We are holding a webinar on ten years of hedgerows in Monaghan on the 14th October at 8pm.

Tickets available on eventbrite.

At the webinar we will provide results from the County Monaghan Hedgerow Survey, which was undertaken during the 2021 summer months. We revisited the sites we originally surveyed in 2010 to get an understanding of environmental trends for this crucial habitat in the county.
The survey is supported by the Heritage Council and Monaghan County Council through the County Heritage Plan funding.


Monaghan County Council Notices 7th October 2021

Temporary Closing of Road


Monaghan County Council gives notice of its intention to close the following road in the Municipal District of Ballybay-Clones in County Monaghan:

Date:   Tuesday 26th October 2021 until Friday 29th October 2021

To facilitate:  Sewer and Water Connections for new residential units

Roads Closed:

R183 Analore Street:  For a distance of 80m between its junction with the R183 O’Duffy Street and its junction with the L2820 Abbey Street in the townland of Crossmoyle, Clones.

Diversion Route:

Westbound traffic take R183 O’Duffy Street, N54 Monaghan Street and R212 McCurtain Street.

Eastbound traffic take R212 McCurtain Street, N54 Monaghan Street and R183 O’Duffy Street.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned road with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 12th October 2021.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection To Road Closure”.

If you have any queries concerning this Road Closure please contact The Municipal District of Ballybay-Clones, The Markethouse, The Diamond, Clones, Monaghan at (047) 51018 or email

Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
7th October 2021


Temporary Closing of Roads


Monaghan County Council gives notice to extend the following road closure in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date:   Thursday 7th October 2021 until Friday 29th October 2021 

To Facilitate:   Road Resurfacing works

Roads Closed:   LT-86001-0 in the Townland of Kilmurray

Diversion Route:

Traffic travelling south to continue on R179 and turn left onto L8600. Traffic travelling North to continue on L8600 and turn right onto R179

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth McMahon
A/Senior Engineer
Roads and Transportation
7th October 2021




Joint Policing Community & National Ambulance Service Launch Defibrillator Locator Initiative

A ground-breaking new initiative was launched by Monaghan Joint Policing Committee today, in conjunction with the National Ambulance Service.   The two organisations have joined forces with the intention of to ensuring that every publicly accessible defibrillator in the county is registered with the NAS.

It is a fact that many businesses and voluntary groups which provide a defibrillator do not think to let the Ambulance Service know of its location.  Sadly, lives have been lost in Co. Monaghan by people going into cardiac arrest whilst waiting on an ambulance, whilst unknownst to the caller or the call-taker in the Ambulance Service, there was a defibrillator available as little as 50 metres from the home.

The purpose of the initiative which was launched today was to put the call out to everyone who cares for a defibrillator (also known as AED’s) in Co. Monaghan to log on to Monaghan County Council’s website and complete a defibrillator location survey.  People are being asked to provide an Eircode for the location of the AED, or the closest building to the AED,  so that the National Ambulance Service’s mapping system can plot the AED on an interactive map.

When a member of the public calls 999/ 112,  the first thing they are asked to provide is the Eircode of their location. When the operator types this in to the computer,  every AED within a 1km radius of that address will be shown on their screen, along with other important details, like whether the AED is accessible only during business hours,  the code which is needed to open the cabinet an AED is being kept in, whether the AED can be used on a child,  and the contact details for the person who should be notified that the AED has been brought to an emergency call-out and may now need to have pads or battery replaced so that it is ready for the next time it is needed.

All this information helps the operator to point the caller towards the most suitable AED for their emergency type,  and also helps to ensure that the AED is returned to its previous position, ready to be used again.

In addition to passing the information on the location of the AED’s on to the National Ambulance Service, the Joint Policing Committee is asking AED custodians to provide details on the age and model of AEDs under their care, in preparation for a possible collaborative project to support custodians with the cost of replacing older units and replacing out of date and used pads and batteries.

The JPC also hopes to use the location information to get a picture of the coverage of the county with AED’s and to look for areas which are not being adequately covered at the moment, again with a view to a future project to address this need.

