Monaghan households encouraged to conserve water as new survey reveals over half admit to wasting it

New conservation calculator for households to track and improve water usage 

Monday, 9 May 2022: Research commissioned by Irish Water shows that over half of Irish households (53%) admit to wasting water, even though some eight in ten (78%) know it is important to take steps to conserve it. The research released today coincides with the launch of Irish Water’s new, Conservation Calculator, which will assist households across the country to assess their water usage habits and find out how much water they are saving on a daily basis. It also offers useful and practical tips on how to reduce water usage and track their progress.  The free tool was developed in response to research which shows consumers want additional tools to assist them conserve water and is available at

 The research also highlights that less than one in five respondents report actively conserving water in their homes.  However, almost two in five (40%) reveal that they are interested in future planned water services initiatives. This new Conservation Calculator was developed in response to this interest and will arm households nationwide to understand more readily how they use water in their home which can lead to better water conservation actions.

By answering just a few short questions about water usage habits, households of all sizes can calculate how much water they are currently saving, and what they could do to save even more. The average water use of one person is 133 litres per day, and results from the calculator are based on the water use of typical households of similar sizes.  The Conservation Calculator provides helpful advice for those wanting to ensure they use water responsibly to improve their score rating. Simple water saving tips include:

  • Keep a jug of water in the fridge rather than letting the tap run cold and save six litres a day
  • Making sure the tap is off while brushing teeth can save 84 litres of water a week
  • Reducing shower time by 60 seconds can save up to 120 litres of water every week
  • 250 litres of water a week can be saved by fixing any leaking or dripping taps in the garden
  • Ensure washing machines and dishwashers are full before running

In addition, Irish Water is also continuing its First Fix Free programme which helps households that may be using higher level of water than average, which could signal a potential leakage problem.  Together with the homeowner the Irish Water team will investigate the cause of the leak and fix the issue to curtail any further potential leaks. This is in line with Irish Water’s collaborative approach to water conservation where all working together can safeguard our precious water resources now and for the future.

Speaking at the launch, Anthony Skeffington, Irish Water’s Regional Operations Manager said: “As we move into the summer months it’s important to that we all consider our water usage and look at simple yet impactful ways to conserve water in the home. It can sometimes be difficult to know where to start, but even small changes can make a significant difference – and we can all play our part. Taking shorter showers, only running a washing machine and dishwasher with full loads, and even turning off the tap when brushing your teeth, are just some of the simple steps we can all take today to conserve water and safeguard our precious water resources.

Pictured at the launch of Irish Water new Conservation Calculator were pupils from Scoil Treasa Naofa, Dublin 8, Amira Dziri (age 8), Yataro Tsuba (age 11), Cali Atkinson (age 7) and Eve McLean (age 11). Picture Conor McCabe Photography.

 Pictured at the launch of Irish Water new Conservation Calculator was Abderahim Taicha (age 7) from Scoil Treasa Naofa, Dublin 8. 

“Our new calculator is designed for everyone to use – and school going children will, we think, particularly like examining their water usage at home. It offers practical advice on conserving water, to ensure we have a sustainable water supply for everyone in years to come. We are encouraging everyone to play their part with us and think water conservation”.

“We understand that historic network leakage continues to be a challenge and we are working hard with all relevant stakeholders and are on track to achieve a national leakage rate below 20% in Dublin and 25% nationally by 2030 – that’s down from 46% leakage in 2018. Over 2,000 leaks are fixed every month by our team and local authority partners, and 166 million litres of water was saved daily during 2021 alone. Working together, we can all take steps to ensure our water is safeguarded for future generations.”

Each day in Ireland, 1.7 billion litres of water travels through a network that includes 63,000km of pipes to supply treated drinking water to homes, businesses, hospitals, schools and farms nationwide. The treatment process is a lengthy and complex one with up to seven stages that can take up to three days to make raw water suitable to drink.

The Conservation Calculator is available at


At Home:

  • Take a shorter shower
  • Fix dripping taps or leaking toilets in your home
  • When brushing your teeth or shaving, turn off the tap and save up to 6 litres of water per minute
  • Avoid using paddling pools
  • If you need to wash your car, use a bucket and sponge instead of a hose
  • Report any external leaks to Irish Water at 1800 278 278. No leak fixes itself and every leak gets progressively worse. The escaping water can weaken the ground or cause slippery footpaths and roads. The leaking water reduces the supply pressure for adjacent properties. What looks like a small leak at the surface can be using the equivalent to 20-30 households.

In the garden:

  • Save and reuse water collected from baths, showers, and hand basins in the garden
  • In the garden use a rose head watering can instead of a hose and aim for the roots
  • Consider installing a water butt to collect rainwater – this can then be used for watering the garden during dry weather
  • Do your watering in the evening, when it won’t evaporate
  • Pots and containers need lots of water to prevent drying out, so plant directly into the ground as much as possible
  • Another good tip is to add a layer of plant material, like bark, to your flower bed to prevent evaporation and reduce the need for watering

At Work

  • Irish Water, as one of the leading water utilities in this space, has a first-of-its-kind dedicated water stewardship programme where we work with businesses to help them understand and reduce their water use. Find out more at with advice for a range of industries including hospitality, manufacturing, agriculture and small businesses.

More information on water conservation can be found at

More information on the Leakage Reduction Programme can be found at

Irish Water is currently finalising a National Water Resources Plan to identify how we will provide a sustainable, secure and reliable water supply to our customers for now and into the future whilst safeguarding the environment. The plan will set out how we will balance the supply and demand for drinking water over the short, medium and long term. It is a 25 year strategy to ensure we have a sustainable, secure and reliable drinking water supply for everyone.