Public Health, HSE Dublin and North East Press Release

15th November 2023: Public Health, HSE Dublin and North East are reminding people not to handle or touch sick or dead wild birds to protect themselves from Avian Influenza (Bird Flu).

Avian Influenza commonly known as bird flu, is a notifiable animal disease and is a highly contagious viral disease affecting the respiratory, digestive and/or nervous system of many species of birds. It can also pose a threat to people and other animals in certain circumstances, but these types of infections are rare. Properly cooked poultry meat and eggs do not pose any food safety risk.

As the festive season approaches, we are urging poultry farmers and the public to be vigilant and to report any dead or dying wild birds they may find and it is vital that poultry keepers and flock owners maintain the highest standards of biosecurity to protect their birds, according to Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Public Health HSE Dublin and North-East, Dr Keith Ian Quintyne.

“No outbreaks have been reported to Public Health HSE Dublin and North East since the start of the flu season for 2023/2024. As compared to two outbreaks in poultry farms last season, however it is too early to say whether there would be fewer cases over the rest of the winter. Last year, Ireland similar to other countries in EU/EEA recorded multiple cases in wild/migratory birds, leading the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine to order all poultry flocks indoors to prevent contamination from infected wild birds. The restriction was only lifted in April of this year,” added Dr Quintyne.


What should I do if I find a dead wild bird?

It is important to remember that the vast majority of wild bird deaths in Ireland will not be related to Avian Influenza, based on information from surveillance activities.

However, you should follow routine precautions to prevent any other risks to your health, by following the advice below:

  • Do not pick up or touch sick, dying or dead poultry or wild birds, and keep any pets away from them
  • Avoid contact with surfaces contaminated with bird faeces
  • Avoid untreated bird feathers (such as those found in the environment) and other bird waste
  • Maintain good personal hygiene with regular wash hands with soap and water or to clean your hands with alcohol-based hand gel
  • Clean and disinfect your footwear if you come in contact with areas where dead birds are found
  • If you find dead waterfowl (ducks, geese or swans) or other dead wild birds, you should report them to the local Regional Veterinary Office or contact the Avian Influenza Hotline at 01 607 2512

For further information, visit:


Protect your family from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), flu and winter viruses

  • HSE urges people to help limit spread of RSV to protect children and newborns.

The HSE is urging parents to be vigilant of their children’s symptoms as GPs and hospitals report a rise in the numbers of young children affected by respiratory symptoms and viruses, including RSV. A rise in RSV is to be expected during the winter period.

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is a highly contagious respiratory disease, which generally occurs between October and April, with cases peaking in December. It is the main cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in very young children. Bronchiolitis may lead to breathing and feeding difficulties and can result in hospitalisation.

RSV can also be serious and life-threatening for older adults, individuals with weak immune systems, and children who are premature or have chronic heart and lung disease.

Dr Abigail Collins, National Clinical Lead for the HSE’s Child Health Public Health Programme, said: “We’ve seen a very significant recent rise in the number of children with RSV, especially in children aged four and under, which is concerning. It’s up to us all to do our part to protect vulnerable babies and children. Key to that is to reducing the chance of infection and spread.

“That means staying away from others if you feel unwell, covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, binning used tissues and washing your hands after and regularly throughout the day. Please make sure your child’s vaccines or immunisations are up to date, including the annual free nasal flu vaccine available from your local GP or pharmacy.”

Dr Ciara Martin, HSE National Clinical Advisor for Children and Young People, said: “Newborns and younger babies are at particular risk from RSV. When visiting families with newborns you need to be extra careful to wash your hands before holding them. And don’t kiss and cuddle babies if you have a cold or a cough. For parents who are worried we have a lot of advice available on

“Most cases of RSV can be cared for at home, and usually clears between two to three weeks without treatment. However, symptoms can worsen quickly, particularly within the first 5-6 days, so it is important to watch symptoms and seek medical advice when needed.”

Advice regarding crèches and childcare services

At this time of year, children may have a runny nose or slight cough, and they should not be prevented from attending if they are feeling well with one mild symptom. However, if a child is feeling unwell with more significant symptoms, or combination of symptoms (cough, runny nose and mild fever) then they should be at home until the fever and their symptoms have gone.

