Safety officers gear up for Amber Thursday

Fire, road, and water safety officers across Ireland are joining forces for ‘Amber Thursday’ to promote fire, road, and water safety over the August bank holiday weekend.

Dermot Brannigan, Chief Fire Officer with Monaghan County Council is encouraging the public to be aware of the risks from fires. “This time of year can be a busy period for fire fighters so everyone should be aware of how quickly a fire can spread and a small incident can escalate into a larger one if not managed safely. I’m encouraging members of the public to enjoy the Bank Holiday weekend but to bear in mind the potential of fire related incidents. Never light a barbeque or a campfire in parks, woodland areas or in areas close to vegetation or trees and be mindful not to discard any cigarette butts on the ground. Keep children away from fires and have a bucket of water or sand nearby in case of an emergency.”

Road Safety Officer with Monaghan County Council, Adrian O’Sullivan, stressed the importance for road users to be cautious and courteous towards one another. “We have already seen a worrying year-on-year increase on the number of fatalities on our roads, with 113 deaths at the end of July, an increase of 13 compared to the same period in 2023. It’s imperative that motorists do not drive while under the influence of intoxicants such as  alcohol or illegal drugs and that all passengers are wearing a seatbelt or appropriate seat restraint.  Before setting off on a long journey, ensure your vehicle is roadworthy, plan your journey, drive within the posted speed limits, and take regular breaks to avoid driver fatigue.”

Gearóid McCarthy, Water Safety Development Officer with Monaghan County Council reminds everyone to be aware and not to be lulled into a false sense of security around water.  “As Monaghan is a landlocked county, some people may choose to swim in one of Monaghan’s many lakes and rivers particularly during any warm spells of weather. However, these can pose their own dangers as they could contain hidden obstacles that can trap or make it more difficult to move around.  Cold water in lakes can often be much deeper and colder beneath the surface than you may expect”.

“Most water related tragedies in Ireland occur in inland waterways. Reservoirs are not appropriate for swimming due to the risk of deep and fast-flowing waters, changing water levels and uneven ground” added the Water Safety Development Officer.

Amber Thursday is supported by Local Authorities, the Chief Fire Officers Association, and Water Safety Ireland. Further information can be found at

Pictured (L-R):

Dermot Brannigan – Chief Fire Officer, Adrian O’Sullivan – Road Safety Officer, Niall Nolan – Station Officer, Clones fire Station and Siobhan McKenna – Senior Assistant Chief Fire Officer