The Domestic Lead Remediation (Financial Assistance) Regulations 2016 brought into operation a Grant Scheme to assist householders with the cost of replacing lead pipes in their homes.
The purpose of the grant is to assist owners of premises connected to a domestic water supply with the costs of replacing lead piping or related fittings located within the internal distribution system of the premises as defined in the Water Services Act 2007. The scope of the grant and relevant definitions have been revised and are detailed in the Housing (Domestic Lead Remediation Grant) Regulations 2022 (S.I. No. 519 of 2022), which came into operation on 1st December 2022
The premises concerned must be occupied by the applicant as his or her principle private residence.
In advance of applying for a grant the homeowner must:
a) Be in receipt of a notification from a water supplier advising that there is likely to be lead plumbing (pipes and fittings) within the internal distribution system of the house concerned,
b) Hold a certificate issued within the six months immediately prior to the date of application by a laboratory with Irish National Accreditation Board, for testing for lead in drinking water, showing a parametric value for lead in the water supply at the premises which exceeds the statutory limit, currently 10μg/l (10 micrograms per litre). The issuing laboratory must be accredited by the Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB)
c) Notification from a registered building professional advising that there are lead pipes and related fittings located within the internal distribution system of the house concerned.
Should you have any queries regarding this scheme in Co. Monaghan, please email:
For forms click on the links below :
DLRG 1a Claim Form-Lead Remediation Grant Aid (DOC)
DLRG 1a Claim Form-Lead Remediation Grant Aid (Gaeilge) (DOC)
Domestic Lead Pipe Remediation Grant Scheme Information Leaflet (PDF)
Domestic Lead Pipe Remediation Grant Scheme Information Leaflet (Gaeilge) (PDF)
Domestic Lead Remediation Grant FAQ (PDF)
Domestic Lead Remediation Grant-FAQ (Gaeilge) (PDF)
Leaflet – Replacement of Lead Supply Pipes Guidance Note (PDF)