The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD has launched the 2024 CLÁR Scheme.  CLÁR (Ceantair Laga Árd-Riachtanais) is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in rural areas that have experienced significant levels of de-population.

 CLÁR Programme for 2024

The 2024 CLÁR programme will be delivered through three separate Measures as follows:

Measure 1:                        Developing Community Facilities & Amenities

Measure 2:                        Mobility, Cancer Care, Community First Responders and Meals on Wheels Transport

Measure 3:                        ‘Our Islands’


Measure 1 – Developing Community Facilities & Amenities – Managed directly by Monaghan County Council

The maximum level of funding for any individual project is €50,000 and grant-funding is at a rate of 90% of total project costs.

Measure 1 will support a variety of capital projects provided that they contribute to the enhancement of existing, and/or the development of new, accessible Community Recreation Facilities.

All community amenities funded under this programme must, in so far as practicable, be accessible to all abilities and ages.

Types of Intervention eligible (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • Small scale renovation works to community facilities open to the wider community such as community centres/sports centres/clubhouses of sporting groups/youth centres/men’s sheds etc
  • Multi-Use Gaming Areas (MUGAs)/Astro-Turf facilities including upgrades
  • Playgrounds/Skateboard parks/Pump tracks/Cycling tracks
  • Walking/Running /Athletics tracks
  • Handball Alleys/Tennis Courts/Basketball Courts/Cricket Grounds
  • Community Gyms/Community Cinemas
  • Sensory Gardens/Community Gardens/ Allotments
  • Access to unique local heritage sites / areas of natural beauty
  • Outdoor Bowling Areas/Outdoor Toilet Facilities/Car Parking
  • Improving access at sports grounds e.g. development/upgrade of spectator stands at local sports grounds with a particular focus on improving access for people of all abilities and ages
  • Solar Bins
  • Biodiversity planting


CLÁR DED’s Monaghan

CLÁR Map – Monaghan


Grant Range €5,000 up to €50,000

Please contact Aisling Kierans, Community Development Section or your local Municipal District Office to discuss potential projects for submission to this scheme as early as possible:

  • Aisling Kierans, Community Development – 047 73707
  • Ballybay/Clones Municipal District Office – 047 51018
  • Carrickmacross/Castleblayney Municipal District Office – 042 9661236
  • Monaghan Municipal District Office – 047 73777


CLÁR 2024 Measure 1 – Expression of Interest Application Form

CLÁR 2024 Measure 1 Scheme Outline


Completed Expression of Interest for Measure 1 must be submitted in WORD format directly to Monaghan County Council by email, to   

Closing date for receipt of applications under Measure 1 to Monaghan County Council is 4.00 p.m. on Friday 24th May 2024.

Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.


Application Process

  • Projects must be located in one of the designated CLÁR areas to be eligible for funding under this scheme (please see CLÁR Map for County Monaghan).
  • Applications can be submitted to Monaghan County Council from schools, community and voluntary groups and Local Development Companies under this Measure. Community groups can include local sporting organisations where the infrastructure being supported through the application is for the benefit of the community generally (not just the sporting organisation) and is made freely available to all members of the community.
  • Projects should be shovel ready with all permissions (such as planning) in place or at an advanced stage at the time of submission (Planning reference number must be provided).
  • Accurate and detailed costings must be submitted at application stage (provide a minimum of 2 quotes).
  • Evidence of match funding should be provided (recent bank statement).
  • Projects must be able to be completed within the required timeframe.
  • The proposed projects should be of sufficient quality, in line with the scheme outline, the County Development Pan/Town Plan, the Local Economic and Community Plan and the Climate Action Plan.
  • Evidence, were applicable, that ownership/minimum lease of 15 years is in place (provide proof of ownership/lease) and Letter of Consent from land/property owner confirming agreement to the works.
  • Evidence that the project will be open to the public without appointment, and necessary insurance is in place.
  • The funding allocation will be a competitive process, groups should endeavour to provide as much information as possible and to answer all parts of the application form fully.
  • All submissions are subject to the Data Protection Act (as amended) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (as amended) and the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (as amended).
  • Completed applications need to be emailed in WORD format to by 00 p.m. on Friday 24th May 2024.