There is also space on the AED survey for custodians to supply information about the level of CPR training in their area.  It is a fact that you are more likely to use CPR on someone you know than on a stranger.

Carol Lambe, Community Development Officer with Monaghan County Council, speaking at the project launch this morning, said, “I once had the honour of meeting the leaders of the Killanny CPR group, who have a goal of having at least one person in every household trained in CPR.  One thing that JB said that day to me has stuck with me:  a defibrillator can restart a heart,  but unless you perform CPR and keep oxygen going to the brain, your loved one may not thank you for bringing them back, to be a shadow of the person they once were.”

Liam Stewart, Community Engagement Officer with the National Ambulance Service, said that the HSE considers CPR to be so important, especially in a rural county such as Monaghan, that it is building objectives around CPR training into its service delivery plan. His colleague Yvonne Murnaghan, who is well known for her work with Monaghan-based Community First Responder groups, also welcomed the JPC’s new initiative, and encouraged the public to seek out the HSE’s ‘CPR for Family & Friends’ training module, which goes through the basics of CPR and defibrillator training in one.  Saving a loved one’s life is surely well worth an hour of your time.

If you are in charge of caring for a defibrillator, please visit Monaghan County Council’s website to complete the defibrillator location survey.   You should do this whether or not the AED is already registered with the NAS, as completing the survey will provide the JPC with your contact information, ensuring that you are included in any future projects the JPC develops around AED’s and CPR.

To access the Survey, visit

National Fire Safety Week 2021

Having working smoke alarms is a great first step, but does your household know what to do when they sound? If in doubt – get out! Today, we introduce #WayOutWednesday! Add it to your calendar today.

#FireSafetyIRE #21FSW #SmokeAlarmsSaveLives #STOPfire #wayoutwednesday

Green light for 21 additional Irish Water projects to support growth and development in small towns and villages across the country

Thursday, 30 September 2021 – Twenty one additional wastewater treatment plants have been selected for upgrade as part of the Small Towns and Villages Growth Programme. This follows the announcement of 15 projects earlier in the summer and forms part of Irish Water’s commitment to supporting growth and development in local towns and villages throughout the country, while protecting the environment and safeguarding water supplies.

Working in partnership with Local Authorities, this investment in the local wastewater infrastructure will provide additional capacity for the development of new homes, while ensuring that wastewater continues to be treated to an appropriate standard. In Monaghan, Oram Wastewater Treatment Plant will be upgraded to provide additional capacity for growth.

Irish Water has announced these projects now to enable Local Authorities to make plans on housing and development into the short and medium term supporting their regional and local development plans.

Anthony Skeffington, Irish Water’s Regional Operations Manager said: “The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage Darragh O’Brien recently announced the Housing for All plan and this is one of Irish Water’s key initiatives in supporting the delivery of this plan. Irish Water is able to confirm that the green light has been given for this project which will improve treatment capacity in these small towns and villages. This will unlock growth and development in these areas by ensuring the treatment infrastructure is in place to meet the needs of the towns and villages.

“Irish Water put this unique programme in place and allocated funding having identified the need to support growth in smaller towns and villages. The projects were selected following detailed consultation with Local Authorities to identify and prioritise areas for investment. We would also like to thank local councillors across the country of their engagement with us on highlighting the areas most in need.”

The announcement today was made possible after Irish Water’s planning team finalised their reviews of all submissions with a focus on the right sized projects for the right town or village at the right cost. The project will now continue through the next stages including design, detailed planning, procurement and approvals. Further updates on the budget and timelines for delivery will be provided in due course. Looking forward, Irish Water anticipates that this programme will continue in the next capital investment programme delivering further upgrades to cater for growth.

Irish Water is responsible for public water and wastewater infrastructure and is committed to providing a safe and reliable water supply, protecting the environment and supporting the growth of homes and businesses. The building, repair and upgrading of Irish Water’s water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants, water and sewer network will require a multi-billion euro investment programme over many years. Irish Water is investing €5.2 billion in the period from 2020-2024 in drinking water and wastewater quality and capacity and new infrastructure.

Details of the current Capital Investment Plan and planned investments in each county will be published in the coming weeks.