Launch of Scotshouse Community Text Alert

There was a huge attendance at the launch of Scotshouse Community Text Alert on Wednesday night, 20th March 2019. The meeting was attended by well over a hundred people, who were keen to sign up to the new county-wide service which is being backed by Monaghan County Council and An Garda Síochána in an innovative move which co-ordinates the 26 local text alert groups which are active in the county. The scheme also enables people living in parts of the county which are not covered by an active community alert group to also receive Garda alerts, effectively extending Community Alert to cover the entire county for the first time.

Speakers at the meeting included Carol Lambe, Community Development Officer for Monaghan County Council, who oversaw the development of the Monaghan Community Alerts project. She explained that people with smartphones can access the service by downloading the Komeer app onto their phone, and searching for ‘Monaghan Community Alerts’, then entering their email address or joining up through their Facebook account. People who don’t have a smartphone can receive the service to their ordinary mobile phone as a text message. To sign up to receive the service as a text user, you must complete a Sign-Up form and return it to either the Council, your local community alert group or a Garda station. Sign up forms are available in all Garda stations and Council offices and libraries, and from local Community Alert committee members.

Also speaking in Scotshouse was Garda Crime Prevention Officer, Sgt Mick Duffy, who had brought along the Property Marking Machine to demonstrate how it works. This is another project which has been overseen by Monaghan County Council, and which grew from the Joint Policing Committee, in response to an identified need to find ways to prevent crime, especially theft in rural communities. The machine stamps the item owner’s Eircode into the item. Warning stickers and signage then are used to draw the thief’s attention to the fact that the items are marked, to deter thieves from targeting the property in the area. It also makes it very simple to re-unite a person with their property if the Gardai recover stolen goods, as the Eircode immediately links that item back to where it came from.

Sgt. Duffy demonstrated how quick and easy it is to mark items, and Chairman Eoin Condren confirmed that the Committee intends to book the property marking machine very shortly, taking another step towards making Scotshouse one of the safest places to live in County Monaghan.

The property marking machine is available free of charge to communities, sports clubs and businesses who want to mark items they feel are at risk of theft. It can mark anything from mobile phones up to trailers. To book the machine, phone the Community section in Monaghan County Council on 047 30500 and ask for Fionnuala Mulligan or Carol Lambe.


CLÁR Scheme 2019


CLÁR is a targeted investment programme for rural areas that aims to provide funding for small infrastructural projects in areas that experience disadvantage at Schools /Community Facilities. CLÁR 2019 includes new measures to support rural communities. Measures 1, 2 and 3(c) will be managed by Monaghan County Council and Measure 3 (a) & (b) will be managed directly by the Department of Rural and Community Development.

The measures being funded under 2019 CLÁR Funding Scheme are:

Measure 1:       Support for Schools/Community Safety measures
Measure 2:      Play Areas (including Multi-Use Games Areas)
Measure 3:      Community Wellbeing Supports (new in 2019), comprising:

a – First Response Support

b – Mobility and Cancer Care Transport

c – Sensory Gardens


Measure 1       Support for Schools/Community Safety Measures

Up to 90% funding available


Eligible Interventions:

  • Amber Safety Lights
  • Child Safety Lights
  • Speed Safety Lights
  • Pedestrian Crossings
  • Access footpaths
  • Bus Shelters
  • Car Parking Facilities
  • Public Lighting

Grant Range varies but up to € 50,000


Measure 2       Play Areas (including Multi Use Game Area – MUGAs)

Up to 90% funding available

Grant Range € 5,000 to € 50,000


Measure 3 (a & b) Community Wellbeing Supports

a – First Response Support Measures

b – Mobility & Cancer Care Transport

Managed directly by the Department of Rural & Community Development, Rural Schemes, Government Offices, Ballina, Co Mayo F26 E8N6 – Phone – (076)1064900


Measure 3 (c) Community Wellbeing Supports

c- Sensory Gardens

This year’s programme will also, for the first time, provide funding for the development of specialist sensory gardens and complementary play equipment. These gardens are designed to stimulate the senses and can be of benefit in enhancing the quality of life for people with a diverse range of life challenges.