Measure 2      Mobility, Cancer Care and Community First Responders

This scheme will cover costs of a vehicle and/or the fit out of a vehicle where necessary.  The Department encourages the purchase of hybrid/electric vehicles where possible.

Between 80% and 90% funding available.

CLÁR 2024 Measure 2 Scheme Outline

CLÁR 2024 Measure 2 Application Form 

 Completed applications for Measure 2 should be emailed directly to the Department of Rural & Community Development at by Wednesday 5th June 2024.

Measure 3      ‘Our Islands’

  1. Island Community Transport – this measure will cover the cost of:
  • the purchase of hybrid/electric vehicles (and fit out, where necessary)
  • PV solar panels to be erected on community facilities which are generating electricity for a connected electric vehicle charging point. This must be in tandem with the purchase of a hybrid/electric vehicle.
  1. Community Amenities – This Measure will consider supports for the enhancement of existing and/or the development of new accessible community amenities. All community amenities funded under this programme must, in so far as practicable, be accessible to all abilities and ages.

Up to 90% funding available.

CLÁR 2024 Measure 3 Scheme Outline

CLÁR 2024 Measure 3 Application Form 

 Completed applications for Measure 3 should be emailed directly to the Department of Rural & Community Development at by Wednesday 19th June 2024.

Community Recognition Fund 2024

The funding is specifically targeted at projects that are located in communities, towns and villages that are hosting the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection and/or International Protection Applicants (‘new arrivals’) including towns identified for the rapid build homes programme. The Fund aims to support the development of facilities that will be used in the future by all members of the community. It is separate in its objectives and scope to any other public funding streams which aim to support the development of public service needs arising from the significant number of arrivals from Ukraine and other countries.

The Community Recognition Fund was first introduced in 2023 to recognise the huge efforts made by communities in welcoming and supporting people coming to Ireland. Based on the continued impacts on communities throughout the country and the need to support these communities in welcoming new arrivals, a further €50 million is being provided under the Community Recognition Fund 2024.


Monaghan County Council has received an allocation of €914,972.

 We now seek to identify suitable projects and invite suggestions from the community regarding same.  

The proposal must demonstrate that the funding is targeted at, and specifically invested in, those communities, villages and towns where the highest level of new arrivals are located and where there is a clear need for investment identified.  In Monaghan the areas with the highest number of new arrivals from Ukraine and other countries are: Monaghan, Carrickmacross, Clones and Ballybay.


Projects situated in areas that do not have high levels of new arrivals will not be eligible for funding under the Community Recognition Fund 2024.

Projects to be funded will be capital in nature, deliver medium-long term benefits for the communities in which they are located, and be capable of being delivered over the course of 2025 and 2026. A minimum spend of 50% of the allocation must be incurred in 2025. Eligible projects will receive funding for capital costs, but not for any ongoing operational or running costs.


The minimum level of funding for an individual project is €50,000 with a maximum of €500,000 applying. Smaller projects cannot be artificially combined to meet the minimum threshold of €50,000 – while the 2023 scheme provided funding for small scale investment in clubs and communities (e.g. for small scale equipment), the focus of the 2024 scheme is on projects of greater scale and impact.

Local authorities have scope to invest the funding based on their own distinct local needs as identified through a “bottom-up” approach and based on the community engagement.


Type of projects eligible for funding are:

  • development, enhancement or refurbishment of community or cultural facilities including play areas, walkways, parks, community/sensory gardens, allotments, and recreational areas;
  • development, enhancement or refurbishment of local club and sports facilities including facilities such as community swimming pools, changing rooms, toilets, digital aids such as score / information boards etc.;
  • enhancement to school/parish facilities which are open to use by all of the community after school hours;
  • purchase of equipment for local clubs, festivals, community events and organisations e.g. music, arts or sports equipment;
  • transport infrastructure such as the purchase of community vehicles, bus shelters and attendant information boards; (any vehicle funded must be in good condition and not more than 5 years old)
  • projects that help address dereliction and/or wider local economic and community development objectives;
  • purchase and refurbishment of vacant or derelict buildings for community use where a clear need is identified.
  • Purchase of land and associated works for the development of community facilities such as play areas/ MUGAs or town parks/ community gardens, recreational areas etc. (purchases must only be administered by the local authority).