Children may have a persistent cough after infection for a few weeks so once the fever and other symptoms have gone, they should not be excluded for the cough alone.

Good ventilation of shared spaces, good cough etiquette (coughing into tissue or elbow rather than on hands) and good hand hygiene / cleaning of surfaces, all really help in preventing spread.

Initial symptoms can include:

  • runny nose
  • blocked nose
  • mild fever (temperature of 38 degrees Celsius)
  • slight cough.

Further symptoms usually develop over the next few days, including:

  • mild fever (temperature of 38 degrees Celsius)
  • a dry and persistent cough
  • rapid or noisy breathing (wheezing)
  • feeding less
  • fewer wet nappies
  • vomiting after feeding
  • being irritable.

Find out what parents need to know about RSV by watching this video from Dr Ciara Martin, HSE Clinical Lead for Children and Young People.

About RSV (Bronchiolitis)

RSV causes bronchiolitis, which is a common chest infection in babies and young children. This virus spreads when someone coughs or sneezes and it mostly affects babies and young children under 2 years old, especially babies under 6 months old. Most cases are mild and clear up within 2 to 3 weeks without treatment. Antibiotics are not needed and will not help to treat it.

Main ways to assist babies with bronchiolitis:

  • keep breastfeeding if you are breastfeeding
  • don’t smoke around them
  • feed little and often as able
  • know signs and symptomsand when to go to your GP/ED.

Sometimes RSV can be more serious and children with bronchiolitis will need to be cared for in hospital. Parents are advised to trust their instinct and to always contact their GP if they are worried, especially if the symptoms get worse quickly.  More information and advice can be found here.

Keep an eye on your social feeds on Instagram @IrishHealthService, Twitter @HSELive and Facebook for information on RSV and other winter viruses #HSEMyChild #WinterViruses

Storm Debi Update – Monaghan County Council

Thankfully, there have been no reports of any major storm related damage following storm Debi, however, Monaghan County Council advise people to exercise caution as there may be some debris remaining on our roads. Monaghan County Council’s Municipal districts teams have been working from early morning to assess the damage caused by the storm Debi and has already cleared most roads of fallen trees, branches, and other debris.

There was strong cooperation of members of the public, who notified Monaghan County Council of issues across our road network. Thanks to all Monaghan County Council staff involved in the clean-up operations.

A novel green accreditation scheme, the first of its kind, launches for Monaghan businesses.

Small and micro businesses in Monaghan are the first in the country to avail of the ESGo digital tool which provides for independent validation of green credentials.

Described as “a game changer” by the Local Enterprise Office in Monaghan, securing validation will allow them access benefits that up to now have been out of reach.

“There are many businesses in Monaghan who have not had access to a mechanism that both recognises and validates the steps they have already taken to be more sustainable,” explained Eilín Connolly, Acting Head of Enterprise, Local Enterprise Office, Monaghan.

ESGo [pronounced Easy Go] is an easy to use digital tool that will assist businesses in tracking and managing their responsible Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) journey.

“I am particularly delighted that this is available free of charge after the Local Enterprise Office in Monaghan secured the pilot for the county,” she added.

ESGo had its genesis in Monaghan Local Enterprise Office’s Go Green programme which supports local businesses as they transition to low carbon entities.

“Until now there has not been an intuitive, ease to use system that micro and small businesses can use to get an accreditation.”

“There are ISO environmental standards suitable for large firms but they are too complicated for the micro firm. This simplified platform will give them the confidence to undertake responsible actions in pursuit of ESG goals and will give them an all-important accreditation for their efforts,” she explained.

“This has several benefits for our local entrepreneurs and employers. They not only contribute to environmental sustainability, but it can also have positive effects on the business’s bottom line and reputation. I think it could be a gamechanger.”

The work began with a feasibility study last year and that research identified a gap in the market in assessing social impacts and governance structures.

The outcome is the easy-to-use ESGo platform for smaller businesses who will be audited and a credential then issued by ‘Climeaction’ – experts in this area.

Monaghan Local Enterprise Office worked with Cork based ‘Climeaction’ as it specialises in providing climate action solutions for business including decarbonisation to develop the platform.