Measures 3a and 3b will mainly be operated directly by the Department of Rural & Community Development and will be open to established organisations/groups that operate entirely on a voluntary basis, and who are involved in (i) emergency rescue/first response efforts or (ii) in the provision of transport services, free of charge, to people requiring wheelchair accessible vehicles to access day care or other medical therapy or respite services and/or those requiring transport to/from hospitals for treatment under the National Cancer Care Programme.

Measure 3(c) will be operated by Local Authorities as lead partners, in cooperation with voluntary groups involved in the provision of services for people with disabilities. Any group considering a project for inclusion under Measure 3 (c) must consult with the Municipal District Office for the area in which the proposed project is located.

Application forms and guidelines are available on  or by email to

Completed Applications for Measures 1, 2 and 3(c) should be returned to, CLÁR 2019 Applications, Community Development Section, Monaghan County Council, The Glen, Monaghan.


Closing date for receipt of applications by Monaghan County Council is 12 noon on Monday 8th April 2019.


Applications received after this deadline will not be considered.


Download Forms and Guidelines here:

Clár Map (PDF)

Measure 1: Support for Schools/Community Safety Measures Application Form (MS Word)

Measure 2: Support for Play Areas (including MUGA’s) Application Form (MS Word)

Measure 3(c) Community Wellbeing Support – Sensory Gardens Application Form (MS Word)

CLÁR 2018 Measures Guidelines (MS Word)

CLÁR List Of DED’s (PDF)


Data Protection:

CLÁR Scheme 2019 Privacy Notice

Funding for National Community Weekend – May 4th – 6th 2019

Funding for National Community Weekend – May 4th – 6th 2019



This week, the Minister for Rural and Community Development, Mr Michael Ring, TD, will launch a National Community Weekend, to be held for the first time over the May Holiday weekend, 4th to 6th of May 2019.

Monaghan Local Community Development Committee will be asking local communities to come up with ideas for events in their areas.  Events can be centred around food, sport, the environment or health and culture.

The event is a celebration of the great spirit of community that exists across the country and an effort to help people who share communities to come together, get to know each other and deepen the sense of community in their area.

Events will take place over the May Holiday weekend of 4th to 6th May 2019. The success of this initiative will lie in having local communities come together to plan events that will work best for their area. This celebration belongs to everyone.

We will not tell communities what they should do, events will be very much driven by communities. These could include themes around sport, history, baking, anything that will help neighbours to come together.

The event is a chance for people to foster a sense of helping each other by coming together, not just on that day, but hopefully all year round. It’s the chance for everyone to get to know all members of their community, to reconnect with neighbours and have a celebration together that is open, inclusive and local.

Applications for funding to support local events is now open and will close on Monday 1st April at 5pm

Who can apply?

  • Applications are welcome from community and voluntary groups/organisations and residents’ committees within County Monaghan.
  • Applicants must register with County Monaghan Public Participation Network if they are not already registered:
  • Applications to Community Development Section, Monaghan County Council, Glen Road, Monaghan, H18 YT50 or by 5pm on Monday, 1st April 2019.


The Big Hello Welcome Pack and Event Invitations

The Big Hello Welcome Pack (PDF)

The Big Hello Event Invitation (PDF) 

Important Files

National Community Application Form (MS Word)

National Community Guidelines Monaghan LCDC (MS Word )


Data Protection

National Community Weekend Funding Scheme Privacy Notice

New Departure on Rights of Persons with Disabilities as Formal Committee Begins Work in Monitoring Ireland’s Obligations

New Departure on Rights of Persons with Disabilities as Formal Committee Begins Work in Monitoring Ireland’s Obligations


Eleven people will today be formally appointed to serve on the first ever statutory advisory committee in Ireland to support monitoring of Ireland’s implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

The eleven members are appointed to their roles on the Disability Advisory Committee by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (the Commission). The Disability Advisory Committee, made up of a majority of people with disabilities is brought together by the Commission to support its statutory function of monitoring Ireland’s implementation of the UN Convention.

