Monaghan Town St. Patrick’s Day Parade 2023

Calling all interested groups/individuals and businesses to take part in the planning of the Monaghan Town St Patrick’s Day Parade.

The Parade has been very successful over the last number of years and if you want to be part of the planning committee and have your say then come along. Initial preparations are underway.

First Meeting to be held on Tuesday 24th January at 5.30 p.m. in the Market House, Monaghan.

For further information please contact the Monaghan Municipal District Office, Glen Road, Monaghan. Phone 047 73777

Major boost for Monaghan as Uisce Éireann invest €9.7m in Carrickmacross Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrade

Monday, 16 January 2023 – With its rolling hills and bountiful lakes, Monaghan is already a fantastic place to live, work and visit. And as the county develops and grows, so too does demand for key infrastructure to support that growth.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Monaghan County Council is proud to announce that works have commenced on the long-awaited upgrade of Carrickmacross Wastewater Treatment Plant. Once operational, the upgraded wastewater treatment plant will not only ensure compliance with the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive and protect water quality in the Longfield River, it will also support local housing and economic development.

Speaking about the project, Uisce Éireann’s Infrastructure Delivery Regional lead Patrick Greene said;

“Carrickmacross Wastewater Treatment Plant is a crucial piece of infrastructure for Monaghan and once the upgrade works have been completed, we will be able to ensure that we can accommodate future growth and protect the environment, in a more efficient way. The project reflects Uisce Éireann’s commitment to the efficient delivery of critical infrastructure in order to support local communities across Monaghan.

Patrick added: “This project has been long-awaited but finally we have boots on the ground and are eager to get going. The works will be carried out by EPS and will take about two years to complete but the project will benefit county Monaghan for decades to come. We would like to thank the local community for their support and co-operation as we carry out this work.”

The upgrade works will involve the construction of 3.3km of outfall pipeline which will safely discharge treated water into the Longfield River as well as the construction of a new road into the wastewater treatment plant. The completed upgrades will also modernise and improve the wastewater treatment process at the plant, ensuring water is treated in compliance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive.

Uisce Éireann is committed to playing its part in the national drive to provide homes to people who need them by developing and prioritising the delivery of key wastewater service infrastructure.

Uisce Éireann is responsible for the delivery of all public water and wastewater services in Ireland. We are committed to continuously upgrading and developing critical infrastructure to support the growth needed in housing and across our economy, while protecting the environment and safeguarding water supplies.

Temporary Closing Of Roads – LS-8400 in the Townland of Toome

Monaghan County Council gives notice to close the following road in the Municipal District of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney in County Monaghan:

Date: Monday 23rd January 2023 to Friday 27th January 2023 

To Facilitate: Reservoir upgrade works

Roads Closed: LS-8400 in the Townland of Toome

Diversion Routes:

Traffic wishing to proceed Northbound past the Reservoir will be diverted back on the LS-8400, Left on the LP-4410 and Left on the LS-8400.

Traffic wishing to proceed Southbound past the Reservoir will be diverted back on the LS-8400, Right on the LP-4410 and Right on the LP-8400.

All Detours will be signposted in order to direct the Traffic. (Local Access and Emergency Vehicles will be catered for at all times).


This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth Mc Mahon 

A/Director of Services

Transport, Community and Rural Development

12th January 2023

Night Time Temporary Closing of Roads – N2 Castleblayney Bypass – from the townland of Kilcrow (N2 Clontibret Roundabout) to the townland of Tullyvin (N2 Tullyvin Roundabout)

Monaghan County Council intends to close the following road in the Municipal Districts of Carrickmacross-Castleblayney, Ballybay- Clones and Monaghan in County Monaghan.

Dates of Closure:            Thursday 26th January 2023 until Friday 27th January 2023


Road Closed: N2 Castleblayney Bypass – from the townland of Kilcrow (N2 Clontibret Roundabout) to the townland of Tullyvin (N2 Tullyvin Roundabout).

Times: 7.30pm – 6am  

To Facilitate: Pavement Investigations.

Diversion Routes:    South East Diversion- From the N2 Clontibret Roundabout, take the R184, then travel south east along the Old N2 (LP3444), through Annayalla Village and Castleblaney Town (R183 & R181), then access the N2 via the N53.

North West Diversion- From the N2 Tullyvin Roundabout, take the N53 into Castleblayney Town. Travel north west through Castleblayney taking the R181 & R183, then continue north west along the Old N2 (LP3444). Then access the N2 via the R184 at the N2 Clontibret Roundabout


Diversions will be in place for the duration of the closure.

