This week, Monaghan County Council delivered broadband and wifi Access Points to additional community centres across the county under the Wifi4EU scheme. Public Wifi has been installed in Iontas Theatre, Castleblayney, St. Michaels Hall, Donaghmoyne and in the newly refurbished Doohamlet Parish Hall. Broadband has already been installed in 30 community and public buildings, including Ardaghey Community Centre, Sliabh Beagh and the Patrick Kavanagh centre. The addition of state-of-the-art wifi will allow people using these buildings to have access to high speed broadband for future meetings and even to access public wifi outside the buildings in the car park area.
Accessing wifi4eu is a straightforward process that does not require the user to input any personal information or passwords. Users connect wirelessly to the Wifi4EU network and agree to the Terms and Conditions. All access is monitored to keep all users safe and free from harm
This project has been designed to introduce broadband into public spaces and to enable communities to broaden the range of activities and to reimagine their community centres as places for work and for study. The Wifi4EU project is co-funded by the European Union and the Government of Ireland, together with Monaghan County Council.
Access to broadband at community level is one of the key objectives in Monaghan’s Digital Strategy. It is anticipated that this will enable the development of a range if digital services and digital training in community settings in the course of the next few years.
John McArdle, Broadband Officer