The CRPD was ratified in 2018 more than a decade after being first signed by Ireland and is now in force. Ireland is expected to produce its first report to the United Nations in Geneva on its implementation of the Convention in 2020. Article 33 of the Convention requires an independent mechanism to monitor the implementation, a role which will be fulfilled by the Commission.

The appointments to the Disability Advisory Committee are for a three-year term and come after an open competitive process. Eleven people are being appointed with a significant majority of members being people with disabilities.

Monaghan County Council is delighted the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission has appointed its Social Inclusion Officer, Bernie Bradley to the Disability Advisory Committee. Bernie has worked in the area of accessibility and equality for 25 years, working in both community and voluntary sector and public sector. Since 2004 she has worked in the local government sector leading significant cultural and organisational change in equality and accessibility in Monaghan County Council. Bernie has developed numerous policies and initiatives to improve accessibility for people with disabilities that have been implemented in local authorities throughout the country. Bernie holds a Master’s Degree in Public Management and a Professional Diploma in Human Rights and Equality. Bernie’s appointment is a reflection on the significant progress achieved by Monaghan County Council  in the area of inclusion, equality and accessibility in the county over the past fifteen years.

Speaking on the appointment, Monaghan County Council Chief Executive, Eamonn O’Sullivan, said “I very much welcome the appointment of Monaghan County Council Social Inclusion Officer Bernie Bradley to this very important National committee. It is a recognition not only of the important role performed by Local Authorities across the country, and by Monaghan County Council in particular, but to the many years of commitment that Bernie Bradley has given in her role in the Council as Accessibility Officer and Social Inclusion Officer. I wish Bernie well in her role and I am sure that she will be a very valuable part of the committee for its three-year term”.

As set out under Section 18 of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014, the Chair and Vice Chair must be Members of the Commission.

According to Census 2016, over 13% or over 643,000 people in Ireland have a disability. Research published recently by the Commission with the ESRI has shown that people with disabilities continue to experience higher levels of discrimination compared to those without.

Emily Logan, Chief Commissioner of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission stated:

 “The question of how Ireland meets its obligations under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities must be put in the spotlight.  This new Disability Advisory Committee will be an important mechanism to ensure that the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission can fulfil its mandate to hold the State to account on the rights of people with disabilities.

“The Members of the Disability Advisory Committee bring with them significant personal and professional experience, and wide expertise in relation to the rights of persons with disabilities in Ireland.”

New Departure on Rights of Persons with Disabilities as Formal Committee Begins Work in Monitoring Ireland’s Obligations

The full listing of the eleven Members being appointed is below, including biographies provided by the Members themselves.

Photos of the Members are available at the following link: 



Centenarians in Monaghan

Centenarians in Monaghan

The first meeting of Dáil Éireann took place in Dublin’s Mansion House on 21 January 1919. Monaghan County Council will be marking 100th anniversary of this historic occasion.
As part of this celebration, Monaghan Age Friendly Programme would like to make a small presentation to the people in the county who were alive on January 21st 1919.
If you have a family member, neighbour or friend who is 100 or over and currently living in County Monaghan, we would love to get in touch with them.
For further information contact:
Bernie Bradley
Age Friendly Programme
Monaghan County Council
047 73727
Centenarians in Monaghan

Last call for submissions to Draft Community Plans for Oram, Emyvale, Newbliss/ Killeevan and Scotshouse

Last call for submissions to Draft Community Plans for Oram, Emyvale, Newbliss/ Killeevan and Scotshouse

The public consultation period closes this weekend on the draft Community Plans for the following four communities.


