission or observations must be accompanied by a fee of €50 (except for certain prescribed bodies) and must be received by An Bord Pleanala not later than 17.30hrs on Wednesday 19th October 2022 and must also include the following information:

  1. the name of the person, authority or body making the submission or observations, the name of the person, if any, acting on behalf of that person, authority or body, and the address to which any correspondence relating to the application should be sent,
  2. the subject matter of the submission or observations, and
  3. the reasons, considerations, and arguments on which the submission or observations is or are based.

Any submissions or observations which do not comply with these requirements cannot be considered by the Board.  The Board may at its absolute discretion hold an oral hearing on the application.

The Board may decide to: (a)(i) approve the proposed development; (ii) make such modifications to the proposed development as it specifies in its decision and grant approval in respect of the proposed development as so modified; or (iii) approve, in part only, the proposed development (with or without specified modifications of it of the foregoing kind); and may attach conditions as it considers appropriate to any approval; or (b) refuse to approve the proposed development.

A person may question the validity of a decision of the Bord by way of an application for judicial review, under Order 84 of the rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No.15 of 1986) in accordance with section 50 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). Information in respect of the judicial review process can be accessed on the Bord’s website www.pleanala.ie or on the Citizens Information Service website www.citizensinformation.ie.

Signed: Mr. Cathal Flynn, Director of Services, Monaghan County Council.

Date: 25th August 2022

Installation of a Pathway with Street Lighting, and to include Cushion Ramps on the LT21501 Link Road at Maghernarney, Smithboro, Co Monaghan.

Section 38

Legislative Procedure for Traffic Calming Procedures under the Road Traffic Act 1994

Under the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) A road authority may, in the interest of the safety and convenience of road users, provide such traffic calming measures as they consider desirable in respect of public roads in their charge.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) of the following scheme:

Installation of a Pathway with Street Lighting, and to include Cushion Ramps on the LT21501 Link Road at Maghernarney, Smithboro, Co Monaghan.

The proposed scheme will consist of:

  • Installation of a new Pathway along the LT21501 Link road from Maghernarney & N54.
  • Provision of an uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing
  • Traffic Calming Measures ie. Cushion Ramps.
  • Installation of Street Lighting.
  • Erection of new signage and landscaping throughout the scheme.
  • Relocation of all affected 3rd party utilities where required along the length of the scheme.
  • Accommodation Works to all Associated Landowners.
  • Installation of Drainage pipework where required.
  • All associated site works.


In accordance with Section 38 of the above-mentioned legislation, Monaghan County Council, as the competent roads authority has concluded that the above scheme complies with relevant section of the legislation, based on the nature, size and location of the proposed scheme.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection at the offices of the Road Section, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan and also at Ballybay/Clones MD Office, The Diamond Clones Town, during office hours from the 25th August 2022.

Please contact the above mentioned offices to make an appointment to view the Plans and Particulars.

Submissions and observations in relation to the proposed works, may be made in writing to the Roads Section, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan or MD Offices. up to 5pm on Thursday 22nd of September 2022.


Kevin West,

A/Senior Engineer – Roads Section

25th August 2022

InsIntallation of a Pathway and Ancillary Works on Lurgan Hill, Mullinarry, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan.

Section 38

Legislative Procedure for Traffic Calming Procedures under the Road Traffic Act 1994

Under the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) A road authority may, in the interest of the safety and convenience of road users, provide such traffic calming measures as they consider desirable in respect of public roads in their charge.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) of the following scheme:

Installation of a Pathway and Ancillary Works on Lurgan Hill, Mullinarry, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan.

The proposed scheme will consist of:

  • Installation of a new Pathway along the LHS of the Lurgan Hill starting at the junction of Mullanary Road and connecting to existing footway at Crann Nua Housing Development, Carrickmacross.
  • Erection of new masonry walls and landscaping throughout the scheme.
  • Relocation of all affected 3rd party utilities where required along the length of the scheme.
  • Accommodation Works to all Associated Landowners.
  • Installation of Drainage pipework where required.
  • All associated site works.

In accordance with Section 38 of the above-mentioned legislation, Monaghan County Council, as the competent roads authority has concluded that the above scheme complies with relevant section of the legislation, based on the nature, size and location of the proposed scheme.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection at the offices of the Road Section, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan and also at Carrickmacross-Castleblayney MD Office, Carrickmacross Civic Offices, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan during office hours from the 25th August 2022.

Due to COVID 19 restrictions, please contact the above-mentioned offices to make an appointment to view the Plans and Particulars.

Submissions and observations in relation to the proposed works, may be made in writing to the Roads Section, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan or MD Offices up to 5pm on Monday 26th of September 2022.



Kevin West,

A/Senior Engineer – Roads Section

25th August 2022

Temporary Closing Of Roads – R193 Rockcorry to Ballybay Road

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay – Clones in County Monaghan:

Date:  For 1 Day only on a date between Thursday 1st of September 2022 and Friday 16th of September 2022. (This date will be weather dependent)

To Facilitate:      Surface dressing works

Road Closed:     R193 Rockcorry to Ballybay Road: From its junction with the R190 Ballybay / Cootehill road to its junction with the R188 Monaghan / Cootehill road in Rockcorry Village.

Diversion Routes:

Traffic travelling from Ballybay to Rockcorry will be diverted to use the R183 to Swans Cross and then the R188 to Rockcorry.

Traffic travelling from Rockcorry to Ballybay will be diverted to use the R188 to Swans Cross and then the R183 to Ballybay.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)


Kevin West

A/Senior Engineer

Roads and Transportation

25th August 2022


Installation of a Pathway with Street Lighting, and to include Cushion Ramps on the L-2100-0 at Tirnahinch, Clones Town, Co Monaghan.

Section 38

Legislative Procedure for Traffic Calming Procedures under the Road Traffic Act 1994

Under the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) A road authority may, in the interest of the safety and convenience of road users, provide such traffic calming measures as they consider desirable in respect of public roads in their charge.

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 38 of the Road Traffic Act 1994 (As Amended) of the following scheme:

Installation of a Pathway with Street Lighting, and to include Cushion Ramps on the L-2100-0 at Tirnahinch, Clones Town, Co Monaghan.


The proposed scheme will consist of:

  • Installation of a new Pathway along the LHS of the L-2100-0 terminating at the Border with Co.Fermanagh.
  • Traffic Calming Measures ie. Cushion Ramps.
  • Installation of Street Lighting.
  • Erection of new signage and landscaping throughout the scheme.
  • Relocation of all affected 3rd party utilities where required along the length of the scheme.
  • Accommodation Works to all Associated Landowners.
  • Installation of Drainage pipework where required.
  • All associated site works.


In accordance with Section 38 of the above-mentioned legislation, Monaghan County Council, as the competent roads authority has concluded that the above scheme complies with relevant section of the legislation, based on the nature, size and location of the proposed scheme.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme are available for inspection at the offices of the Road Section, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan and also at Ballybay/Clones MD Office, The Diamond Clones Town, during office hours from the 14th April 2022.

Due to COVID 19 restrictions, please contact the above mentioned offices to make an appointment to view the Plans and Particulars.

Submissions and observations in relation to the proposed works, may be made in writing to the Roads Section, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Armagh Road, Monaghan or MD Offices. up to 5pm on Monday 16th of May 2022.


Gareth McMahon,

Senior Engineer Roads Section,