Application Process

  • The funding allocation will be a competitive process, groups should endeavour to provide as much information as possible and to answer all parts of the application form fully.
  • Only towns & villages that are hosting high levels of the Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection or International Protection Applicants are eligible for this funding.
  • Ensure accurate costings at application stage.
  • Projects must be able to be completed within the required timeframe.

Applications now closed.

  • Projects should be shovel ready with all permissions in place or at an advanced stage at the time of funding approval. 50% of project costs must be incurred in 2025 with the project completed in full by October 2026. 
  • All submissions are subject to the Data Protection Act (as amended) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (as amended) and the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (as amended).
  • Completed applications need to be emailed in WORD format to by 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday 1st May 2024.


Information Sessions

As part of the process, the Council’s Rural and Community Development & Municipal District Staff will be liaising with and available to meet with community groups in host communities to assist them in identifying projects that might be eligible for funding under the Scheme.

Information Sessions will be held on the following dates:

  • Clones – Monday 15th April 2024 from 4.30 p.m. until 6.30 p.m. in the offices of the Municipal District of Ballybay/Clones, The Diamond, Clones
  • Carrickmacross – Tuesday 16th April 2024 from 6.00 p.m. until 8.00 p.m. in the offices of the Municipal District of Carrickmacross/Castleblayney, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross
  • Monaghan – Wednesday 17h April 2024 from 5.00 p.m. until 7.00 p.m. in the Market House, Market Street, Monaghan
  • Ballybay – Thursday 18th April 2024 from 6.30 p.m. until 8.30 p.m. in the Board Room, Ballybay Youth Centre, Birch Court, Ballybay


Please ensure that you have fully completed the application form before submitting.

All Expressions of Interest applications should be received no later than 4.00 p.m. on Wednesday 1st May 2024 by email to

Late application’s will not be considered after the closing date.





Monaghan County Council is committed to supporting local communities to promote, enhance and develop their local area and increase social inclusion activity.

This commitment is supported by the Community Development Funding Scheme 2024:


Eligible projects include

  • enhancement of local community facilities/amenities
  • projects which encourage community participation and engagement (e.g training, PROGRAMMES and equipment)

Please note a maximum of one application can be made by any individual group.

Applications can be made online at:

(now closed)


For queries or assistance, please contact:

Community Development Scheme

By contacting Community Development on 047 – 73750 or email




Privacy Notice




Monaghan County Council is committed to supporting local communities to promote, enhance and develop their local area and increase social inclusion activity.

This commitment is supported by the Environment Services Funding Scheme 2024:

1. Environmental services Funding SCHEME 2024





Please note a maximum of one application can be made by any individual group.


Applications can be made online at: (closed now)

 Or can be downloaded and returned to Environmental Services.

Guidelines on criteria and application forms are also available:

Environment Fund Guidelines 2024


For queries or assistance, please contact:

Environmental Funding Scheme

By contacting Environmental Services on 042 – 9661240 or email




GDPR Environmental Community Development Fund 2024



Local Community Regeneration and Transformation – Enhancement to existing Community spaces / halls


Monaghan County Council wishes to invite expressions of interest from groups and organisations working within the community and voluntary sectors under the PEACEPLUS Local Community Action Plan.

This is a small Capital Programme aimed at developing and enhancing areas or buildings across the County to upgrade to a higher standard to increase usage, with the aim of improving cross-community relations and community cohesion.  Projects up to a maximum capital value of €50,000 (inc. consultancy fees) will be considered.

Successful groups will be required to deliver an activity plan inclusive of all community backgrounds.

To request an expression of interest form and guidance notes please email

Completed forms should be returned no later than 12 noon Monday 29th January 2024.