You can access the draft plans, and can access a quick feedback form for each plan here:



Draft Plan for Newbliss:

Feedback Form for Newbliss:



Draft Plan for Oram:

Feedback Form for Oram:



Draft Plan for Scotshouse:

Feedback Form for Scotshouse:



Draft Plan for Emyvale:

Feedback Form for Emyvale:

Monaghan County Council Community & Environment Funding Scheme 2019

Monaghan County Council Community & Environment Funding Scheme 2019

Monaghan County Council is committed to supporting local communities to promote, enhance and develop their local area. This commitment is supported by the annual Community and Environment Funding Scheme.

We are now inviting applications for the 2019 funding scheme.

Funding is available under the following three measures.

Measure 1: Community Infrastructure Supports

The community infrastructure supports measures aims to develop and enhance local community facilities and amenities in County Monaghan.

Measure 2: Community Development Supports

The community development support measure aims to support local communities to promote and encourage community participation and engagement throughout the county.

Measure 3: Environmental Supports

The environmental supports measure aims to support local communities, resident’s committees and tidy towns groups to deliver projects that enhance the appearance and improve the quality of the environment in their area.

Guidelines on criteria and application forms for the Community & Environment Funding Scheme 2019 can be requested:

Application forms are available here: Community Environment Grant Scheme Application Form 2019 (MS Word Doc)

If you would like support completing your application, you can make an appointment with a member of the community development team at any of the contact points listed above.



Data Protection

Community & Environment Grants Scheme


Social Enterprise Development Fund

Social Enterprise Development Fund

What is the Social Enterprise Development Fund?

The Social Enterprise Development Fund is a €1.6 million fund which will be delivered over two years; 2018 – 2020. The fund was created by Social Innovation Fund Ireland (SIFI) in partnership with Local Authorities Ireland and is funded by IPB Insurance and the Department of Rural and Community Development. The Department of Rural and Community Development provides match funding for all funds raised by Social Innovation Fund Ireland, through the Dormant Accounts Fund.

The objective of the fund is to find and back social enterprises that have developed a project that will add to the social and economic fabric of their community by way of social impact. The fund will provide critical support to the most innovative and impactful projects proposed by social enterprises across Ireland.

Eamonn O’ Sullivan, Chief Executive of Monaghan County Council expressed that “The Social Enterprise Development Fund presents a great opportunity for social enterprises to achieve their goals and ultimately create measurable social impact in their communities and across Ireland. We hope to see all of Monaghan’s innovative social enterprise projects apply to be part of this excellent funding initiative in 2019.”

What does the Social Enterprise Development Fund offer?

Cash Grants

In 2019, the fund will support up to 16 Social Enterprises with cash grants and a place on the Accelerator Programme.

  • Two Social Enterprises will receive a cash grant of €50,000
  • Two Social Enterprises will receive a cash grant of €30,000
  • Two Social Enterprises will receive a cash grant of €20,000
  • Ten Social Enterprises will receive a cash grant of €10,000

The grants will be awarded to the best social enterprises in each of the following categories:

  • Best Social Enterprise – Urban
  • Best Social Enterprise – Town
  • Best Social Enterprise – Rural

A minimum of three winners will come from each of the categories.

Accelerator Programme

All successful applicants will win a place on Ireland’s only National Accelerator Programme specifically designed for social enterprises. The Accelerator Programme will equip social enterprises with the skills they need to scale up and deepen their social impact.

This intensive and practical 6-month programme provides training from best-in-class experts in the private, non-profit and public sector on key functions such as Strategic Planning, Impact Measurement, Financial Management, Governance, Business Modelling, Pitching, Storytelling and more. The Accelerator Programme also includes the financing of bespoke business and mentoring supports tailored to the needs of each organisation, such as market research, marketing plans and online impact strategies.