Every effort will be made to minimise delays.

Any interested person may lodge an objection to the closing of the above-mentioned roads with the Head of Roads, Monaghan County Council, MTEK II Building, Knockaconny, Monaghan not later than Tuesday 17th January 2023.  Any objections must be clearly marked on envelope “Objection to Road Closure”.

This notice complies with the Roads Act 1993 (Section 75)

Gareth McMahon

A / Director of Services 

Transport, Community and Rural Development

12th January 2023

Monaghan County Council is about to make an Annual Rate on the rateable properties in County Monaghan.


Oifigí an Chontae, An Gleann, Muineachán


County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan




Notice is hereby given that Monaghan County Council is about to make an Annual Rate on the rateable properties in County Monaghan.

The Annual Rate on Valuation (ARV) for the ordinary expenditure of the County Council for the service year ending 31st December 2023 is €0.2374.

The Rate Book is available for inspection by appointment by any ratepayer in the Rates Offices, Monaghan County Council, County Offices, The Glen, Monaghan, and will be open for inspection between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm during the fourteen days following the date below, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.


John Murray 

Head of Finance

County Council Offices 

The Glen 


H18 YT50


Dated this: 

12th day of January 2023

Attention All Dog Owners

Attention Dog OwnersLambing time will begin soon.

Every year in Monaghan, there are many attacks on sheep by dogs, particularly around lambing time. These attacks cause great cruelty and result in sheep and
lambs dying from their injuries, lambs being aborted, and stock not thriving for fear of further attacks. These attacks result in serious losses for the farmer, including veterinary fees, disposal of dead animals, the value of the dead sheep and lambs, and loss of thrive.

Any dog, large or small, may become involved in attacking sheep – MAKE SURE YOUR DOG DOESN’T GET THE CHANCE!

If you own a dog or dogs, you are required to:

  • Keep your dog under control at all times. This means not allowing your dog off your property unaccompanied.
  • Have a microchip certificate of registration which proves that your dog is microchipped and registered to you. (Required since 2016)
  • Ensure that every dog under your control wears a collar bearing the name and address of the owner at all times and that the name and address are legible.
  • Have a current licence for each dog in your possession or a general dog licence to cover all dogs in your possession.  YOU CAN NOW BUY YOUR DOG LICENCE ONLINE AT   


Brendan Smyth

County Veterinary Officer

12th January 2023

It’s not too late to get vaccinated – 6th January, 2023: Public Health Area A is highlighting the high levels of flu, COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses in circulation in the community and is urging the public to get their flu and COVID-19 vaccines.

Dr Lois O’Connor, Consultant in Public Health Medicine, HSE Public Health Area A, said: “The surge of respiratory illnesses in the community is putting significant pressure on our health services across the region. We can reduce this burden by staying at home from work, school and crèche if you are sick, and getting your flu and COVID-19 vaccines.”

“We are seeing very high levels of respiratory viruses including flu, COVID-19 and RSV. If you have respiratory symptoms please stay at home. As schools and childcare facilities reopen this week we also ask parents and guardians to keep their children home from school/crèche if they are sick.”

“It’s not too late for people to get the flu vaccine or COVID-19 booster. Even though vaccines take two weeks to work, vaccination is an effective, safe way to protect you and people around you from flu and COVID-19. This is especially important for those at higher risk including older people, people with chronic health conditions, people who are pregnant, and young children.

Dr O’Connor added: “Flu and COVID-19 are caused by two different viruses and require two different vaccines. You can get the flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster vaccine at the same time. Those aged 18-49 can now get their second COVID-19 booster vaccine. For information on how to book a COVID-19 or flu vaccine, visit the HSE website or call our team on HSELive on 1800 700 700.”

In addition to getting vaccinated, help prevent the spread of respiratory illness by:

  • Washing your hands often with soap and warm water.
  • Staying at home from work, school or crèche if you or your child is sick.
  • Avoiding visits to vulnerable or elderly people if you are sick.
  • Covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze – put used tissues into a bin and wash your hands.
  • Ensuring adequate ventilation in indoor settings, including opening windows and doors where possible to reduce the transmission of respiratory viruses.
  • Cleaning objects and surfaces that other people touch frequently.
  • Wearing a mask to protect yourself and those around you, especially in confined spaces like public transport.