The company will also audit the businesses, provide a roadmap for increased compliance and then issue the appropriate validation.

Robert Burns, Chief Executive Officer, Monaghan County Council, said,

“We are delighted to have secured the pilot programme for the county; it will enable businesses to build on work already undertaken to improve their carbon footprint.

Climeaction said, “ESGo is a simplified approach to increase engagement with SME companies in ESG and provide them with value by way of an advisory report from a trusted impartial source.”

Among those leading the way in hospitality is Sean Redmond, head chef with Andy’s Bar & Restaurant where energy costs dropped by a remarkable 11% by measuring and monitoring energy usage – a saving of €2,724.  With ESGo he can seek secure independent validation of his commitment to going green and staying green.

More information for businesses is available by contacting

Monaghan’s Biodiversity Conference – Save the date : Saturday 18th November

For the first time ever, Monaghan County Council are launching a Biodiversity Conference for the county. Hosted by Biodiversity Officer, Dr. Patricia McCreesh, the event is a showcase of Monaghan’s nature and environment – come and hear about local projects and local issues from local speakers and find out how you can get involved in your local community! We will hear about the wonderful wetlands of Monaghan, the rewilding of our towns and villages, our work for pollinators and ongoing projects in Monaghan.

We will be launching our ‘Swift Report’ on the current state of swift populations in the county and there will be opportunities for you to contribute your thoughts and ideas for protecting and enhancing nature in Monaghan.  All washed down with some morning refreshments and a light lunch – come along and be part of the discussion, your voice needs to be heard!  Free to attend and all welcome.

Notice of the County Monaghan Joint Policing Committee Public Meeting 2023





A public meeting of the County Monaghan Joint Policing Committee (JPC) will be held on Thursday, 23 November 2023, from 2pm to 4.30pm in the Rembrandt Suite, Hillgrove Hotel, Monaghan

To honour the United Nations’ global 16 Days of Activism Against Violence Against Women campaign, the theme of the public meeting will be ‘Improving Women’s Safety’.

The agenda will be:

  1. Presentation from An Garda Síochána – Protective Services for Keeping People Safe
  2. Presentation from Monaghan County Council – how Monaghan County Council is working to build safer communities for women in Monaghan
  3. Report from Monaghan PPN – Ideas from Women’s Safety Conference, for the consideration of the JPC
  4. Questions* and Suggestions from the Floor
  5. Any Other Business

Assistance will be available for those wishing to sign up to Monaghan Alerts.

Free personal alarm to every attendee.  Information Tables on the day.

The function of a JPC is to serve as a forum for consultations, discussions and recommendations on matters affecting the policing of the local authority’s administrative area. Members of the public have the right to make their views known and ask questions. Senior members of An Garda Síochána will be present on the evening to answer questions.

*If you wish to ask a question which requires a detailed response from the Gardai or Council, please submit your question in advance so that a full response can be prepared and will be available to you at the meeting. Questions can be forwarded, in writing, before Thursday, 16 November 2023, to Liz Brannigan, Senior Staff Officer, Corporate Services, Monaghan County Council, Glen Road, Monaghan or by email to  Alternatively you can call 047-30500.  Questions will be accepted from any person affected by the policing of the area.  Questions must be accompanied by a name, address and contact number.  These details will remain confidential.

Please note that the Joint Policing Committee may not consider matters relating to a specific criminal investigation or prosecution or matters relating to the security of the State.

Carmel O’Hare

Director of Services

07 November 2023

Public Alert: Drinking Water Restriction Localised Area Within Monaghan PWS which includes (Derry Rd, Armagh Rd. & Tullyhirm Townland)

Date of Drinking Water Restriction Notice:
24th October 2023

Due to elevated levels of manganese in a localised section of the Monaghan PWS network, the public
drinking water quality is considerably compromised and an immediate risk to your health.
As a result and following consultation with the Health Service Executive (HSE), Uisce Eireann are issuing
a Do Not Consume Notice with immediate effect to protect the health of consumers in this affected area
of the network. This Do Not Consume Notice will be hand delivered to all affected properties served by
the Monaghan PWS and as indicated in the red outlined area of the map attached.


Learn more here: DNC Localised Area in Monaghan PWS 24-10-2023