Final Pitch

This year, Social Innovation Fund Ireland have introduced an exciting new element to the Fund.  At the close of the Accelerator Programme, each participating social enterprise will have the opportunity to pitch for a share of a €100,000 cash grant.

This further investment will be granted to the social enterprises which demonstrate the greatest potential for future impact and growth.

Who can apply for The Social Enterprise Development Fund?

We are seeking applications from social enterprises that:

  • Have a clear social mission that addresses a critical social issue
  • Generate income from goods or services
  • Are already up and running
  • Reinvest any surplus into achieving their mission
  • Have a not-for-profit legal form
  • Are separate from government and state agencies
  • Have their s its main impact in the Republic of Ireland

How to apply to the Social Enterprise Development Fund

The Social Enterprise Development Fund has been streamlined in order to allow for a more efficient open-call for applications. This year the open-call comprises of two stages:

Stage 1

Applications are open from the 15th November until the 25th January. At this point, applicants are invited to complete a short application form. Based on this initial form, Social Innovation Fund Ireland will identify a shortlist of applicants who will be invited to submit further information..

Stage 2

Shortlisted applicants will be invited to complete a more detailed application form on request. The submission deadline for the second stage of the application is 28th February 2019.

To find out more visit: 



Drumhowan and Killanny Honoured at Pride of Place Awards 2018

Drumhowan and Killanny Honoured at Pride of Place Awards 2018

Last Saturday night, 17th November 2018, representatives from Drumhowan Community and Killanny CPR Group, accompanied by Monaghan County Council’s Leas Cathaoirleach, Cllr. Colm Carthy and Development Officer, Carol Lambe, made their way to Cork City Hall to join over eight hundred of Ireland’s brightest and best community leaders at the Gala Awards for the All Ireland IPB Pride of Place competition.

The competition acknowledges the work that communities are doing all over the island of Ireland, and seeks to recognise the voluntary effort that often goes unrewarded, but which is so essential to making a community a great place to live. The competition focus is about people coming together to shape, change and improve daily lives in their communities. Communities are nominated to represent their local authority area by their local Council.  There are a number of categories, with communities of similar size competing in five population-based categories, followed by a number of theme-based categories, covering issues which make a difference to the quality of life in an area, such as ‘Wellbeing Initiative’, ‘Creative Place Initiative’, and ‘Community Tourism Initiative’.

Drumhowan represented Co. Monaghan in the 300-1000 population category, while Killanny CPR group proudly competed in the Community Wellbeing Initiative category. Adjudication took place back in September, when two judges spent three hours in each of the communities, visiting the area and talking both to the committee to gain an understanding of the work that had been achieved, and to the people of the area to hear the impact the work of the group is having.

The two categories the Co. Monaghan entries were competing in saw the largest entries in the competition, and were hotly contested, with the Co. Monaghan entrants losing out on this occasion.  The winner in Drumhowan’s category was Balla, Co. Mayo, of which the judges said “It is rarely that the judges visit a place where virtually everybody encountered is on cue regarding sustained co-operative effort and what it takes to maintain a sustainable community” – high praise indeed. The winner in the Community Wellbeing Initiative category was the Gary Kelly Cancer Support Centre in Drogheda.

Speaking at the awards last Saturday, Cllr. Colm Carthy was high in his praise of the community sector in Co. Monaghan.  “We are very lucky in Co. Monaghan to be blessed with a strong tradition of volunteering and community development. You only need to look around the county and see the quality of the community centres and GAA pitches to appreciate the level of commitment and the calibre of volunteers which stand behind those amenities.”  Cllr Carthy continued, “Co. Monaghan may have come away empty handed from tonight’s proceedings, but these groups are winners in our eyes, and in the eyes of their communities.  The people of Co. Monaghan are also winners, benefiting every day from the extraordinary work that volunteers do all over the county. Monaghan County Council is proud to support Drumhowan Community Group and Killanny CPR, and to support the community sector throughout the county.”