PEACEPLUS is supported by the European Union, the UK Government, the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish Government and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body

Monaghan Wellness Week 2023 9th – 13th October 2023

World Mental Health Day takes place on Tuesday 10th October and the theme for this year is “Mental Health is a universal human right’“.

Monaghan County Council and Healthy Monaghan are proud to support Monaghan Wellness Week 2023. The initiative is being led by the HSE, with partners from a number of stakeholders throughout Monaghan, including Monaghan County Council. Staff working across statutory and community agencies in Monaghan have come together to organise a range of events to highlight World Mental Health Day. The key focus of Monaghan Wellbeing Week is to promote mental health and wellbeing through access to a range of engaging programmes, both online and in-person.

Everyone in the county is encouraged to take time out to learn, talk, reflect, and engage with others around the topic of mental health and wellbeing, and to encourage anyone with mental health issues to reach out and avail of supports and services available. All events are FREE, registration is essential and can be done by contacting the organiser of that event directly or using the registration links provided in the schedule below: Monaghan Wellness Week, 9th – 13th October 2023 – Schedule

Scéim Athnuachana Bailte agus Sráidbhaile (TVRS) 2023

Tá an Scéim Athnuachana Bailte agus Sráidbhaile (TVRS), 2023, fógartha ag Heather Humphreys, TD, an tAire Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail, chun tacaíocht a thabhairt do thionscadail chaipitil bheaga agus mheánmhéide a fheabhsóidh timpeallacht lár bailte nó sráidbhailte. Idir €20,000 agus €500,000 a bheidh ar fáil sa mhaoiniú deontais le haghaidh tionscadal.

Tar éis sheoladh Thodhchaí Cheantair Thuaithe na hÉireann, agus Lár Bailte ar dTús, a lean, rinneadh roinnt leasuithe ar an Scéim Athnuachana Bailte agus Sráidbhaile. Le Todhchaí Cheantair Thuaithe na hÉireann feicfear infheistíocht mhéadaithe go dtí 2025 i mbonneagar cianoibre chun deis a thabhairt do dhaoine cónaí a bheith orthu i bpobail thuaithe fad is a leanann siad a gcuid uaillmhianta gairme.

Dearadh Scéim 2023 chun tacaíocht a thabhairt d’athnuachan cheantair thuaithe na hÉireann agus dírítear ar athchóiriú lár na mbailte agus feabhsú na beochta eacnamaíche agus sóisialta i gcomhréir leis an mbeartas, Lár Bailte ar dTús.

Díreofar i Scéim 2023 ar chuspóirí amhail:

  • Tionscadail a bhaineann le hAthchóiriú Bailte
  • Ár sráid-dreacha a fheabhsú
  • Spásanna glasa / áiseanna áineasa i lár bailte nó sráidbhailte
  • Ionaid phobail atá ann cheana a athchóiriú
  • Rogha nua chun a ligean d’údaráis áitiúla ceapacha talún nua a fháil chun forbairt athchóirithe bailte a éascú, amhail páirceanna, pláis i lár bailte, etc.
  • Foirgnimh fholmha dhearóile a úsáid arís agus iad ina spásanna ilfheidhme nó spásanna pobail
  • Tionscadail chun tacú le margaí i lár bailte nó sráidbhailte, e.g. margaí feirmeoirí nó margaí ceardaithe.
  • Forbairt plás i lár bailte/sráidbhailte


Díreoidh scéim 2023 ar thrí chatagóir Bailte/Sráidbhailte mar seo a leanas:

  • Catagóir 1: Bailte agus sráidbhailte ag a bhfuil daonra suas le 5,000 duine.
  • Catagóir 2: Bailte ag a bhfuil daonra idir 5,001 agus 10,000 duine.
  • Catagóir 3: Féadfaidh bailte móra a bhfuil daonra suas le 15,000 duine a bheith incháilithe i gcás ina bhfuil an t-iarratas ar ardchaighdeán agus leagtar amach ann riachtanas láidir le haghaidh na hinfheistíochta, luach maith ar airgead agus torthaí dearfacha a dhéanfaidh difear suntasach don bhaile.

