Draft Waste Bye-Laws 2019

Pursuant to Section 35(1) of the Waste Management Act 1996 as amended and Section 199(1) of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended and in accordance with Part 19 of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended, Monaghan County Council proposes to make a bye-law entitled ‘County of Monaghan (Segregation, Storage and Presentation of Household and Commercial Waste) Bye-Laws, 2019.

The purpose of making the bye-law is to ensure that households and businesses provide evidence of participation in an authorised waste collection service, use approved receptacles and storage, appropriately segregate waste and remove hazardous waste and ensure that an orderly waste collection is carried out in County Monaghan.

The penalties proposed for contravention of the bye-law is a fixed payment notice of €75 to be paid within 21 days and failing payment of the fixed penalty notice a maximum penalty on conviction of €2,500. Penalties for continued offences post-conviction are also provided for.

A copy of the proposed bye-law is available for inspection at the offices of Environmental Services, Monaghan County Council, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan between the hours of 9am – 5.pm, Monday to Friday for an eight-week period from Thursday 10th  October  until the 5th December  2019 or at the link below. A copy of the draft bye-law may be obtained by any person on the payment to Monaghan County Council of such fee (if any) as the local authority fixes not exceeding the reasonable cost of copying it.


Dréacht Fhodhlíthe (Dramhaíl Teaghlaigh Agus Tráchtála A Leithlisiú, A Stóráil Agus A Thabhairt I Láthair), 2019 (PDF)

Draft Waste Presentation Bye Laws 2019 (PDF)


Monaghan County Council will consider any submissions in relation to the draft bye-law which are submitted in writing to:

Administrative Officer

Environment Section,

Monaghan County Council,

Riverside Road


Co. Monaghan

Or by email to waste@monaghancoco.ie


for a further period ending on 12th  December 2019 at 5pm. It is also proposed through the above Bye-Laws to revoke existing Bye-Laws entitled “County of Monaghan (Collection, storage and presentation of waste and certain related waste management matters) Bye-Laws 2008.


Tá cóip den Dréacht-Fhodhlíthe le fail as Gaeilge agus fáiltíonn an Comhairle roimh aighneacht i nGaeilge .


Adge King

Director of Services