Emergency Departments continue to be extremely busy due to the unprecedented combination of very high levels of flu, COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses in circulation. HSE Public Health Area A is appealing to people seeking medical care or assessment to consider all options before going to a hospital Emergency Department. Urgent patients will always be prioritised for treatment and care.


Other options available if you are feeling unwell or are injured are:

Community Pharmacies:

You can visit your local pharmacy if you feel unwell. Pharmacists are qualified healthcare professionals. They can give you medicines you can buy without a prescription, medicines you have a prescription for, advice on minor illnesses, and can tell you if you need to see a GP.


GPs and GP Out-of-Hours Services:

Some GPs are running additional clinics during this time. If you urgently need to see a GP outside their clinic hours, you can contact your local GP out-of-hours service.


Minor Injury Units:

Injury units treat injuries that are not life-threatening. For example, broken bones, dislocations and burns. You do not need an appointment. There are 11 HSE Injury Unit locations, you can find one close to you on the HSE website:


Monaghan County Council is now inviting applications for funding under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme (BHIS) 2023.


The BHIS seeks to encourage the investment of private capital in a number of small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve historic structures and to support the employment of skilled and experienced conservation professionals, craftspeople, and tradespersons in the repair of the historic built environment. The scheme is designed to assist the owners and/or occupiers of structures/properties that are protected or proposed to be protected under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), and also historic thatched structures/properties not currently protected or proposed to be protected. The scheme is being administered by Monaghan County Council’s Planning Section.


The categories of structures/properties eligible for funding under this scheme are:

  • Protected Structures
  • Proposed Protected Structures
  • Structures/properties in Architectural Conservation Areas or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances are deemed by the Department to apply
  • Historic thatched structures which are neither currently protected/nor proposed for protection

Funding available

The minimum funding award under this scheme will be €2,500, up to a maximum of €15,000. Successful applicants will be required to, at a minimum, match their funding award. The overall allocation for County Monaghan in 2023 is €96,000.

In addition to the above allocation, a further €5,000 of ring-fenced funding has been allocated to County Monaghan under the 2023 BHIS for conservation repairs to thatched structures to maximise the availability of financial assistance to such owners, helping them offset other costs. The funded works are not limited to repairs to the thatch itself and all eligible conservation works listed in the BHIS Circular will be eligible for funding under this stream. Although the mainstream BHIS generally requires private match funding of a minimum of 50% of the total project cost, the ring-fenced thatch stream will only require a minimum of 20% match funding. Unlike the mainstream BHIS, the match funding may include other grant funding.

Note: Applicants may apply for funding under both the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2023 and the Historic Structures Fund 2023, but cannot avail of funding from both schemes in the same year.


How to apply

The BHIS 2023 Circular outlines full details of the terms and conditions of the funding. The circular, application form and associated information are available to download at Hard copies are also available at the Planning Office.

Completed applications using Form A and accompanied by a comprehensive method statement must be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Administrative Officer, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or emailed to on or before the 31st of January 2023.


Signed: Cathal Flynn

Director of Service

Economic Development, Planning & Capital Projects

Monaghan County Council

Date: 5th January 2023


Monaghan County Council is now inviting applications for funding under the Historic Structures Fund (HSF) 2023.


The primary focus of the Historic Structures Fund is on conservation and enhancement of historic structures and buildings for the benefit of communities and the public.  It aims to enable conservation works to be carried out on heritage structures which are deemed to be significant and in need of urgent support. The scheme is designed to assist the owners and/or occupiers of structures/properties that are protected or proposed to be protected under the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), structures/properties in Architectural Conservation Areas, and also vernacular structures/properties not currently protected or proposed to be protected. The scheme is being administered by Monaghan County Council’s Planning Section.

Project promoters are encouraged to incorporate a traditional skills training element in the project. Applications in respect of refurbishment or reuse projects involving heritage structures, and where a clear residential benefit is demonstrated, will be welcomed (subject to obtaining any necessary planning approvals).

The Historic Structures Fund 2023 is structured as follows:

  1. Stream 1 offers grants from €15,000 up to €50,000 and is aimed at essential repairs and smaller capital works for the refurbishment and conservation of heritage structures. The maximum grant award will be 80% of eligible costs.
  2. Stream 1, Historic Shopfronts sub-stream is aimed at incentivising the refurbishment and conservation of historic shopfronts and Irish-language shopfronts and will fund small capital works to their facades, windows, signage, and other associated details. The maximum grant award will be 80% of eligible costs.
  3. Stream 2 offers a small number of grants from €50,000 up to €200,000 for larger enhancement, refurbishment or reuse projects involving heritage structures, where:
  4. a clear community or public benefit has been demonstrated, or
  5. a clear residential benefit has been demonstrated

(subject to obtaining any necessary planning approvals).

