Air Pollution Licensing


Whilst many major industrial activities will require an Industrial Emissions licence from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) there are certain industrial activities which do not come under the remit of EPA licencing, but which may require an air emissions licence from Monaghan County Council under the Air Pollution Act, 1987, (Licensing of Industrial Plant) Regulations, 1988.

If you operate a facility which requires licensing under the Air Pollution Act, 1987, (Licensing of Industrial Plant) Regulations, 1988, please note the following steps.

Step 1 :

Download a copy of the Monaghan County Council Air Emissions licence application form (DOC).

Step 2:

Complete application form and ensure all questions detailed in the form are comprehensively considered and answered appropriately.

Step 3:

Prepare the plans, maps and drawings which should include a description of the emitting building and where the emissions are planned to be made.

Step 4:

Prepare a notice to be placed within the local newspaper to inform local residents that an application is being made and what it is for. A copy of the newspaper in which you place the notice must be included when submitting your application.

Step 5:

Send a fee of €126 along with your completed application to the following address. Ensure that the documentation outlined in Steps 1 to 4 are included in your application.

Environmental Services
Monaghan County Council
Civic Centre
Riverside Road
Co. Monaghan.
A81 RY22

If you have any questions or queries regarding your application for a licence, then please get in touch using the details below.


Tel:042 9661240