Carol Lambe, Community Development Officer with Monaghan County Council, travelled to Cork as liaison for the competition. She said; “Monaghan County Council is so proud of every single community group and the work that they do. There can’t be a safer community in Ireland to have a heart attack in than Killanny, thanks to JB and his team; over 50% of the homes in the parish have at least one person trained in CPR, a phenomenal feat, especially when the statistics tell us that you are most likely to use your CPR skills on a family member or someone you know.   And surely there can’t be a happier place on earth than Drumhowan! I hear that a recent home buyer in the area was ecstatic to learn that their official address was in Drumhowan, as they’d heard so much about the community before they made the decision to move there.  We are delighted to be involved in Pride of Place again this year, and hope to do so for many years to come.”

2018 was the 16th year of this annual competition, described as the ‘Oscars of the Community Sector’, which celebrates the often unsung work of community groups that selflessly work to make local neighbourhoods a better place to live in, work in or visit. Organised by Co-Operation Ireland and sponsored by IPB Insurance, the Pride of Place awards sees the country’s local authorities, on both sides of the border, nominate outstanding projects that contribute to civic pride.

Speaking at the awards last Saturday, Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Mick Finn said: “Cork has a strong tradition of volunteerism and community action and we are delighted to be partners in the Pride of Place competition.   The Gala Awards evening is a unique opportunity to celebrate the best in community development and recognises the invaluable efforts of those who glue our communities together”.

Tom Dowling, Chairperson of Pride of Place, expressed his delight “that after 16 years the competition continues to embed itself in the very heart of the Island of Ireland’s communities and gives them the opportunity to highlight the proud and amazing achievements of their place directly to the judges. I wish them continued success and we are all looking forward to meeting all the nominated groups for a great night in the wonderful exciting city of Cork”.

Peter Sheridan, Chief Executive of Co-operation Ireland said: “Pride of Place deserves its position as one of the most prestigious community awards on the island of Ireland and Co-operation Ireland is delighted that it continues to go from strength to strength.

“From Donegal through Northern Ireland and in counties all the way to Cork, communities have been reaping the rewards of the hard work carried out by the community groups who make Pride of Place what it is.”

Chairman of IPB Insurance, George Jones said: “Pride of Place is an important platform as it recognises those who give freely of their time to make where they come from a better place to live and work. It is clear that working together and getting things done increases people’s pride in where they live and in turn helps build vibrant sustainable communities.”

More information:

Picture below are the Co. Monaghan entrants at Pride of Place Awards, Cork City Hall, 17th November 2018 

Back row l to r  Killanny CPR Delegates John Byrne, Noeleen Byrne, Aoife Byrne,  Cllr Colm Carthy

Front row l to r  Drumhowan Delegates Margaret Duffy, Mary Duffy, Bernard McGinnity, Una McGinnity, Tommy McArdle, Gerry Finnegan

Drumhowan and Killanny Honoured at Pride of Place Awards 2018

Stand Up Awareness Week is taking place from November 12th-16th, 2018.

Stand Up Awareness Week is taking place from November 12th-16th, 2018.

As part of Stand Up Week, Monaghan Comhairle na nÓg are inviting all second-level schools in County Monaghan to join them and take a stand against homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. This year, the youth council have implemented a number of initiatives to show support to their LGBT friends in their schools and communities. The latest is the launch of their short video “The Real Me” which took place at their AGM in the Four Seasons Hotel on the 25th October.

Stand Up week is an opportunity for schools to look at how they can make them safe and supportive places for LGBTI+ students. It is unacceptable that one in five young LGBTI+ people face bullying, and that 70% of young LGBTI+ students feel unsafe at school. BeLonG To are working hard to educate and train the entire school community around supporting LGBTI+ young people. Monaghan Comhairle na nÓg are happy to be showing their support for this national initiative during Stand Up Awareness Week.