Successful applicants will be required to, at a minimum, match their funding award by 50% of eligible costs.  In exceptional circumstances a higher percentage may be sought, subject to a maximum of 80% of eligible costs. Grant may be phased over two years.

  1. Vernacular Structures Stream – offers funding of between €5,000 and €10,000 to support conservation repairs and small capital works for the refurbishment and conservation of vernacular structures that are not listed in local authority Records of Protected Structures or otherwise legally protected to safeguard the structure and keep it in use. Such structures may be located within an Architectural Conservation Area or comprise ‘informal’ traditional buildings, which are a significant part of our intangible cultural heritage. The maximum grant award will be 80% of eligible costs.

Projects in Partnership – The Minister may designate part of the Fund for projects in partnership with State-funded organisations such as the Office of Public Works, the Irish Heritage Trust, Waterways Ireland, The Irish Landmark Trust, and others, to care for historic structures and buildings in public ownership and improve recreational infrastructure and public access to these heritage assets. Funds will be determined on a case-by-case basis.


Streams 1 and 2, Historic Shopfronts sub stream and Partnership Projects

In respect of projects categorised under Streams 1 and 2, the Historic Shopfronts sub stream and any Partnership Projects designated by the Minister the categories of structures/properties eligible for funding under this scheme are:

  • Protected Structures
  • Proposed Protected Structures
  • Structures/properties in Architectural Conservation Areas

or within the amenity of a National Monument, where exceptional circumstances apply.

Eligible projects will be as follows:

  1. a) projects proposed by local authorities on foot of applications from private applicants who are the owners or custodians of historic structures
  2. b) projects proposed by a Local Authority for works to historic structures in public ownership, where a clear heritage focus and community or public benefit has been demonstrated
  3. c) projects with a clearly defined heritage focus and community or public benefit proposed directly to the Department by a State-funded organisation working in the heritage area.


Vernacular Structures Stream

Vernacular structures are the buildings and other built features of what can be termed the ‘informal’ or vernacular landscape. Vernacular builders worked within traditional systems using techniques passed down within the family and local community. Thus, the vernacular is a significant part of our intangible cultural heritage.

In respect of the Vernacular Structures Stream applications can be accepted from the following:

  1. a) Owners of vernacular structures that are not listed in the Record of Protected Structures
  2. b) Owners of vernacular structures within an Architectural Conservation Area, but not otherwise subject to statutory protection.


Eligible projects will be as follows:

  1. a) Projects proposed by local authorities on foot of applications from private applicants who are the owners or custodians of vernacular structures
  2. b) Projects proposed by local authorities for works to vernacular structures in public ownership where a clear heritage focus and community or public benefit has been demonstrated

Note: Only one application will be considered per vernacular structure or applicant. Applicants may apply for funding under both the Historic Structures Fund 2023 and the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2023, but cannot avail of funding from both schemes in the same year.


How to apply

The HSF 2023 Circular outlines full details of the terms and conditions of the various funding streams. The Circular and application form are available to download at

Hard copies are also available at the Planning Offices Reception.

Completed applications using Form A and accompanied by a comprehensive method statement must be submitted to Angela Gallagher, Administrative Officer, Planning Section, No.1 Dublin Street, Monaghan Town, H18 X982 or emailed to  on or before the 31st January 2023.

Notification of changes to Monaghan Community Alerts

Sadly, we have been informed by Komeer that they are withdrawing from the messaging service market on 31st December.  We are working hard to put a replacement service in place, which will be up and running before the end of January. We will be contacting existing subscribers by text with the details for downloading the new App when available.

If you are a current subscriber to Monaghan Community Alerts, and wish to continue receiving alerts from the new service, you can take action now to ensure that you data is carried over to the new service:

  • If you are a Komeer APP user, you will receive a notice on your app informing you of the upcoming cessation of the service and inviting you to respond ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to whether you wish to have your details carried over to the new app.  Please do this before 31st December, as your response won’t be recorded after that date.
  • Subscribers who signed up to receive messages by text will be contacted by text once the new service is in place, and will be given the option at that time to opt in or out of the new service.


Thank you for supporting Monaghan Community Alerts and for helping to ensure Co. Monaghan remains one of the safest places to live in Ireland. Monaghan Joint Policing Committee