The Water Services (Amendment) Act 2012 requires water services authorities to maintain a register of domestic waste water treatment systems in their functional areas. The Local Government Management Agency (LGMA) has developed a central on-line registration system and will manage the system on a shared-service basis for the water services authorities.
Under the Act, owners of domestic waste water treatment systems are required to ensure that their systems are on the register. Your registration will contribute to the protection of Ireland’s ground and surface waters.
All septic tanks and other types of treatment and disposal systems for domestic waste water should be registered not later than 1st February 2013.
For more information and to Register online go to
Further information also available at:
Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems Inspections and Grants information
The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage revised the grant scheme towards remediation, repair, upgrading or replacement of a domestic waste water treatment system introducing three separate grant schemes in June 2020:
(1) Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems inspected under the National Inspection Plan (NIP)
Monaghan County Council carry out a number of inspections each year of domestic wastewater treatment systems under the EPA National Inspection Programme in line with relevant criteria. Grants are available to fix systems that fail inspection by a Local Authority (Advisory Notice issued) under the NIP and require repair or replacement, subject to terms and conditions.
Terms & Conditions for grant aid for eligible works to domestic waste water treatment systems in houses selected under the EPA’s National Inspection Plan & Application form (Gaeilge)
Claim Payment Form NIP 2024 (DOC)
Foirm Éilimh NIP (a) 2024 (ga) (DOC)
Terms & Conditions NIP 2023 EV (PDF)
Téarmaí Agus Coinníollacha NIP 2023(ga) (PDF)
(2)Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems situated in Priority Areas for Action (as designated in the RBMP 2018-2021)
Grants are available to fix domestic wastewater treatment systems in Priority Areas For Action that are or may be causing a threat to the environment and require repair or replacement. These systems will be identified by Local Authority Waters Programme Office (LAWPRO) staff who will issue a letter to the homeowner confirming eligibility to apply. The homeowner can then apply to the Local Authority for a grant subject to terms and conditions.
Note: Grant only available in the current Priority Areas for Action River Basin Management Plan, where the potential applicant has received a letter from the Local Authority Waters Programme Office (LAWPRO) on behalf of the housing authority, confirming eligibility to apply for a grant.
These areas are available to view on a map on
To access or view the area for action maps, go to , Click “Maps” tab at the top of the page, Zoom into county Monaghan, Click on “Taking Action” tab along the top toolbar , slide on the “Area for Action” bar .
Terms & Conditions for grant aid for eligible works to domestic waste water treatment systems in houses Situated in Prioritised Areas for Action & Application form (Gaeilge)
Foirm iarratais PAA (a) 2024 (ga) (DOC)
Foirm Éilimh PAA (b) 2024 (ga) (DOC)
Application Form PAA (a) 2024 (DOC)
Claim Payment Form PAA 2024 (DOC)
Terms & Conditions PAA E.V. (PDF)
Téarmaí Agus Coinníollacha PAA (ga) (PDF)
(3) Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems situated in High Status Objective Catchment Areas (as designated in the RBMP 2018-2021)
Grants are available to fix domestic wastewater treatment systems in High Status Catchment Areas that are or may be causing a threat to the environment and require repair or replacement. The Bragan Area in North Monaghan has been identified as an area of High Status Objective Catchment in County Monaghan.
Households can check if they are in these areas by inputting their eircode into a map available on the DHPLG website (accessible via the following link) and if eligible apply to the Local Authority for a grant.
Terms & Conditions for grant aid for eligible works to domestic waste water treatment systems in houses situated in High Status Objective Catchment Areas & Application form (Gaeilge)
Foirm iarratais HSOCA (a) 2024 (ga) (DOC)
Foirm Éilimh HSOCA (b) 2024 (ga) (DOC)
Application Form HSOCA (a) 2024 (DOC)
Claim Payment Form HSOCA (b) 2024 (DOC)
Terms & Conditions HSOCA 2023 EV (PDF)
Téarmaí Agus Coinníollacha HSOCA 2023(ga) (PDF)
New level of grant available to qualifying householders:
A uniform grant rate of 85% of the eligible costs of remediation, repair, upgrading works, or replacement of a domestic waste water treatment system applies or €12,000 whichever is the lower amount.
General Terms and Conditions applicable to eligible householders under the three grant schemes: (Note: Specific terms and conditions are available from the links under each aforementioned scheme)
- Grants are available to assist with the costs of remediation, repair, upgrading or replacement of a domestic waste water treatment system (septic tank) that serves a house.
- Costs associated with the routine maintenance, servicing or desludging of a domestic waste water treatment system do not qualify for grant aid.
- Minimum expenditure amount of €750 on approved works applicable to the two new grant schemes – High Status Objective Catchment Areas and Prioritised Areas for Action grant schemes.
- The house is not connected to and cannot be reasonably connected to an Irish Water public sewer or a group sewerage scheme and is not located in an area that is about to be served by such a scheme.
- The house is occupied by the applicant as his/her normal place of residence.
- The house has been fully constructed for more than seven years, and a grant has not been paid under the scheme within the previous seven years.
- Works must not commence before an on-site pre-works assessment visit by Local Authority staff and written approval has been issued to the applicant by the Local Authority.
- If approved for a grant, improvement works must be completed to the satisfaction of the Local Authority prior to a grant being paid.
- All contractors engaged to complete works must be tax compliant (current tax clearance certificate required), claims must be accompanied by detailed receipts for works completed.
Circular L2.23 can be accessed by clicking the link below. This details the revised grant scheme under the Housing (Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems Financial Assistance) Regulations 2023 (S.I. No. 562 of 2023) , (S.I. No. 563 of 2023) and (S.I. No. 564 of 2023).
Further enquiries can be made to Rural Water Section, Monaghan County Council: Telephone 047 73769 or 0872396521
DWWTS L2.23 Circular For LAs (ga) (PDF)
DWWTS L2.23 Circular For LAs EV (PDF)
Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems Registration (PDF)
Further information visit Department website:
The High Status Objective Catchment Area map which is available in Irish on the following link : HSOC Area Map
What you need to know about your septic tank (PDF)
What to expect from a Septic Tank Inspection (PDF)
Is Your Well at Risk From Your Septic Tank (PDF)