Bathing Waters are an important amenity, valuable for both their tourism and recreational potential. It is important that they are afforded the appropriate protections in accordance with legislation, including the European Union’s Bathing Waters Directive. The Directive requires that water quality at all designated bathing waters meets stringent microbiological standards in order to protect the health of people who choose to bathe there.
Whilst County Monaghan does not have any designated bathing waters our Environmental Services staff do monitor locations that are frequently used for bathing. The areas that we monitor in County Monaghan are known as non-designated bathing waters.
Sampling at the non-designated bathing waters
Monaghan County Council will take samples on a monthly basis from June to September at the following amenity and recreation locations:
- Creevy Lake
- Emy Lough
- Gortnawinny Lake
- Greaghlone Lake
- Halton’s River (Dromore Lake System)
- Hollywood Lake
- Lough Major
- Lough Muckno
- Lough Muckno Black Island Point
- Lough Muckno Water Sports Area
The amenity and recreation sites listed above shall be assessed for compliance with the water quality standards specified in the 2008 Bathing Water Regulations, using the two microbiological parameters, Intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli (e-coli). Samples will be taken and analysed by our contracted laboratory. It takes -3-4 days for the results of sampling to be completed and returned by the lab. The planned monitoring is aimed at providing an overall assessment of water quality and there is no absolute guarantee that on the day you choose to visit there may not be a problem. Water quality can vary significantly during the day, and from day to day, due e.g. to the influences of rain or sunshine and also the number of bathers using the water at any time. Bathing water quality is however at its most vulnerable after heavy rainfall, or in stormy conditions, which may give rise to higher bacterial counts than normal.
In the event of the detection of a Poor Quality Result. The council will:
- Erect a notice at the site advising not to swim
- Put the results on its website
- Arrange for a further sample to be taken.
Whilst sampling the presence of algal blooms may be recorded by the sampler. In this event Monaghan County Council will erect a notice at the site.
Results 2024
Monitoring Results September 2024
Monitoring Results August 2024
Monitoring Results July 2024 2
Results 2023
Monitoring Results September 2023
Monitoring Results August 2023 2
Monitoring Results August 2023
Monitoring Results July 2023 _2
Results 2022
Monitoring Results_September 2022
Lough Muckno_ Additional Monitoring August 2022
Monitoring Results August 2022
Algal Blooms
During the summer months in particular algal blooms may be recorded by our sampling team on some of Monaghan’s lakes. In this event Monaghan County Council will erect a notice at the site. Algae are a natural phenomenon in many lakes in Ireland. When lake waters are enriched the algae may multiply significantly, particularly during warm weather conditions. Enrichment of lakes occurs due to excessive phosphorus and nitrogen which are often a direct result of human activities agricultural activities, (such as farmyard run-off & chemical fertilizer application), and municipal & industrial waste discharges.
Algal blooms often result in discolouration of the water and a scum may develop on the water surface. Although an ‘algal bloom/scum’ is not always harmful, contact with affected water can cause illnesses such as skin rashes, eye irritation, vomiting and diarrhoea. It is advisable not to swim or paddle in waters with an algal bloom.
In certain cases, algal blooms and related scums can be harmful to dogs and other animals. Farmers and dog owners should prevent access by their animals to waters where an algal bloom is evident.
If you have any further questions or queries regarding the sampling of our non-designated bathing waters or in relation to algal blooms, please contact Environmental Services.
Tel: 042 9661240