Leibhéil na nDeontas

I gcás Scéim 2023, is é €20,000 an deontas íosta atá ar fáil.

Is é €500,000 an leibhéal uasta maoinithe deontais atá ar fáil le haghaidh iarratas amháin ó gach Údarás Áitiúil.

Beidh €250,000 ar a mhéad ar fáil le haghaidh 4 iarratas.

Ní mór 1 iarratas amháin a bheith bainteach le Bailte/Sráidbhailte nach bhfuil maoiniú faighte acu faoin nGnáthscéim Athnuachana Bailte agus Sráidbhaile sna 3 bliana roimhe sin.

De réir mar a bhí sé sna blianta roimhe seo, déanfar measúnú ar na hiarratais ar bhonn iomaíoch.

Is féidir tuilleadh eolais, Achoimre na Scéime agus na foirmeacha maidir le Léiriú Spéise san áireamh, a íoslódáil ó nó is féidir é a fháil ach teagmháil a dhéanamh le hAisling Kierans nó Robyn Flanagan, Roinn na Forbartha

Pobail, Comhairle Contae Mhuineacháin ar ríomhphost nó ar an bhfón ar 047 73707/73720.

Cinntigh go bhfuil an t-iarratas líonta amach ina iomláine agat sula gcuirfidh tú isteach é.

Ní mór gach Léiriú Spéise a bheith istigh tráth nach déanaí ná 5.00 pm, Dé Luain, 28 Lúnasa 2023 i ríomhphost chuig

Ní bhreithneofar Léiriú Spéise déanach tar éis an dáta deiridh.

Monaghan Sports Partnership – Sports Club Grant Scheme 2023

Monaghan Sports Partnership’s overall aim is to support and increase participation in Sport and Physical Activity. With this in mind, we are pleased to announce our Grant Programme for 2023 for sports clubs that provide activities of a sporting or physical activity nature and in particular projects that attract new members or which increase participation in an activity.

Online applications are now being accepted for assistance under this fund, which is available under three strands:

  • Strand 1:              Sports Club training / playing equipment

Eligible items – sports equipment (non-capital / non-personal)


  • Strand 2:              Sports Club Education and training supports

Eligible items – coaching and training course costs for sports club volunteers


  • Strand 3:              Sports Club Participation Initiative

 Apply online here

Eligible items – a new community-based initiative with a specific target group  

Clubs may apply (where eligible) for one or more of the strands listed – (terms and conditions apply)

Closing date for online applications:


Thursday 30th March 2023 at 5.00pm


Online application form, Guidelines (terms & conditions) and all relevant information is available at

General enquiries to Monaghan Sports Partnership office 042-9755126

Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBan

Cuireann Tionól na mBan Chontae Mhuineacháin
fáilte ó chroí romhat ag ‘Cruinniú Comhairle

Droim ar Ais’ chun aird a tharraingt ar

Lá Idirnáisiúnta na mBan.

Dáta: 8 Márta 2023 ag 3.00 p.m.
Ionad: Seomra na Comhairle, MTEK 1, Cnoc an Chonnaidh
Cláraigh ag:

Is é Téama na bliana seo #Glac le Cothromas, agus beidh Cathaoirleach Thionól na mBan, an Comhairleoir Cathy Bennett, sa chathaoir. Ag cruinniú seo na Comhairle, cuirtear inscne na gComhairleoirí droim ar ais, mar sin, seachas 16 Comhairleoir fear agus 2 Chomhairleoir ban, beidh 16 Comhairleoir ban agus 2 Chomhairleoir fear againn.

Is é an cuspóir a bhaineann leis seo ná, ar dtús, aird a tharraingt ar an éagothroime seo i gcomhdhéanamh ár gcomhairlí tuaithe, agus ansin, chun feasacht a ardú ar obair agus ról na mban sa rialtas áitiúil. Táimid ag súil le tú a fheiceáil ann!